Build conveyor belts and pipes Use conveyor belts and pipes to route products efficiently and relieve stress on truck-based logistics. The transport system supports vertical stacking and auto-pathing for easy placement. Balancers and sorters also help organize your assembly lines by providing priority and sorting functionalities.
Build vehicles and transport products Logistics systems ensure that trucks will automatically deliver products where they are most needed. You can configure the logistics to make it more efficient. Don’t forget to build enough trucks or upgrade existing ones to keep things moving!
Expand your colony and support your people. To staff your factories, farms, and vehicles, you need people, and lots of them. Build housing and provide essential goods to your citizens such as food, water, electricity, healthcare and household items. The population will grow on its own based on its health and happiness, but you can also recruit and rescue populations on the world map to help your island.
Farm your land You need to feed your people by growing simple crops such as potatoes. Later, you will be able to grow more advanced crops such as wheat or soybeans and process them to make more kinds of food and products. You can also produce fertilizers and use greenhouses to keep up with the food demands.
Land your crew on an abandoned island! Mine raw materials, grow food, build factories, craft products, research technologies and trade with others. Become an industrial giant! It won't be easy to keep your colony alive.
Viige oma väike meeskond mahajäetud saarele ja jääge ellu! Kaevandage toorainet, kasvatage toitu, ehitage tehaseid, valmistage tooteid, uurige uusi tehnoloogiaid ja kaubelge teistega. Saage tööstuslikuks suurriigiks! See pole lihtne ülesanne, sest teie asum pannakse proovile. Püüdke seda elus hoida.
Farm your land You need to feed your people by growing simple crops such as potatoes. Later, you will be able to grow more advanced crops such as wheat or soybeans and process them to make more kinds of food and products. You can also produce fertilizers and use greenhouses to keep up with the food demands.
Cultive sa a tua terra Você pPrecisas de alimentar seu povo cultivando batatas em fazendas. Mas isso não será suficientea população com culturas simples como batatas. Mais tarde, você poderá cultivar diferentes culturs plantar culturas mais avançadas como trigo, ou soja e processá-las para fazer mais tipos de alimentos e produtos. Você tTambém podes produzir fertilizantes e usar estufas para atender às demandas defazer face á crescente procura por alimentos.
Farm your land You need to feed your people by growing simple crops such as potatoes. Later, you will be able to grow more advanced crops such as wheat or soybeans and process them to make more kinds of food and products. You can also produce fertilizers and use greenhouses to keep up with the food demands.
Cultiva a tua terra Precisas de alimentar a população com culturas simples como batatas. Mais tarde, poderás plantar culturas mais avançadas como trigo, ou soja e processá-las para fazer mais tipos de alimentos e produtos. Também podes produzir fertilizantes e usar estufas para fazer face á crescente procura por alimentos.
Land your crew on an abandoned island! Mine raw materials, grow food, build factories, craft products, research technologies and trade with others. Become an industrial giant! It won't be easy to keep your colony alive.
Jogo de simulação de colónia e indústria. Sozinho com a tua equipa local, expande uma pequena colóniAtraca a tua tripulação de sobreviventes numa ilha abandonada de sobreviventes num império industrial! Desde uma ilha abandonada até vastas! Minera recursos, cultiva alimentos, constrói faábricas, lfaboratóririca produtos, de pesquisa e programas espaciais. Constrói, mina, terraforma, explorsenvolve novas tecnologias e negoceia com outros. Torna-te um gigante da Indústria! Mas a tarefa de ocupa-te dmanter a tua colónia! não será fácil.
Land your crew on an abandoned island! Mine raw materials, grow food, build factories, craft products, research technologies and trade with others. Become an industrial giant! It won't be easy to keep your colony alive.
Atraca a tua tripulação de sobreviventes numa ilha abandonada e sobrevive! Minera recursos, cultiva alimentos, constrói fábricas, fabrica produtos, desenvolve novas tecnologias e negoceia com outros. Torna-te um gigante da Indústria! Mas a tarefa de manter a tua colónia não será fácil.
Import and export resources to and from your island Establish shipping lanes with cargo ships to fill the gaps in your production by bringing in various products such as crude oil, wood, or quartz. While the resources on your island may be limited, the world is not! Later you will be also able to establish shipping contracts with other islands for periodic exchange of goods.
Importa e exporta recursos a partir da tua ilha Estabelece rotas de navegação com navios de carga de forma a preencher lacunas na tua produção trazendo vários produtos tais como petróleo, madeira ou quartzo. Apesar dos recursos na tua ilha serem limitados, o mundo não é! Posteriormente irás também ser capaz de estabelecer contratos de fornecimento com outras ilhas para troca de bens periódica.
Import and export resources to and from your island Establish shipping lanes with cargo ships to fill the gaps in your production by bringing in various products such as crude oil, wood, or quartz. While the resources on your island may be limited, the world is not! Later you will be also able to establish shipping contracts with other islands for periodic exchange of goods.
Importa e exporta recursos a partir da tua ilha Estabelece rotas de navegação com navios de carga de forma a preencher lacunas na tua produção trazendo vários produtos tais como petróleo, madeira ou quartzo. Apesar dos recursos na tua ilha serem limitados, o mundo não é! Posteriormente irás também ser capaz de estabelecer contratos de fornecimento com outras ilhas para troca de bens periódica.
Land your crew on an abandoned island! Mine raw materials, grow food, build factories, craft products, research technologies and trade with others. Become an industrial giant! It won't be easy to keep your colony alive.
Lande mit deiner Crew auf einer Insel und überlebe! Baue Rohstoffe ab, pflanze Lebensmittel an, baue Fabriken, stelle Produkte her, erforsche neue Technologien und handele mit anderen. Werde eine industrielle Supermacht! Halte deine Siedlung am Leben.
Build conveyor belts and pipes Use conveyor belts and pipes to route products efficiently and relieve stress on truck-based logistics. The transport system supports vertical stacking and auto-pathing for easy placement. Balancers and sorters also help organize your assembly lines by providing priority and sorting functionalities.
Nutzen SiBaue Förderbänder und Rohre Nutze Förderbänder und Rohre, um Produkte effizient zu transportieren und die LKW-astwagenbasierte Logistik zu entlasten. Das Transportsystem unterstützt die vertikale Stapelung und die Auto-Wegeführung für eine einfache Platzierung. BalancAusgleicher und Sortierer helfen auch bei der Organisation Ihrer Montagelinien, indem sie Prioritäts- und Sortierfunktionen bieten.
Your journey will start on an abandoned island with a small crew of loyal workers. In order to survive, you will need to mine raw materials from the earth, grow food, build factories, manufacture products, construct vehicles, research new technologies, explore your surroundings, and trade with other islands. If you do things right, you'll work your way up towards an industrial superpower and you can even start a space program! But this is no easy task and you will be put to the test to keep your settlement alive.
Deine Reise wird mit einer kleinen Mannschaft von Überlebenden auf einer verlassenen Insel beginnen. Um zu überleben musst du Rohstoffe abbauen, NahrungLebensmittel anbauen, Fabriken bauen, Produkte herstellen, Fahrzeuge bauen, neue Technologien erforschen, die Umgebung erkunden und mit anderen Inseln handeln. Wenn du alles richtig machst, wirst du zu einer industriellen Supermacht voranschreiten und sogar ein Weltraumprogramm starten können! Aber das ist keine leichte Aufgabe und du wirst auf die Probe gestellt, um die Siedlung am Leben zu erhalten.
Build complex oil and chemical refineries Break crude oil down into different usable fractions using multiple refining stages. With the ability to stack pipes you can create compact and scalable plants that can make all the oil-based products you will need for your growing empire.
Erkunde die Welt, handle mit Verbündeten, kämpfe gegen Piraten
Repariere und verbessere dein Schiff mit besseren Motoren, besserer PBaue komplexe Öl- und Chemische Raffinerien. Zerlege Rohöl in verschiedenen Raffinerieverfahren in unterschiedliche Fraktionen. Durch die Möglichkeit die Rohre übereinanzderung und besseren Waffen. Erkunde deine Umgebung, finde Flüchtlinge, verbündete Siedlungen zum handeln, entdecke mehr Ressourcen und sei bereit für Seeschl zu bauen, kannst du kompakte und erweiterbare Anlagen errichten, die alle ölbasierten Produkte erzeugen können, die du für den wachtsen mit läsdes Imperium benötigen Pwiraten!st.
Build vehicles and transport products Logistics systems ensure that trucks will automatically deliver products where they are most needed. You can configure the logistics to make it more efficient. Don’t forget to build enough trucks or upgrade existing ones to keep things moving!
Baue Fahrzeuge und transportiere Produkte Automatisierte Logistiksysteme stellen sicherorgen dafür, dass LKWs, dieastwagen automatisch Produkte immer dahinbringen, wo sie am meisten benötgt werden. Ihre Aufgabe iDu kannst die Logistik zu konfigurieren, genügend Lastwagen zu bauen, um Dinge in Bewegung zu halten und in der Nähe befindliche Maschinen mit Förderbändum sie effizienter zu machen. Vergiss nicht genug Lastwagen zu bauen oder vorhandene zu verbessern, und Rohrleitungen für einen optimierten Ressourcentransport zu verbindm die Dinge in Bewegung zu halten.!
Expand your colony and support your people. To staff your factories, farms, and vehicles, you need people, and lots of them. Build housing and provide essential goods to your citizens such as food, water, electricity, healthcare and household items. The population will grow on its own based on its health and happiness, but you can also recruit and rescue populations on the world map to help your island.
Vergrößere deine Siedlung und versorge deine Bewohnervölkerung. Du brauchst Personal, um deine Fabriken, Farmen und Fahrzeuge zu betreiben. Viel Personal. Baue Unterkünfte und stelle die Versorgung mit NahrungLebensmitteln, Wasser, Elektrizität, Gesundheitsvorsorgewesen und Haushaltswaren sicher. Die Bevölkerung wird von selbst wachsen, abhängig von der Gesundheit und Zufriedenheit. Du kannst auf der Weltkrarte auch Bewohner, von selbst wachsen. Du kannst aber auch Bewohner auf der Weltkarte rekrutieren oder retten, um den Fortschritt deiner Insel zu unterstützen.
Expand your colony and support your people. To staff your factories, farms, and vehicles, you need people, and lots of them. Build housing and provide essential goods to your citizens such as food, water, electricity, healthcare and household items. The population will grow on its own based on its health and happiness, but you can also recruit and rescue populations on the world map to help your island.
Erforsche neue Technologien.
Forschung ist ein Muss! Entsperre nVergrößere deine Siedlung und versorge deine Bewohner. Du brauchst Personal um deine Fabriken, Farmen und Fahrzeuge Gebäude und Materialien und mache deine Fabrik effizienter. Neue Technologien werden den Kurs deiner Zukunft veränderzu betreiben. Viel Personal. Baue Unterkünfte und stelle die Versorgung mit Nahrung, Wasser, Elektrizität, Gesundheitsvorsorge und Haushaltswaren sicher. Die Bevölkerung wird von selbst wachsen, abhängig von der Gesundheit und Zufriedenheit. Du kannst auf der Weltkrarte auch Bewohner rekrutieren oder retten, um den Fortschritt deiner Insel zu unterstützen.
Mine raw resources on fully dynamic terrain Find the natural riches of your land and use them to expand your empire. Mine coal, iron, copper, gold, or pump underground oil and water! Make open-pit mines to extract valuable ores from underground, or just dump excess rocks into the ocean to create a new land to build on! Remember that no mountain is tall enough for your fleet of excavators! Additionally, the dynamic terrain system allows you to create access to various levels of elevation throughout your island. Dig or dump terrain to create slopes between hard to reach places so that you can have the most efficient path for your vehicles.
Fördere Rohstoff-Ressourcen auf einem vollständig dynamischen Terrain Finde die natürlichen Reichtümer deiner Ländereien und nutze sie, um dein Imperium zu erweitern. Fördere Kohle, Eisen, Kupfer, Gold oder pumpe Erdöl und Wasser an die Oberfläche! Erschaffe Tagebau-Bergwerke um kostbare Erze aus dem Untergrund zu fördern oder verkippe den Abraum in das Meer, um neues Land zu gewinnen und darauf zu bauen! Denk daran, dass kein Berg für deine Flotte an Baggern groß genug ist! Darüber hinaus ermöglicht das dynamische Geländesystem, Zugänge zu verschiedenen Höhenstufen auf deiner Insel zu schaffen. Grabe oder schütte das Gelände auf, um den effizientesten Weg zwischen schwer zugänglichen Ebenen zu bauschaffen.
Mine raw resources on fully dynamic terrain Find the natural riches of your land and use them to expand your empire. Mine coal, iron, copper, gold, or pump underground oil and water! Make open-pit mines to extract valuable ores from underground, or just dump excess rocks into the ocean to create a new land to build on! Remember that no mountain is tall enough for your fleet of excavators! Additionally, the dynamic terrain system allows you to create access to various levels of elevation throughout your island. Dig or dump terrain to create slopes between hard to reach places so that you can have the most efficient path for your vehicles.
Fördere Rohstoff-Ressourcen auf einem vollständig dynamischen Terrain Finde die natürlichen Reichtümer deiner Ländereien und nutze sie, um dein Imperium zu erweitern. Fördere Kohle, Eisen, Kupfer, Gold oder pumpe Erdöl und Wasser an die Oberfläche! Erschaffe Tagebau-Bergwerke um kostbare Erze aus dem Untergrund zu fördern oder verkippe den Abraum in das Meer, um neues Land zu gewinnen und darauf zu bauen! Denk daran, dass kein Berg für deine Flotte an Baggern groß genug ist! Darüber hinaus ermöglicht Ihnen das dynamische Geländesystem, Zugänge zu verschiedenen Höhenstufen auf Ihrdeiner Insel zu schaffen. Graben oder schütten Sie das Gelände auf, um Zugängeden effizientesten Weg zwischen schwer zugänglichen Ebenen zu schaffen, um den effizientes Weg für ihre Fahrzeuge zu ermöglichbauen.
Use conveyor belts and pipes to route products efficiently and relieve stress on truck-based logistics. The transport system supports vertical stacking and auto-pathing for easy placement. Balancers and sorters also help organize your assembly lines by providing priority and sorting functionalities.
設高效工廠 運用你的智慧來建立一個繁榮的帝國。精心安放機器,以便更有效率地將它們與傳造輸送帶和管道使用輸送帶