The supporter edition is for players who want to support our small indie game studio MaFi Games and help us to continue and scale our work on Captain of Industry. This pack was created for our generous backers who pledged towards the development of the game before it was released here on Steam. We understand that many people missed this opportunity, so we decided to offer this upgrade for everyone. We are incredibly grateful for your continued support, and as a small "thank you" we've prepared a few exclusive items for you to enjoy! Signed co-founders, Marek and Filip
Wersja dla supporterów jest przeznaczona dla graczy, którzy chcą wspierać nasze małe niezależne studio gier MaFi Games i pomóc nam kontynuować i skalować naszą pracę nad Captain of Industry. Ten pakiet został stworzony dla naszych hojnych sponsorów, którzy zobowiązali się do rozwoju gry, zanim została wydana na Steam. Rozumiemy, że wiele osób przegapiło tę okazję, dlatego postanowiliśmy zaoferować to uaktualnienie wszystkim. Jesteśmy niezmiernie wdzięczni za nieustające wsparcie i jako małe podziękowanie przygotowaliśmy dla Was kilka ekskluzywnych przedmiotów! Podpisani współzałożyciele, Marek i Filip
The supporter edition is for players who want to support our small indie game studio MaFi Games and help us to continue and scale our work on Captain of Industry. This pack was created for our generous backers who pledged towards the development of the game before it was released here on Steam. We understand that many people missed this opportunity, so we decided to offer this upgrade for everyone. We are incredibly grateful for your continued support, and as a small "thank you" we've prepared a few exclusive items for you to enjoy! Signed co-founders, Marek and Filip
Signed co-founders,
Marek and Filip
Podpisani współzałożyciele,
Marek i Filip