
Has to be short, explanatory and catchy! :)

Context English Japanese
ShortDescription Land your crew on an abandoned island! Mine raw materials, grow food, build factories, craft products, research technologies and trade with others. Become an industrial giant! It won't be easy to keep your colony alive. 廃墟と化した島にクルーを上陸させろ! 原料の採掘、食料の栽培、工場の建設、製品の製造、技術の研究、外部との交易。産業界の巨人になるのだ!開拓地を存続させるのは簡単では無いのです。
LongDescription_6 Farm your land
You need to feed your people by growing simple crops such as potatoes. Later, you will be able to grow more advanced crops such as wheat or soybeans and process them to make more kinds of food and products. You can also produce fertilizers and use greenhouses to keep up with the food demands.
LongDescription_5 Mine raw resources on fully dynamic terrain
Find the natural riches of your land and use them to expand your empire. Mine coal, iron, copper, gold, or pump underground oil and water! Make open-pit mines to extract valuable ores from underground, or just dump excess rocks into the ocean to create a new land to build on! Remember that no mountain is tall enough for your fleet of excavators!

Additionally, the dynamic terrain system allows you to create access to various levels of elevation throughout your island. Dig or dump terrain to create slopes between hard to reach places so that you can have the most efficient path for your vehicles.

LongDescription_7 Expand your colony and support your people.
To staff your factories, farms, and vehicles, you need people, and lots of them. Build housing and provide essential goods to your citizens such as food, water, electricity, healthcare and household items. The population will grow on its own based on its health and happiness, but you can also recruit and rescue populations on the world map to help your island.
LongDescription_3 Build vehicles and transport products
Logistics systems ensure that trucks will automatically deliver products where they are most needed. You can configure the logistics to make it more efficient. Don’t forget to build enough trucks or upgrade existing ones to keep things moving!
LongDescription_4 Build conveyor belts and pipes
Use conveyor belts and pipes to route products efficiently and relieve stress on truck-based logistics. The transport system supports vertical stacking and auto-pathing for easy placement. Balancers and sorters also help organize your assembly lines by providing priority and sorting functionalities.
LongDescription_8 Build complex oil and chemical refineries
Break crude oil down into different usable fractions using multiple refining stages. With the ability to stack pipes you can create compact and scalable plants that can make all the oil-based products you will need for your growing empire.
LongDescription_1 Your journey will start on an abandoned island with a small crew of loyal workers. In order to survive, you will need to mine raw materials from the earth, grow food, build factories, manufacture products, construct vehicles, research new technologies, explore your surroundings, and trade with other islands. If you do things right, you'll work your way up towards an industrial superpower and you can even start a space program! But this is no easy task and you will be put to the test to keep your settlement alive. あなたの旅は、生存者であるごくわずかな乗組員とともに、放棄された島から始まります。ここで生きてゆく為、原材料の採掘、食料の栽培、工場の建設、製品の製造、車両の製造、新技術の開発、周囲の探索、そして、他の島との交易を行いましょう。上手くいけば、一大産業国家を築き上げ、宇宙進出も出来るでしょう。しかし、そこまでの道は遠く、開拓地を維持する為にいくつもの試練に直面するでしょう。
LongDescription_2 Manufacture products
Start simple - smelt iron, mix concrete, create construction parts, and grow food. Soon you will be able to expand into crude oil processing, electronics, solar panels, data centers, and even rockets. There are over 150 unique products to explore and work with!
SupporterBundle_Description The supporter edition bundle is for players who would like to support our small game studio MaFi Games and help us to continue and scale our work on Captain of Industry. We are incredibly grateful for your continued support, and as a small "thank you" we've prepared a few exclusive items for you to enjoy!

Signed co-founders,
Marek and Filip
サポーター版バンドルは、私たちの小さなゲームスタジオMaFi Gamesを支援し、『Captain of Industry』の作業を継続・拡大するために協力してくださるプレイヤーの皆様の為の製品です。皆様の継続的なサポートに大変感謝しており、ささやかな「お礼」として、いくつかの限定アイテムをご用意しました。

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SupporterDlc_LongDescription_CraterMap [h2]The Crater map[/h2]
There are rumors that this crater was not formed naturally, but it is a long-abandoned uranium mine. While the uranium is gone, there are still many valuable resources left exposed. You will need to be extremely careful to not breach the outer perimeter otherwise the ocean will flood the entire crater!
SupporterDlc_LongDescription The supporter edition is for players who want to support our small indie game studio MaFi Games and help us to continue and scale our work on Captain of Industry. This pack was created for our generous backers who pledged towards the development of the game before it was released here on Steam. We understand that many people missed this opportunity, so we decided to offer this upgrade for everyone. We are incredibly grateful for your continued support, and as a small "thank you" we've prepared a few exclusive items for you to enjoy!

Signed co-founders,
Marek and Filip
サポーター版は、小規模なインディーゲームスタジオであるMaFi Gamesを支援し、『Captain of Industry』の開発を継続、拡大する為の支援を希望するプレイヤーの為の製品です。このパックは、Steamでリリースされる前にゲームの開発を支援してくれた寛大な支援者の為に作成されました。多くの方がこの機会を逃した事を理解し、全ての方にこのアップグレードを提供する事にしました。そこで、このアップグレードの特典として、以下のアイテムをご用意しました。

SupporterDlc_LongDescription_TombOfCaptains [h2]Tomb of Captains[/h2]
As time passes by, it becomes apparent that the island is not ruled by just a single Captain but by a generation of Captains. The Captains are so loved by their people that they decide to build them the Tomb of Captains, which serves as their final resting place (well, one of the Captains made the order to build it, but this is not in the official statement released by the Captain’s office). This building is incredibly massive and no costs were spared on it. It’s so lavish that it has to be built in 6 stages.
SupporterDlc_LongDescription_Pdf [h2]Journey of the game book (PDF)[/h2]
We have spent more than 6 years working on this game until the release on 31st of May 2022. This book documents our progress from humble prototypes in JavaScript, through endless iterations of different mechanics and features, all the way to the state the game is at now.

ATTENTION: This book is not yet finished, and the current PDF is just a draft. Until now, we have been focused on delivering and polishing the game first. We will finish this book by the start of 2023 and notify everyone when it is ready. Thank you for understanding.

SoundtrackDlc_LongDescription Original soundtrack of Captain of Industry, composed by Ondřej Matějka. It contains over one hour of relaxing music. All 15 tracks are available in both mp3 (320 kbps) and FLAC formats. Ondřej Matějka が作曲した Captain of Industry のオリジナルサウンドトラック。1時間以上のリラックス出来る音楽が収録されています。全15曲、mp3 (320 kbps) とFLACの両フォーマットで提供されます。
Context English Japanese
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LongDescription_1 Your journey will start on an abandoned island with a small crew of loyal workers. In order to survive, you will need to mine raw materials from the earth, grow food, build factories, manufacture products, construct vehicles, research new technologies, explore your surroundings, and trade with other islands. If you do things right, you'll work your way up towards an industrial superpower and you can even start a space program! But this is no easy task and you will be put to the test to keep your settlement alive. あなたの旅は、生存者であるごくわずかな乗組員とともに、放棄された島から始まります。ここで生きてゆく為、原材料の採掘、食料の栽培、工場の建設、製品の製造、車両の製造、新技術の開発、周囲の探索、そして、他の島との交易を行いましょう。上手くいけば、一大産業国家を築き上げ、宇宙進出も出来るでしょう。しかし、そこまでの道は遠く、開拓地を維持する為にいくつもの試練に直面するでしょう。
LongDescription_10 Import and export resources to and from your island
Establish shipping lanes with cargo ships to fill the gaps in your production by bringing in various products such as crude oil, wood, or quartz. While the resources on your island may be limited, the world is not! Later you will be also able to establish shipping contracts with other islands for periodic exchange of goods.
LongDescription_11 Explore the world, trade with allies, fight pirates
Repair and upgrade your ship with better engines, armor, and weapons. Explore your surroundings, find refugees, allied settlements to trade with, discover more resources, and be ready for naval battles with pesky pirates!
LongDescription_12 Get to space!
Research and develop your way to space flight. Launch a rocket as a true test of your settlement’s accomplishments.
LongDescription_2 Manufacture products
Start simple - smelt iron, mix concrete, create construction parts, and grow food. Soon you will be able to expand into crude oil processing, electronics, solar panels, data centers, and even rockets. There are over 150 unique products to explore and work with!
LongDescription_3 Build vehicles and transport products
Logistics systems ensure that trucks will automatically deliver products where they are most needed. You can configure the logistics to make it more efficient. Don’t forget to build enough trucks or upgrade existing ones to keep things moving!
LongDescription_4 Build conveyor belts and pipes
Use conveyor belts and pipes to route products efficiently and relieve stress on truck-based logistics. The transport system supports vertical stacking and auto-pathing for easy placement. Balancers and sorters also help organize your assembly lines by providing priority and sorting functionalities.
LongDescription_5 Mine raw resources on fully dynamic terrain
Find the natural riches of your land and use them to expand your empire. Mine coal, iron, copper, gold, or pump underground oil and water! Make open-pit mines to extract valuable ores from underground, or just dump excess rocks into the ocean to create a new land to build on! Remember that no mountain is tall enough for your fleet of excavators!

Additionally, the dynamic terrain system allows you to create access to various levels of elevation throughout your island. Dig or dump terrain to create slopes between hard to reach places so that you can have the most efficient path for your vehicles.

LongDescription_6 Farm your land
You need to feed your people by growing simple crops such as potatoes. Later, you will be able to grow more advanced crops such as wheat or soybeans and process them to make more kinds of food and products. You can also produce fertilizers and use greenhouses to keep up with the food demands.
LongDescription_7 Expand your colony and support your people.
To staff your factories, farms, and vehicles, you need people, and lots of them. Build housing and provide essential goods to your citizens such as food, water, electricity, healthcare and household items. The population will grow on its own based on its health and happiness, but you can also recruit and rescue populations on the world map to help your island.
LongDescription_8 Build complex oil and chemical refineries
Break crude oil down into different usable fractions using multiple refining stages. With the ability to stack pipes you can create compact and scalable plants that can make all the oil-based products you will need for your growing empire.
LongDescription_9 Research new technologies
Research is a must have! Unlock new buildings and materials and make your factory more efficient. New technologies will change the course of your future. Your factory will grow more efficient and advanced with over 140 technologies to unlock.
研究を欠かしてはいけません! 新しい建物や材料をアンロックして、工場をより効率的にしましょう。新しい技術が、あなたの未来を変えるのです。140を超える研究項目をアンロックし、あなたの工場をより効率的に、より大規模にしましょう。
ShortDescription Land your crew on an abandoned island! Mine raw materials, grow food, build factories, craft products, research technologies and trade with others. Become an industrial giant! It won't be easy to keep your colony alive. 廃墟と化した島にクルーを上陸させろ! 原料の採掘、食料の栽培、工場の建設、製品の製造、技術の研究、外部との交易。産業界の巨人になるのだ!開拓地を存続させるのは簡単では無いのです。
SoundtrackDlc_LongDescription Original soundtrack of Captain of Industry, composed by Ondřej Matějka. It contains over one hour of relaxing music. All 15 tracks are available in both mp3 (320 kbps) and FLAC formats. Ondřej Matějka が作曲した Captain of Industry のオリジナルサウンドトラック。1時間以上のリラックス出来る音楽が収録されています。全15曲、mp3 (320 kbps) とFLACの両フォーマットで提供されます。
SoundtrackDlc_ShortDescription Original soundtrack of Captain of Industry containing over one hour of relaxing music. Available in both mp3 and FLAC formats. 「Captain of Industry」のオリジナル・サウンドトラックで、1時間以上のリラックス・ミュージックを収録。mp3、FLACの両フォーマットで提供されます。
SupporterBundle_Description The supporter edition bundle is for players who would like to support our small game studio MaFi Games and help us to continue and scale our work on Captain of Industry. We are incredibly grateful for your continued support, and as a small "thank you" we've prepared a few exclusive items for you to enjoy!

Signed co-founders,
Marek and Filip
サポーター版バンドルは、私たちの小さなゲームスタジオMaFi Gamesを支援し、『Captain of Industry』の作業を継続・拡大するために協力してくださるプレイヤーの皆様の為の製品です。皆様の継続的なサポートに大変感謝しており、ささやかな「お礼」として、いくつかの限定アイテムをご用意しました。

SupporterDlc_LongDescription The supporter edition is for players who want to support our small indie game studio MaFi Games and help us to continue and scale our work on Captain of Industry. This pack was created for our generous backers who pledged towards the development of the game before it was released here on Steam. We understand that many people missed this opportunity, so we decided to offer this upgrade for everyone. We are incredibly grateful for your continued support, and as a small "thank you" we've prepared a few exclusive items for you to enjoy!

Signed co-founders,
Marek and Filip
サポーター版は、小規模なインディーゲームスタジオであるMaFi Gamesを支援し、『Captain of Industry』の開発を継続、拡大する為の支援を希望するプレイヤーの為の製品です。このパックは、Steamでリリースされる前にゲームの開発を支援してくれた寛大な支援者の為に作成されました。多くの方がこの機会を逃した事を理解し、全ての方にこのアップグレードを提供する事にしました。そこで、このアップグレードの特典として、以下のアイテムをご用意しました。

SupporterDlc_LongDescription_CraterMap [h2]The Crater map[/h2]
There are rumors that this crater was not formed naturally, but it is a long-abandoned uranium mine. While the uranium is gone, there are still many valuable resources left exposed. You will need to be extremely careful to not breach the outer perimeter otherwise the ocean will flood the entire crater!
SupporterDlc_LongDescription_Fountain [h2]Settlement square with fountain[/h2]
You will be able to build a working fountain as part of your settlement!
SupporterDlc_LongDescription_GoldenStatue [h2]Golden statue of maintenance[/h2]
You can upgrade the Statue of Maintenance to be made of gold! This truly shows your people that maintenance is something you deeply care about.
SupporterDlc_LongDescription_Pdf [h2]Journey of the game book (PDF)[/h2]
We have spent more than 6 years working on this game until the release on 31st of May 2022. This book documents our progress from humble prototypes in JavaScript, through endless iterations of different mechanics and features, all the way to the state the game is at now.

ATTENTION: This book is not yet finished, and the current PDF is just a draft. Until now, we have been focused on delivering and polishing the game first. We will finish this book by the start of 2023 and notify everyone when it is ready. Thank you for understanding.

SupporterDlc_LongDescription_TombOfCaptains [h2]Tomb of Captains[/h2]
As time passes by, it becomes apparent that the island is not ruled by just a single Captain but by a generation of Captains. The Captains are so loved by their people that they decide to build them the Tomb of Captains, which serves as their final resting place (well, one of the Captains made the order to build it, but this is not in the official statement released by the Captain’s office). This building is incredibly massive and no costs were spared on it. It’s so lavish that it has to be built in 6 stages.
SupporterDlc_ShortDescription The supporter edition upgrade is for players who would like to support our small game studio MaFi Games and help us to continue and scale our work on Captain of Industry. We are incredibly grateful for your continued support, and as a small "thank you" we've prepared a few exclusive items for you to enjoy! サポーター版アップグレードは、私たちの小さなゲームスタジオMaFi Gamesを支援し、『Captain of Industry』の作業を継続・拡大する為にご協力いただけるプレイヤーの方々を対象としています。皆様の継続的なサポートに大変感謝しており、ささやかな「お礼」として、いくつかの限定アイテムをご用意しました!


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Has to be short, explanatory and catchy! :)

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