
English {0} = Unity
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
TutorialOnPathing__part3 Sometimes, vehicles can get stuck. You can always recover a vehicle using the <b>recovery action</b>. To avoid situations like this, use wide ramps and retaining walls during mining to prevent terrain collapse. 有時,車輛可能會卡住。您可以使用<b>恢復操作</b>來恢復車輛。為避免出現這種情況,請在採礦期間使用寬坡道和擋土牆,以防止地形坍塌。
TutorialOnPathing__part4 Sometimes, trucks can not access certain buildings due to obstacles such as terrain or other buildings. Instead of rebuilding parts of your factory to accommodate the vehicles, you can turn off import or export at the problematic building to prevent vehicles from trying to access it. 有時,由於地形或其他建築物等的阻擋,卡車無法進入某些建築物。您可以關閉有問題的建築物的輸入輸出,以防止車輛試圖進入,而不需為了車輛進出而重建工廠的某些部分。
TutorialOnPauseTool__part1 This tool enables pausing and unpausing individual entities such as machines or vehicles. It also supports mass pausing / unpausing by dragging over an area. 此工具支援暫停和取消暫停個別實體,比如機器或車輛。也可以在一個區域上拖動來支援批次暫停/取消暫停。
TutorialOnPauseTool__part2 The tool can be activated by pressing {0} or by clicking the icon in the toolbar (1). When you drag over an area with non-constructed buildings it will toggle the construction pause, otherwise, it will toggle the regular pause. If any entity in the selection is paused, it unpauses everything selected, otherwise, it pauses everything selected. 可以通過按 {0} 或點選工具列 (1) 中的圖示來啟動該工具。當你拖過一個有未建造建築的區域時,它會切換建造暫停,否則,它會切換常規暫停。如果選擇中的任何實體被暫停,它會取消暫停所有選定的內容,反之如果是未暫停的實體,它則會暫停所有選定的內容。
TutorialOnPlanning__part1 The Planning Mode is toggleable mode that makes any building placed to be initially paused. You can toggle Planning Mode on and off by clicking the Planning Mode button in the bottom left corner toolbar. Buildings with paused construction are colored <b>Gray</b> as shown below. 規劃模式是一種可切換模式,可讓放置的任何建築物最初是暫停的。您可以通過點選左下角工具列中的規劃模式按鈕來打開和關閉規劃模式。如下所示,暫停施工的建築物的顏色為<b>灰色</b>。
TutorialOnPlanning__part3V2 Turning off Planning Mode does not unpause buildings that were placed while it was on. To unpause buildings placed, use the {0} (1). You can also select a building that was placed in {1} and unpause it by clicking the pause button on the Construction Inspector window (2). 關閉規劃模式不會取消暫停當規劃模式打開時放置的建築物。要取消暫停放置的建築物,請使用 {0} (1)。您還可以選擇放置在 {1} 中的建築物,然後點選「建築檢視」視窗 (2) 上的暫停按鈕來取消暫停。
TutorialOnPlanning__part5Heading Color Statuses of Construction 施工狀態顏色
TutorialOnPlanning__part6 When placing buildings, the color of the building ghost itself will change depending on its <b>construction status</b>. 放置建築物時,建築物投影本身的顏色會根據其<b>建造狀態</b>而變化。
TutorialOnPlanning__part7 Buildings colored <b>White</b> are planned for construction and are currently paused. <b>Blue</b> colored buildings are currently being constructed. <b>Red</b> colored buildings are currently being deconstructed. <b>白色</b>的建築物表示目前正在規劃建造,但已暫停。而<b>藍色</b>的建築物則代表正在進行建設中。正在拆除的建築物將以<b>紅色</b>顯示。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__name Population and Unity 居民與凝聚力
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part1 Population is one of the most important pillars of your economy. You need to <b>provide your people</b> with housing, food, and other services and in return they will work for you. 居民是您的島嶼經濟最重要的支柱之一。您需要<b>為您的人民</b>提供住房、食物和其他服務,作為回報,他們將為您工作。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part2 People live in <b>settlements</b>. One settlement can be composed of one or more attached housing units and service buildings. You can have more than one settlement, but each requires its own services. 居民住在<b>定居點</b>。一個定居點可以由一個或多個附屬的住房單元和服務大樓組成。您可以有多個定居點,但每個定居點都需要有自己的服務設施。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part3 If there are more people than housing capacity, some will become <b>homeless</b>. Homeless people are very unhappy and they won’t work for you. 如果人口多於住房容量,一些人就會<b>無家可歸</b>。無家可歸的人會非常不開心,他們不會為你工作。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part4 Population will naturally increase over time if people are healthy and housing is available. You can control the growth rate using edicts in the {0}. 如果居民身體健康並且有房可住,人口自然會隨著時間推移而增加。您可以使用 {0} 中的法令控制增長率。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part5 {0} is a virtual resource that is generated when people are well and happy. The more services and comfort you provide, the more united they will feel, and generate more unity in return. {0} 是一種虛擬資源,在人們幸福快樂時生成。您提供的服務和舒適越良好,他們就會感到越團結,並產生更多的凝聚力作為回報。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part6 {0} can be spent on special tasks such as research, trade, work at remote mines, or vehicle recovery. Actions that require unity are usually denoted by purple color. {0} 可用於特殊任務,例如研究、貿易、偏遠礦山工作或車輛回收。需要凝聚力的行動通常用紫色表示。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part7 {0} can be extremely helpful in emergency situations. For example, {0} actions allow to instantly deliver products for construction or boost production of selected machines. It is advised to always keep some unspent {0} for when it is needed the most. {0} 在緊急情況下非常有用。例如,{0} 操作允許立即交付建造中的產品或提高所選機器的產量。建議始終保留一些未使用的 {0} 以備不時之需。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part8 An overview of {0} gain/loss can be seen in the population overview window. The maximum amount of {0} that can be accumulated is determined by the amount and quality of housing. Recurrent unity gain/loss is computed on a monthly basis. {0} 收益/損失的概覽可以在總體概覽視窗中查看。可累積的 {0} 的最大數量取決於住房的數量和質量。凝聚力收益/損失按月計算。
TutorialOnRoutes__part1V2 Trucks deliver cargo automatically based on the <b>priority</b> settings of source and destination building. Sometimes you may want to have a greater control over delivery source/destination or servicing vehicles. Custom routes offer this control and can increase efficiency and reliability of logistics. 卡車根據來源建築和目標建築的<b>優先順序</b>設定自動運送貨物。有時您可能希望更好地控制來源/目的地或服務車輛。自訂路線提供了這種控制,可以提高物流的效率和可靠性。
TutorialOnRoutes__part2V2 A {0} can be assigned to export mined products to specific storages. To do this, select a {0} (1) and then click the {1} button under {2} (2) then click on desired storages. 可以讓 {0} 把開採的產品輸出到特定的倉庫。為此,請選擇 {0} (1),點選 {2} (2) 下的 {1} 按鈕,然後點選所需的倉庫。
TutorialOnRoutes__part3V2 Assigned storages can be seen in the {0} and right-clicking on their icon will <b>delete the route</b>. The routes can be also removed by clicking on the {1} button again and clicking on previously assigned storages. 分配好的倉庫可以在 {0} 中看到,右鍵點選它們的圖示將<b>刪除路線</b>。也可以通過再次點選 {1} 按鈕並點選先前分配的倉庫來刪除路線。
TutorialOnRoutes__part4V2 When a {0} has export routes set up to storages with certain products, trucks will deliver these products only to the assigned storages and nowhere else. 當 {0} 的輸出路線設定為某些產品的倉庫時,卡車將僅僅把這些產品運送到指定好的倉庫,而不會運送到其他任何地方。
TutorialOnRoutes__part7V2 Custom routes can be also used to assign a {0} to a {1} to specify fueling preferences for trucks and excavators. 自訂路線也可用於將 {0} 分配給 {1},來反映卡車和挖土機的加油偏好。
TutorialOnRoutes__part8 It is recommended to use custom routes wisely and put them in places where it helps the most. Micromanaging every single storage with custom routes can lead to unnecessary complexity in your logistics system and can cause troubles during your future factory expansion. 我們建議靈活使用自訂路線並將它們使用在最合適的地方。使用自訂路線對每個倉庫進行微觀管理可能會給您的物流系統帶來不必要的複雜性,並可能在您未來的工廠擴張過程中造成麻煩。
TutorialOnRoutes2__part5V2 Custom routes can be also <b>set up between storages</b> to further optimize your operations as shown below. Just make sure that the destination storage has the {0} slider set (1). You can optionally assign trucks to the receiving storage to solely service this supply line (2). There are also two toggles (3) that let you restrict the storage to only accept connected storages and assigned trucks. 還可以<b>在倉庫之間</b>設定自訂路線,來進一步最佳化您的操作,如下所示。只需確保目標倉庫設定了 {0} 滑塊 (1)。您可以選擇將卡車分配給收貨倉庫,專門為這條供應線 (2) 提供服務。還有兩個開關 (3),可限制倉庫僅接受連接的倉庫和分配的卡車。
TutorialOnRoutes2__part6V2 Following example shows how a conveyor belt together with custom routes can reduce truck trips while dumping excess mined material. First, assign the {0} to a nearby storage (1). The storage is connected via a long conveyor belt (2) to another storage. The second storage is set to export to the nearby tower (3) which has an area marked for dumping. 以下範例顯示了輸送帶和自訂路線如何在傾倒多餘開採材料的同時減少卡車行程。首先,將 {0} 分配給附近的倉庫 (1)。倉庫通過長輸送帶 (2) 連接到另一個倉庫。第二個倉庫設定為輸出到附近的塔 (3),該塔有一個標記為傾倒的區域。
TutorialOnShipRepair__name World exploration 世界探索
TutorialOnShipRepair__part1 You can use your ship to explore the world map. You can discover supplies to bring back to your island, other settlements to trade with, world mines to exploit, and more. 您可使用您的船隻探索世界地圖。您可以發現可以帶回你的島嶼的補給品、與其他定居點進行交易、開採世界地圖的礦脈,等等。
TutorialOnShipRepair__part2 To start exploring, open the world map ({0} key), select a destination (1), and click {1} (2). Once the ship arrives, it will start exploring. Exploration takes some time and you will be notified when it is complete. 如果要開始探索,請打開世界地圖 ({0}鍵),選擇目的地 (1),然後點選 {1} (2)。一旦船到達,它將開始探索。探索需要一些時間,完成後會通知您。
TutorialOnShipRepair__part2Heading Exploration 探索
TutorialOnShipRepair__part3V2 All the items that your ship brings will be automatically unloaded to the {0}. Just make sure that the {0} has enough free space. You can toggle on {1} to task your trucks to actively unload all cargo if there is storage available. 您的船帶來的所有物品都將自動卸貨到 {0}。只需確保 {0} 有足夠的可用空間。您可以打開 {1},讓您的卡車在有可用儲存空間的情況下將所有貨物卸下。
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
TutorialOnPathing__part3 Sometimes, vehicles can get stuck. You can always recover a vehicle using the <b>recovery action</b>. To avoid situations like this, use wide ramps and retaining walls during mining to prevent terrain collapse. 有時,車輛可能會卡住。您可以使用<b>恢復操作</b>來恢復車輛。為避免出現這種情況,請在採礦期間使用寬坡道和擋土牆,以防止地形坍塌。
TutorialOnPathing__part4 Sometimes, trucks can not access certain buildings due to obstacles such as terrain or other buildings. Instead of rebuilding parts of your factory to accommodate the vehicles, you can turn off import or export at the problematic building to prevent vehicles from trying to access it. 有時,由於地形或其他建築物等的阻擋,卡車無法進入某些建築物。您可以關閉有問題的建築物的輸入輸出,以防止車輛試圖進入,而不需為了車輛進出而重建工廠的某些部分。
TutorialOnPauseTool__part1 This tool enables pausing and unpausing individual entities such as machines or vehicles. It also supports mass pausing / unpausing by dragging over an area. 此工具支援暫停和取消暫停個別實體,比如機器或車輛。也可以在一個區域上拖動來支援批次暫停/取消暫停。
TutorialOnPauseTool__part2 The tool can be activated by pressing {0} or by clicking the icon in the toolbar (1). When you drag over an area with non-constructed buildings it will toggle the construction pause, otherwise, it will toggle the regular pause. If any entity in the selection is paused, it unpauses everything selected, otherwise, it pauses everything selected. 可以通過按 {0} 或點選工具列 (1) 中的圖示來啟動該工具。當你拖過一個有未建造建築的區域時,它會切換建造暫停,否則,它會切換常規暫停。如果選擇中的任何實體被暫停,它會取消暫停所有選定的內容,反之如果是未暫停的實體,它則會暫停所有選定的內容。
TutorialOnPlanning__part1 The Planning Mode is toggleable mode that makes any building placed to be initially paused. You can toggle Planning Mode on and off by clicking the Planning Mode button in the bottom left corner toolbar. Buildings with paused construction are colored <b>Gray</b> as shown below. 規劃模式是一種可切換模式,可讓放置的任何建築物最初是暫停的。您可以通過點選左下角工具列中的規劃模式按鈕來打開和關閉規劃模式。如下所示,暫停施工的建築物的顏色為<b>灰色</b>。
TutorialOnPlanning__part3V2 Turning off Planning Mode does not unpause buildings that were placed while it was on. To unpause buildings placed, use the {0} (1). You can also select a building that was placed in {1} and unpause it by clicking the pause button on the Construction Inspector window (2). 關閉規劃模式不會取消暫停當規劃模式打開時放置的建築物。要取消暫停放置的建築物,請使用 {0} (1)。您還可以選擇放置在 {1} 中的建築物,然後點選「建築檢視」視窗 (2) 上的暫停按鈕來取消暫停。
TutorialOnPlanning__part5Heading Color Statuses of Construction 施工狀態顏色
TutorialOnPlanning__part6 When placing buildings, the color of the building ghost itself will change depending on its <b>construction status</b>. 放置建築物時,建築物投影本身的顏色會根據其<b>建造狀態</b>而變化。
TutorialOnPlanning__part7 Buildings colored <b>White</b> are planned for construction and are currently paused. <b>Blue</b> colored buildings are currently being constructed. <b>Red</b> colored buildings are currently being deconstructed. <b>白色</b>的建築物表示目前正在規劃建造,但已暫停。而<b>藍色</b>的建築物則代表正在進行建設中。正在拆除的建築物將以<b>紅色</b>顯示。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__name Population and Unity 居民與凝聚力
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part1 Population is one of the most important pillars of your economy. You need to <b>provide your people</b> with housing, food, and other services and in return they will work for you. 居民是您的島嶼經濟最重要的支柱之一。您需要<b>為您的人民</b>提供住房、食物和其他服務,作為回報,他們將為您工作。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part2 People live in <b>settlements</b>. One settlement can be composed of one or more attached housing units and service buildings. You can have more than one settlement, but each requires its own services. 居民住在<b>定居點</b>。一個定居點可以由一個或多個附屬的住房單元和服務大樓組成。您可以有多個定居點,但每個定居點都需要有自己的服務設施。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part3 If there are more people than housing capacity, some will become <b>homeless</b>. Homeless people are very unhappy and they won’t work for you. 如果人口多於住房容量,一些人就會<b>無家可歸</b>。無家可歸的人會非常不開心,他們不會為你工作。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part4 Population will naturally increase over time if people are healthy and housing is available. You can control the growth rate using edicts in the {0}. 如果居民身體健康並且有房可住,人口自然會隨著時間推移而增加。您可以使用 {0} 中的法令控制增長率。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part5 {0} is a virtual resource that is generated when people are well and happy. The more services and comfort you provide, the more united they will feel, and generate more unity in return. {0} 是一種虛擬資源,在人們幸福快樂時生成。您提供的服務和舒適越良好,他們就會感到越團結,並產生更多的凝聚力作為回報。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part6 {0} can be spent on special tasks such as research, trade, work at remote mines, or vehicle recovery. Actions that require unity are usually denoted by purple color. {0} 可用於特殊任務,例如研究、貿易、偏遠礦山工作或車輛回收。需要凝聚力的行動通常用紫色表示。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part7 {0} can be extremely helpful in emergency situations. For example, {0} actions allow to instantly deliver products for construction or boost production of selected machines. It is advised to always keep some unspent {0} for when it is needed the most. {0} 在緊急情況下非常有用。例如,{0} 操作允許立即交付建造中的產品或提高所選機器的產量。建議始終保留一些未使用的 {0} 以備不時之需。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part8 An overview of {0} gain/loss can be seen in the population overview window. The maximum amount of {0} that can be accumulated is determined by the amount and quality of housing. Recurrent unity gain/loss is computed on a monthly basis. {0} 收益/損失的概覽可以在總體概覽視窗中查看。可累積的 {0} 的最大數量取決於住房的數量和質量。凝聚力收益/損失按月計算。
TutorialOnRoutes2__part5V2 Custom routes can be also <b>set up between storages</b> to further optimize your operations as shown below. Just make sure that the destination storage has the {0} slider set (1). You can optionally assign trucks to the receiving storage to solely service this supply line (2). There are also two toggles (3) that let you restrict the storage to only accept connected storages and assigned trucks. 還可以<b>在倉庫之間</b>設定自訂路線,來進一步最佳化您的操作,如下所示。只需確保目標倉庫設定了 {0} 滑塊 (1)。您可以選擇將卡車分配給收貨倉庫,專門為這條供應線 (2) 提供服務。還有兩個開關 (3),可限制倉庫僅接受連接的倉庫和分配的卡車。
TutorialOnRoutes2__part6V2 Following example shows how a conveyor belt together with custom routes can reduce truck trips while dumping excess mined material. First, assign the {0} to a nearby storage (1). The storage is connected via a long conveyor belt (2) to another storage. The second storage is set to export to the nearby tower (3) which has an area marked for dumping. 以下範例顯示了輸送帶和自訂路線如何在傾倒多餘開採材料的同時減少卡車行程。首先,將 {0} 分配給附近的倉庫 (1)。倉庫通過長輸送帶 (2) 連接到另一個倉庫。第二個倉庫設定為輸出到附近的塔 (3),該塔有一個標記為傾倒的區域。
TutorialOnRoutes__part1V2 Trucks deliver cargo automatically based on the <b>priority</b> settings of source and destination building. Sometimes you may want to have a greater control over delivery source/destination or servicing vehicles. Custom routes offer this control and can increase efficiency and reliability of logistics. 卡車根據來源建築和目標建築的<b>優先順序</b>設定自動運送貨物。有時您可能希望更好地控制來源/目的地或服務車輛。自訂路線提供了這種控制,可以提高物流的效率和可靠性。
TutorialOnRoutes__part2V2 A {0} can be assigned to export mined products to specific storages. To do this, select a {0} (1) and then click the {1} button under {2} (2) then click on desired storages. 可以讓 {0} 把開採的產品輸出到特定的倉庫。為此,請選擇 {0} (1),點選 {2} (2) 下的 {1} 按鈕,然後點選所需的倉庫。
TutorialOnRoutes__part3V2 Assigned storages can be seen in the {0} and right-clicking on their icon will <b>delete the route</b>. The routes can be also removed by clicking on the {1} button again and clicking on previously assigned storages. 分配好的倉庫可以在 {0} 中看到,右鍵點選它們的圖示將<b>刪除路線</b>。也可以通過再次點選 {1} 按鈕並點選先前分配的倉庫來刪除路線。
TutorialOnRoutes__part4V2 When a {0} has export routes set up to storages with certain products, trucks will deliver these products only to the assigned storages and nowhere else. 當 {0} 的輸出路線設定為某些產品的倉庫時,卡車將僅僅把這些產品運送到指定好的倉庫,而不會運送到其他任何地方。
TutorialOnRoutes__part7V2 Custom routes can be also used to assign a {0} to a {1} to specify fueling preferences for trucks and excavators. 自訂路線也可用於將 {0} 分配給 {1},來反映卡車和挖土機的加油偏好。
TutorialOnRoutes__part8 It is recommended to use custom routes wisely and put them in places where it helps the most. Micromanaging every single storage with custom routes can lead to unnecessary complexity in your logistics system and can cause troubles during your future factory expansion. 我們建議靈活使用自訂路線並將它們使用在最合適的地方。使用自訂路線對每個倉庫進行微觀管理可能會給您的物流系統帶來不必要的複雜性,並可能在您未來的工廠擴張過程中造成麻煩。
TutorialOnShipRepair__name World exploration 世界探索
TutorialOnShipRepair__part1 You can use your ship to explore the world map. You can discover supplies to bring back to your island, other settlements to trade with, world mines to exploit, and more. 您可使用您的船隻探索世界地圖。您可以發現可以帶回你的島嶼的補給品、與其他定居點進行交易、開採世界地圖的礦脈,等等。
TutorialOnShipRepair__part2 To start exploring, open the world map ({0} key), select a destination (1), and click {1} (2). Once the ship arrives, it will start exploring. Exploration takes some time and you will be notified when it is complete. 如果要開始探索,請打開世界地圖 ({0}鍵),選擇目的地 (1),然後點選 {1} (2)。一旦船到達,它將開始探索。探索需要一些時間,完成後會通知您。
TutorialOnShipRepair__part2Heading Exploration 探索
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__name Population and Unity 居民與凝聚力
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part1 Population is one of the most important pillars of your economy. You need to <b>provide your people</b> with housing, food, and other services and in return they will work for you. 居民是您的島嶼經濟最重要的支柱之一。您需要<b>為您的人民</b>提供住房、食物和其他服務,作為回報,他們將為您工作。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part2 People live in <b>settlements</b>. One settlement can be composed of one or more attached housing units and service buildings. You can have more than one settlement, but each requires its own services. 居民住在<b>定居點</b>。一個定居點可以由一個或多個附屬的住房單元和服務大樓組成。您可以有多個定居點,但每個定居點都需要有自己的服務設施。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part3 If there are more people than housing capacity, some will become <b>homeless</b>. Homeless people are very unhappy and they won’t work for you. 如果人口多於住房容量,一些人就會<b>無家可歸</b>。無家可歸的人會非常不開心,他們不會為你工作。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part4 Population will naturally increase over time if people are healthy and housing is available. You can control the growth rate using edicts in the {0}. 如果居民身體健康並且有房可住,人口自然會隨著時間推移而增加。您可以使用 {0} 中的法令控制增長率。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part5 {0} is a virtual resource that is generated when people are well and happy. The more services and comfort you provide, the more united they will feel, and generate more unity in return. {0} 是一種虛擬資源,在人們幸福快樂時生成。您提供的服務和舒適越良好,他們就會感到越團結,並產生更多的凝聚力作為回報。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part6 {0} can be spent on special tasks such as research, trade, work at remote mines, or vehicle recovery. Actions that require unity are usually denoted by purple color. {0} 可用於特殊任務,例如研究、貿易、偏遠礦山工作或車輛回收。需要凝聚力的行動通常用紫色表示。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part7 {0} can be extremely helpful in emergency situations. For example, {0} actions allow to instantly deliver products for construction or boost production of selected machines. It is advised to always keep some unspent {0} for when it is needed the most. {0} 在緊急情況下非常有用。例如,{0} 操作允許立即交付建造中的產品或提高所選機器的產量。建議始終保留一些未使用的 {0} 以備不時之需。
TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part8 An overview of {0} gain/loss can be seen in the population overview window. The maximum amount of {0} that can be accumulated is determined by the amount and quality of housing. Recurrent unity gain/loss is computed on a monthly basis. {0} 收益/損失的概覽可以在總體概覽視窗中查看。可累積的 {0} 的最大數量取決於住房的數量和質量。凝聚力收益/損失按月計算。


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English Chinese (Traditional)
Unity 凝聚力 Glossary

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{0} = Unity
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 2722