
English building or machine
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
Status_LowReputation Requires reputation to be at least {0} 要求聲譽至少為 {0}
Stone_TerrainSurface Stone surface 石質表面
StorageAlert__BtnTitle Alerts 警報
StorageAlert__Empty Empty 清空
StorageAlert__Full Full 滿
StorageAlert__Prefix Notify if 如果…則通知
StorageFluid__name Fluid storage 液體儲存
StorageFluidFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a liquid or gas product. 最多可儲存 {0} 個單位的液體或氣體產品。
StorageFluidT2__name Fluid storage II 液體儲存 II
StorageFluidT3__name Fluid storage III 液體儲存 III
StorageFluidT4__name Fluid storage IV 液體儲存 IV
StorageLoose__name Loose storage 散貨儲倉
StorageLooseFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a loose product. 最多可儲存 {0} 個單位的散貨產品。
StorageLooseT2__name Loose storage II 散貨儲倉 II
StorageLooseT3__name Loose storage III 散貨儲倉 III
StorageLooseT4__name Loose storage IV 散貨儲倉 IV
StoragePowerConsumptionSuffix Consumes power when sending or receiving products via its ports. 通過港口發送或接收產品時消耗電力。
storagesCategory__name Storage 儲存設施
StorageSolidFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a solid product. 最多可儲存 {0} 個單位的固體產品。
StorageSupplyTooHigh__name Alert: {entity} has high supply of {0} 警告:{entity} 的 {0} 供應量過高
StorageSupplyTooLow__name Alert: {entity} has low supply of {0} 警告:{entity}的{0}供應量不足
StorageUnit__name Unit storage 固體儲存
StorageUnitT2__name Unit storage II 固體儲存 II
StorageUnitT3__name Unit storage III 固體儲存 III
StorageUnitT4__name Unit storage IV 固體儲存 IV
StoredHeat__NoProductSelected no product selected for heat transfer 未選擇任何產品進行熱傳遞
StoredHeat__Title Stored heat 儲存的熱能
StoredHeat__Tooltip The available heat accumulated in this storage. Heat does not decay as long as the storage remains operational. 此儲存裝置中累積的可用熱能。只要儲存裝置運作正常熱能並不會消散。
StoredProduct__Clear_Tooltip Click to remove currently assigned product. If storage is not empty, this will request trucks to remove all the remaining products. 點擊以移除當前分配的產品。如果倉庫裡有存貨,卡車將移除倉庫裡所有剩餘的產品。
StoredProduct__ClearActive_Tooltip Storage is now being emptied by trucks. 倉庫現在正被卡車清空。
StoredProduct__KeepEmpty Empty 清空
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
Status Status 狀態
Status_LowReputation Requires reputation to be at least {0} 要求聲譽至少為 {0}
Stone_TerrainSurface Stone surface 石質表面
StorageAlert__BtnTitle Alerts 警報
StorageAlert__Empty Empty 清空
StorageAlert__Full Full 滿
StorageAlert__Prefix Notify if 如果…則通知
StorageFluidFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a liquid or gas product. 最多可儲存 {0} 個單位的液體或氣體產品。
StorageFluidT2__name Fluid storage II 液體儲存 II
StorageFluidT3__name Fluid storage III 液體儲存 III
StorageFluidT4__name Fluid storage IV 液體儲存 IV
StorageFluid__name Fluid storage 液體儲存
StorageLooseFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a loose product. 最多可儲存 {0} 個單位的散貨產品。
StorageLooseT2__name Loose storage II 散貨儲倉 II
StorageLooseT3__name Loose storage III 散貨儲倉 III
StorageLooseT4__name Loose storage IV 散貨儲倉 IV
StorageLoose__name Loose storage 散貨儲倉
StoragePowerConsumptionSuffix Consumes power when sending or receiving products via its ports. 通過港口發送或接收產品時消耗電力。
storagesCategory__name Storage 儲存設施
StorageSolidFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a solid product. 最多可儲存 {0} 個單位的固體產品。
StorageSupplyTooHigh__name Alert: {entity} has high supply of {0} 警告:{entity} 的 {0} 供應量過高
StorageSupplyTooLow__name Alert: {entity} has low supply of {0} 警告:{entity}的{0}供應量不足
StorageUnitT2__name Unit storage II 固體儲存 II
StorageUnitT3__name Unit storage III 固體儲存 III
StorageUnitT4__name Unit storage IV 固體儲存 IV
StorageUnit__name Unit storage 固體儲存
StoredHeat__NoProductSelected no product selected for heat transfer 未選擇任何產品進行熱傳遞
StoredHeat__Title Stored heat 儲存的熱能
StoredHeat__Tooltip The available heat accumulated in this storage. Heat does not decay as long as the storage remains operational. 此儲存裝置中累積的可用熱能。只要儲存裝置運作正常熱能並不會消散。
StoredProduct__ClearActive_Tooltip Storage is now being emptied by trucks. 倉庫現在正被卡車清空。
User avatar TassoleHoff

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English Chinese (Traditional)
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Source string comment
building or machine
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 2404