
English lists products that are filtered in the sorter into its special output port lists products that are filtered in the sorter into its special output port
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
Product_Virtual_PollutedAir__name Air pollution 空氣污染
Product_Virtual_PollutedWater__name Water pollution 水污染
Product_Virtual_Upoints__name Unity 凝聚力
Product_Waste__name Waste 垃圾
Product_WastePressed__name Waste pressed 壓縮垃圾
Product_WasteWater__name Waste water 廢水
Product_Water__name Water
Product_Wheat__name Wheat 小麥
Product_Wood__name Wood 木材
Product_Woodchips__name Woodchips 木屑
Product_Yellowcake__name Yellowcake 黃餅
Production Production 產能
ProductionCostEstimate Production cost estimate 預估生產成本
Products Products 產品
ProductSelectorTitle Select a product 選定的產品
ProductsToFilter Products to filter 篩選出的產品
ProductsToFilter__None No products set to be filtered 沒有產品設為被篩選
PropsRemovalTool Remove debris
PropsRemovalTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of debris (stones, bushes, tree stumps) to clear them. This action costs Unity.
Provides Provides 提供
ProvideSurplusPower__Toggle Allow powering surplus consumers 允許向冗餘用電戶供應電力
ProvideSurplusPower__Tooltip When enabled, power generated here can also be used by consumers that are set to consume surplus power only. Surplus mode is useful for generators for which any unused power goes to waste (e.g. solar panels) and can be instead provided to surplus consumers. Surplus generators always have a priority over non-surplus ones to generate power. 開啟這個選項時,此處產生的電力也能供設定為僅使用冗餘電力的電力用戶使用。冗餘模式對於任何未利用就會浪費的電力的發電設備(例如:太陽能板)很有幫助,因為這些未被利用的電力可以提供給那些消耗冗餘電力的電力用戶。在產生電力時,冗餘發電機總是優先於非冗餘發電機發電。
QualityPreset__HighQuality High quality 高品質
QualityPreset__LowQuality High performance 高效能
QualityPreset__MediumQuality Balanced 平衡
QualityPreset__UltraQuality Ultra high quality 超高品質
QuantityPerMonth {0} / month {0} / 月
QuartzMine__name Quartz mine 石英礦
QuickBuild__Action Quick deliver 快速交付
QuickBuild__NotAllowed Quick delivery is not allowed for this type of structure
QuickBuild__Tooltip Speeds up the current construction by instantly delivering missing materials without having to wait for trucks to deliver them. The materials to deliver have to be available in storage or shipyard. 不待貨車直接快速交付所需的材料以加速目前的建築項目。這些材料必須在儲倉或船塢中有存貨才行。
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
PowerSetting__ConsumeAlways Always consume 總是消耗
PowerSetting__ConsumeIfCan Consume if can 如果可以的話就消耗
PowerSetting__DoNotConsume Never consume 永不消耗
Priority Priority 優先等級
PriorityGeneral__Tooltip General priority for workers assignment, electricity, maintenance and Unity consumption. 工人分配、電力、維護和凝聚力消耗的一般優先等級。
PriorityGeneral__TooltipWithCargo General priority for workers assignment, electricity, maintenance and Unity consumption. Also determines priority for products delivery and removal when using trucks. 工人分配、電力、維護和凝聚力消耗的一般優先等級。同時確定使用卡車時產品交付和移除的優先級。
Priority__ConstructionTooltip Priority for delivery of materials needed for this construction. 交付本次施工所需材料的優先等級。
Priority__DeconstructionTooltip Priority for removal of materials returned from this deconstruction. 從這次拆解中移除回收材料的優先等級。
Priority__OrderingExplanation The lower the number the higher the priority. 數字越小,優先等級越高。
ProducedLastMonth Produced last month 上個月生產的
ProducedThisMonth Produced this month 這個月生產的
Production Production 產能
ProductionCostEstimate Production cost estimate 預估生產成本
Products Products 產品
ProductSelectorTitle Select a product 選定的產品
ProductsToFilter Products to filter 篩選出的產品
ProductsToFilter__None No products set to be filtered 沒有產品設為被篩選
Product_Acid__name Acid
Product_Ammonia__name Ammonia
Product_Anesthetics__name Anesthetics 麻醉劑
Product_AnimalFeed__name Animal feed 動物飼料
Product_Antibiotics__name Antibiotics 抗生素
Product_Biomass__name Biomass 生質能
Product_BlanketFuelEnriched__name Blanket fuel (enriched) 圍包燃料(濃縮)
Product_BlanketFuel__name Blanket fuel 圍包燃料
Product_Bread__name Bread 麵包
Product_Bricks__name Bricks 磚塊
Product_Brine__name Brine 鹽水
Product_BrokenGlass__name Broken glass 玻璃碎
Product_Cake__name Cake 蛋糕


a year ago
a year ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
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String information

Source string comment
lists products that are filtered in the sorter into its special output port lists products that are filtered in the sorter into its special output port
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 1808