
English title of category that shows unity given for settlements decorations
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
UpointsCat_FreeUnity__name Free 免費
UpointsCat_Health__name Health 健康
UpointsCat_Homeless__name Homeless 無家可歸
UpointsCat_IslandBuildings__name Island buildings 島嶼建築
UpointsCat_OneTimeActions__name One time actions 一次性行動
UpointsCat_OtherDecorations__name Other decorations 其他裝飾
UpointsCat_PopsAdoption__name Pops adoption 接收居民
UpointsCat_QuickBuild__name Quick build 快速建造
UpointsCat_QuickRemove__name Quick remove 快速移除
UpointsCat_QuickRepair__name Quick repair 快速維修
UpointsCat_QuickTrade__name Quick trade 快速交易
UpointsCat_Rockets__name Rocket launch 火箭發射
UpointsCat_ShipFuel__name Fuel for ships 船隻燃料
UpointsCat_Starvation__name Starvation
UpointsCat_VehicleRecovery__name Vehicle recovery 車輛恢復
UpointsCategory__Decorations Decorations 裝飾
UpointsCategory__DecorationsLong Bonus from decorations 裝飾所帶來的獎勵
UpointsStatsCat_Services__name Services 服務
UpointsStatsCat_WorldMapMines__name World map mines 世界地圖礦山
UraniumEnrichmentPlant__desc Utilizes a large set of centrifuges to concentrate uranium-235 isotope out of natural uranium (a process called isotope separation). The resulting product is fissile uranium, ready to undergo a chain reaction in a nuclear reactor. 利用大量離心機從天然鈾中濃縮鈾 235 同位素(這一過程稱為同位素分離)。由此產生的產品是裂變鈾,之後會在核反應器中進行連鎖反應。
UraniumEnrichmentPlant__name Enrichment plant 鈾濃縮廠
UraniumMine__name Uranium mine 鈾礦
VacuumDistillationTower__desc Produces synthetic rubber. 生產合成橡膠。
VacuumDistillationTower__name Rubber maker 橡膠製造機
VehicleGoalStruggling__name {entity} is struggling to find a destination it can reach. {entity} 正在努力尋找它可以到達的目的地。
VehicleGoalStrugglingCannotGoUnder__name {entity} is struggling to find a destination it can reach. {entity} 正在努力尋找它可以到達的目的地。
VehicleGoalUnreachable__name {entity} cannot reach destination. {entity} 無法到達目的地。
VehicleGoalUnreachableCannotGoUnder__name {entity} cannot reach destination. {entity}無法到達目的地。
VehicleIsBroken__name Vehicle is broken as it lacks maintenance 車輛因缺乏維護而發生故障
VehicleJob__DrivingToGoal Driving to destination 正在前往目的地
VehicleJob__InvalidState Invalid state 出錯狀態
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
UnsortedSaves__Title Unsorted saves 未分類的存檔
Update1__BlueprintsCopied Your blueprints were copied to the new location shown below. 您的藍圖已複製到下面所示的新位置。
Update1__LocationChange The game also uses a new folder location to store your save files. 遊戲還使用新的文件夾位置來存儲您的遊戲存檔文件。
Update1__NewBlueprintsLocation New blueprints location: 新的藍圖位置:
Update1__NewSaveLocation New location: 新位置:
Update1__OldLocationStillExists Note: The old folder still exists, and contains data from the game version before Update 1. 注:舊的文件夾仍然存在,其中有 Update 1 以前的遊戲版本的數據。
Update1__OldSaveLocation Old location: 舊位置:
UpdateDescription__Placeholder Type description. 輸入說明。
UpdateDescription__Title Update description. 更新說明。
UpdateDescription__Tooltip Update description for this item. 更新此項的說明。
Upgrade Upgrade 升級
UpgradeInProgress Upgrade in progress 升級中
UpgradeTool Upgrade 升級
UpgradeTool__CancelTooltip Right click or drag over an area of structures to cancel any ongoing upgrades 右鍵點選或拖曳出一個區域來取消任何正在進行的升級
UpgradeTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of structures to upgrade them 點選或拖曳出一個區域來升級它們
UpointsCategory__Decorations Decorations 裝飾
UpointsCategory__DecorationsLong Bonus from decorations 裝飾所帶來的獎勵
UpointsCat_Boost__name Boost 增強
UpointsCat_ContractEstablish__name Contract establish 合約成立
UpointsCat_Contract__name Contracts 合約
UpointsCat_Decorations__name Settlements quality 定居點品質
UpointsCat_Edict__name Edicts 法令
UpointsCat_FreeUnity__name Free 免費
UpointsCat_Health__name Health 健康
UpointsCat_Homeless__name Homeless 無家可歸
UpointsCat_IslandBuildings__name Island buildings 島嶼建築
UpointsCat_OneTimeActions__name One time actions 一次性行動
UpointsCat_OtherDecorations__name Other decorations 其他裝飾
UpointsCat_PopsAdoption__name Pops adoption 接收居民
UpointsCat_QuickBuild__name Quick build 快速建造


a year ago
a year ago
a year ago
a year ago
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There are 2 variants of this string.



English Chinese (Traditional)
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String information

Source string comment
title of category that shows unity given for settlements decorations
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 2869