
English title of a research node in the research tree
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
ResearchBlueprints__name Blueprints 藍圖
ResearchBoilerElectric__name Electric boiler 電熱鍋爐
ResearchBricksProduction__name Bricks production 生產磚
ResearchBurner__name Burner 焚化爐
ResearchCanola__name Canola 油菜
ResearchCaptainsOffice__desc Your own office! This is where all the important decision are made. 你自己的辦公室!所有重要的決策都是在這裡做出來的。
ResearchCaptainsOffice__name Captain's office 船長的辦公室
ResearchCaptainsOffice2__desc A bit more spacious office. It provides access to advanced edicts and gives a passive increase in quick trade volume. 更寬敞的辦公室。它提供使用高級法令的權限,並被動增加快速貿易量。
ResearchCaptainsOffice2__name Captain's office II 船長辦公室 II
ResearchCarbonDioxideRecycling__name CO2 recycling 二氧化碳回收
ResearchCargoDepot__desc Enables to automate the transportation process of resources that are outside of the island (crude oil for instance). 使島外資源(如原油)運輸自動化。
ResearchCargoDepot__name Cargo depot 貨運港
ResearchCargoDepot2__name Cargo depot II 貨運港 II
ResearchCargoDepot3__name Cargo depot III 貨運港 III
ResearchCargoDepot4__name Cargo depot IV 貨運港 IV
ResearchChemicalPlant__name Chemical plant & paper 化學工廠 & 紙品
ResearchChemicalPlant2__name Chemical plant II 化工廠 II
ResearchChickenFarm__name Chicken farm 養雞場
ResearchCompactor__name Compactor 壓塊機
ResearchConcreteAdvanced__name Concrete production 高效混凝土
ResearchConsumerElectronics__name Consumer electronics 消費性電子產品
ResearchConveyorBelts__desc Connects machines directly to provide smooth and continuous operation. 直接連接機器,以提供平穩和連續的操作。
ResearchConveyorBelts__name Conveyor belts 輸送帶
ResearchConveyorBeltsT2__desc Conveyor belts with an increased throughput. 具有更高吞吐量的輸送帶。
ResearchConveyorBeltsT2__name Conveyor belts II 輸送帶 II
ResearchConveyorBeltsT3__name Conveyor belts III 輸送帶 III
ResearchConveyorRouting__name Smart conveyor routing 智慧安排輸送帶
ResearchCopperRefinement__desc Copper electrolysis enables us to reach 99% pure copper. This way we can leverage its properties to the maximum. 銅電解使我們能夠獲得 99% 的純銅。這樣我們就可以最大限度地利用它的屬性。
ResearchCopperRefinement__name Copper refinement 銅精煉
ResearchCopperRefinement2__desc More efficient process of copper refinement using acid. 使用酸來使銅精煉過程更有效率。
ResearchCopperRefinement2__name Copper refinement II 銅精煉Ⅱ
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
ResearchBoilerElectric__name Electric boiler 電熱鍋爐
ResearchBricksProduction__name Bricks production 生產磚
ResearchBurner__name Burner 焚化爐
ResearchCanola__name Canola 油菜
ResearchCaptainsOffice2__desc A bit more spacious office. It provides access to advanced edicts and gives a passive increase in quick trade volume. 更寬敞的辦公室。它提供使用高級法令的權限,並被動增加快速貿易量。
ResearchCaptainsOffice2__name Captain's office II 船長辦公室 II
ResearchCaptainsOffice__desc Your own office! This is where all the important decision are made. 你自己的辦公室!所有重要的決策都是在這裡做出來的。
ResearchCaptainsOffice__name Captain's office 船長的辦公室
ResearchCarbonDioxideRecycling__name CO2 recycling 二氧化碳回收
ResearchCargoDepot2__name Cargo depot II 貨運港 II
ResearchCargoDepot3__name Cargo depot III 貨運港 III
ResearchCargoDepot4__name Cargo depot IV 貨運港 IV
ResearchCargoDepot__desc Enables to automate the transportation process of resources that are outside of the island (crude oil for instance). 使島外資源(如原油)運輸自動化。
ResearchCargoDepot__name Cargo depot 貨運港
ResearchChemicalPlant2__name Chemical plant II 化工廠 II
ResearchChemicalPlant__name Chemical plant & paper 化學工廠 & 紙品
ResearchChickenFarm__name Chicken farm 養雞場
ResearchCompactor__name Compactor 壓塊機
ResearchConcreteAdvanced__name Concrete production 高效混凝土
ResearchConsumerElectronics__name Consumer electronics 消費性電子產品
ResearchConveyorBeltsT2__desc Conveyor belts with an increased throughput. 具有更高吞吐量的輸送帶。
ResearchConveyorBeltsT2__name Conveyor belts II 輸送帶 II
ResearchConveyorBeltsT3__name Conveyor belts III 輸送帶 III
ResearchConveyorBelts__desc Connects machines directly to provide smooth and continuous operation. 直接連接機器,以提供平穩和連續的操作。
ResearchConveyorBelts__name Conveyor belts 輸送帶
ResearchConveyorRouting__name Smart conveyor routing 智慧安排輸送帶
ResearchCopperRefinement2__desc More efficient process of copper refinement using acid. 使用酸來使銅精煉過程更有效率。
ResearchCopperRefinement2__name Copper refinement II 銅精煉Ⅱ
ResearchCopperRefinement__desc Copper electrolysis enables us to reach 99% pure copper. This way we can leverage its properties to the maximum. 銅電解使我們能夠獲得 99% 的純銅。這樣我們就可以最大限度地利用它的屬性。
ResearchCopperRefinement__name Copper refinement 銅精煉
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English Chinese (Traditional)
Chemical plant 化工廠 Glossary

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title of a research node in the research tree
String age
2 years ago
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2 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 1916