
English name: name of a settlement service provided to pops
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__name No workers! 沒有工人!
WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part1 You have <b>no more free workers</b> on your island. Everyone is already busy working. Some buildings or vehicles will not be able to operate. 您的島上<b>沒有更多的空閒工人了</b>。大家已經都在忙著工作了。一些建築物或車輛將無法運行。
WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part2 In order to get more people, you should prioritize researching and building a {0}. It will help to attract more refugees to your island and you will not only get more workers but also some extra materials from them. The effectiveness of the beacon will decline over time. So you should prioritize repairing the <bc>ship</bc> to bring more people and resources to the island. 為了吸引更多人口,您應該優先研究和建造{0}。這將有助於吸引更多難民到您的島上,您不僅會獲得更多的工人,還會從他們那裡獲得一些額外的材料。燈塔的有效性會隨著時間的推移而下降。所以你應該優先修理<bc>船</bc>,為島上帶來更多的人和資源。
WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part3 In the meantime, you can pause some buildings that you need the least to free up some workers. 與此同時,你可以暫停一些你最不需要的建築物建造或產品生產程序,來使一些工人有空。
WarningPrefix Warning: 警告:
wasteCategory__name Waste management 廢棄物管理
WasteDump__desc Dumps liquid into the ocean. Some liquid will cause water pollution which can affect health and happiness of your people. Works at the maximum height of {0} from the ocean level. 將液體傾倒入海洋。某些液體會造成水污染,影響人們的健康和幸福。可在海平面之上 {0} 之內運作。
WasteDump__name Liquid dump 排水口
WasteSortingOutputs__Tooltip The ratios of individual output products depend on where the input recyclables come from (e.g. where they were produced and from which products). Which means that these ratios are subject to change based on production processes used. 單個輸出產品的比例取決於輸入可回收材料的來源(例如,它們是在哪裡生產的以及來自哪些產品)。這意味著這些比例可能會根據所使用的生產工藝而變化。
WasteSortingPlant__desc Recycling can transform your island's economy in a significant way as it allows to recover a portion of raw materials from various sources like settlement, maintenance, or research. Recycling reduces the need for raw minerals extraction and thus also extends longevity of deposits. Places that support recycling will return '{0}'. This product can be separated via waste sorting plant into scraps (such as iron or copper scraps) which can be sent to any furnace for smelting. The ratio of materials recycled is based on '{1}' and more about that is explained in the waste sorting plant. 透過回收,你可以顯著地改變你的島嶼經濟,因為它能從各種來源(如定居點、維修或研究)中回收部分原材料。回收的行為減少了對原始礦石的開採需求,也因此延長了礦藏的壽命。支援回收的地方會返回「{0}」。這種產品可以在垃圾分類工廠中被分解成碎屑(如鐵碎屑或銅碎屑),並可以被送往各個熔爐進行熔煉。回收材料的比例是基於「{1}」,在垃圾分類工廠有更詳細的說明。
WasteSortingPlant__name Waste sorting plant 垃圾分類工廠
WaterChiller__name Water chiller 水冷裝置
WaterCollected Water collected 收集的水
WaterConsumptionReduction__desc Reduces water consumed in settlements and farms by {0} 減少 {0} 定居點和農場的用水量
WaterConsumptionReduction__name Water saver 節水政策
WaterNeed__name Water
WaterTreatmentPlant__desc Converts not so nice water to nice water. Just don't tell this to the people who drink it. 將污水轉化為飲用水。不要告訴喝水的人。
WaterTreatmentPlant__name Wastewater treatment 污水處理
WaterWell__desc This station can extract fresh water. 此站可以萃取淡水。
WaterWell__name Groundwater well 地下水井
WeatherOption_Dry Dry 乾燥
WeatherOption_LessDry Less dry 較乾
WindowMode__Option_Borderless Borderless 無框
WindowMode__Option_Fullscreen Fullscreen 全螢幕
WindowMode__Option_Windowed Windowed 視窗模式
WindowMode__Title Window mode 視窗模式
WindowsShortcuts Windows shortcuts 視窗快速鍵
Workers__Available available 可用
Workers__Needed needed 需要
WorkersAvailable__Tooltip The number of workers available. To get more workers increase your population. You can do so by building a beacon, explore the world map or apply edicts. 可用的工人數量。您可以通過建立燈塔,探索世界地圖或頒佈法令來增加人口而得到更多工人。
WorkersDemand Workers demand 工人需求
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__name No workers! 沒有工人!
WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part1 You have <b>no more free workers</b> on your island. Everyone is already busy working. Some buildings or vehicles will not be able to operate. 您的島上<b>沒有更多的空閒工人了</b>。大家已經都在忙著工作了。一些建築物或車輛將無法運行。
WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part2 In order to get more people, you should prioritize researching and building a {0}. It will help to attract more refugees to your island and you will not only get more workers but also some extra materials from them. The effectiveness of the beacon will decline over time. So you should prioritize repairing the <bc>ship</bc> to bring more people and resources to the island. 為了吸引更多人口,您應該優先研究和建造{0}。這將有助於吸引更多難民到您的島上,您不僅會獲得更多的工人,還會從他們那裡獲得一些額外的材料。燈塔的有效性會隨著時間的推移而下降。所以你應該優先修理<bc>船</bc>,為島上帶來更多的人和資源。
WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part3 In the meantime, you can pause some buildings that you need the least to free up some workers. 與此同時,你可以暫停一些你最不需要的建築物建造或產品生產程序,來使一些工人有空。
WarningPrefix Warning: 警告:
wasteCategory__name Waste management 廢棄物管理
WasteDump__desc Dumps liquid into the ocean. Some liquid will cause water pollution which can affect health and happiness of your people. Works at the maximum height of {0} from the ocean level. 將液體傾倒入海洋。某些液體會造成水污染,影響人們的健康和幸福。可在海平面之上 {0} 之內運作。
WasteDump__name Liquid dump 排水口
WasteSortingOutputs__Tooltip The ratios of individual output products depend on where the input recyclables come from (e.g. where they were produced and from which products). Which means that these ratios are subject to change based on production processes used. 單個輸出產品的比例取決於輸入可回收材料的來源(例如,它們是在哪裡生產的以及來自哪些產品)。這意味著這些比例可能會根據所使用的生產工藝而變化。
WasteSortingPlant__desc Recycling can transform your island's economy in a significant way as it allows to recover a portion of raw materials from various sources like settlement, maintenance, or research. Recycling reduces the need for raw minerals extraction and thus also extends longevity of deposits. Places that support recycling will return '{0}'. This product can be separated via waste sorting plant into scraps (such as iron or copper scraps) which can be sent to any furnace for smelting. The ratio of materials recycled is based on '{1}' and more about that is explained in the waste sorting plant. 透過回收,你可以顯著地改變你的島嶼經濟,因為它能從各種來源(如定居點、維修或研究)中回收部分原材料。回收的行為減少了對原始礦石的開採需求,也因此延長了礦藏的壽命。支援回收的地方會返回「{0}」。這種產品可以在垃圾分類工廠中被分解成碎屑(如鐵碎屑或銅碎屑),並可以被送往各個熔爐進行熔煉。回收材料的比例是基於「{1}」,在垃圾分類工廠有更詳細的說明。
WasteSortingPlant__name Waste sorting plant 垃圾分類工廠
WaterChiller__name Water chiller 水冷裝置
WaterCollected Water collected 收集的水
WaterConsumptionReduction__desc Reduces water consumed in settlements and farms by {0} 減少 {0} 定居點和農場的用水量
WaterConsumptionReduction__name Water saver 節水政策
WaterNeed__name Water
WaterTreatmentPlant__desc Converts not so nice water to nice water. Just don't tell this to the people who drink it. 將污水轉化為飲用水。不要告訴喝水的人。
WaterTreatmentPlant__name Wastewater treatment 污水處理
WaterWell__desc This station can extract fresh water. 此站可以萃取淡水。
WaterWell__name Groundwater well 地下水井
WeatherOption_Dry Dry 乾燥
WeatherOption_LessDry Less dry 較乾
WindowMode__Option_Borderless Borderless 無框
WindowMode__Option_Fullscreen Fullscreen 全螢幕
WindowMode__Option_Windowed Windowed 視窗模式
WindowMode__Title Window mode 視窗模式
WindowsShortcuts Windows shortcuts 視窗快速鍵
WorkersAvailable__Tooltip The number of workers available. To get more workers increase your population. You can do so by building a beacon, explore the world map or apply edicts. 可用的工人數量。您可以通過建立燈塔,探索世界地圖或頒佈法令來增加人口而得到更多工人。
WorkersDemand Workers demand 工人需求
Workers__Available available 可用
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English Chinese (Traditional)
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name: name of a settlement service provided to pops
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 2936