
Used to extract gold ore concentrate from gold ore powder.

English name of a machine
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
SettlementPowerModule__desc Provides electricity to the attached settlement which generates extra Unity. 為連接的定居點提供電力並生產額外的凝聚力。
SettlementPowerModule__name Transformer 變壓器
SettlementRecyclablesModule__descToFormat Collects recyclables from the attached settlement. Recyclables are generated only from products that you provide to the settlement (e.g. {0}). If a settlement does not have this module built, all recyclables end up in general waste. 從連接的定居點收集回收物。回收物僅由您提供給定居點的產品(例如 {0})產生。如果定居點沒有建造此模組,所有回收物最終都會成為普通垃圾。
SettlementRecyclablesModule__name Recyclables collection 可回收收藏品
SettlementServices Services 服務
SettlementServices__Tooltip Status of services provided to this settlement. 向該定居點提供服務的狀態。
SettlementSmall1__name Settlement 定居點
SettlementSquare1__name Square (light) 廣場 (亮)
SettlementSquare2__name Square (dark) 廣場 (暗)
SettlementTitle Settlement 定居點
SettlementTitleWithReputation {0} (Reputation {1}) {0} (聲望 {1})
SettlementWaste__Title Waste in settlement 定居點的垃圾
SettlementWaste__Tooltip Population in settlement generates waste. The amount of waste generated depends on amount of products provided to the settlement. However settlement always generates some basic amount of waste. When waste in settlement gets over limit it creates negative health effects, so it is important to collect the waste via a dedicated waste module. Waste can be dumped on the ground. However research might find new ways of dealing with waste. 定居點的居民會產生垃圾。產生的垃圾量取決於提供給居點的產品數量。然而,定居點總是會產生一定數量的垃圾。當定居點的垃圾超過一定量時,會對健康產生負面影響,因此用專門的垃圾模組收集垃圾很重要。垃圾可以傾倒在地上。但是通過研究可能會找到新方法來處理垃圾。
SettlementWaterModule__desc Provides fresh water to the attached settlement and returns waste water that needs to be disposed of. Providing fresh water to a settlement generates extra Unity and reduces health risks. 為所連接的定居點提供淡水,並回收需要處理的廢水。為定居點提供淡水會產生額外的凝聚力, 也會降低健康風險。
SettlementWaterModule__name Water facility 供水設施
SettlingTank__name Settling tank 沉澱池
ShadowsQualityRenderingSetting__Name Shadows quality 陰影品質
Shaft__name Shaft
Shaft__Status Max output: {0}% 最大輸出:{0}%
ShaftOverview Connected shaft 連接軸
ShaftOverview__Tooltip This machine is connected to a shaft that allows exchange of mechanical power. All machines connected to one shaft contribute to its inertia - stored mechanical power. When shaft is turning too slow, machines cannot use its power (denoted by red marker) and it needs to be charged up first. When inertia is low, the maximum output is limited and connected machines might not get all the power they need. Similarly, when inertia is too high, the maximum input to the shaft is limited and connected machines may not be able to deliver all produced power to the shaft. The shaft has a maximum throughput of {0}. 這台機器連接到一個允許機械動力交換的軸上。連接到同一根軸上的所有機器都會為其貢獻慣性—儲存的機械動力。當軸轉動過慢時,機器無法使用其動力(用紅色標記表示),需要先充能。當慣性低時,最大輸出受到限制,連接的機器可能無法獲得所需的全部功率。同樣,當慣性太大時,軸的最大輸入受到限制,連接的機器可能無法將所有產生的動力傳遞到軸。軸的最大容量為 {0}。
ShiftsCount {0} shift {0}輪班
ShipAutoRepair__Toggle Auto-repair 自動修理
ShipAutoRepair__Tooltip Repairs will be requested automatically whenever the ship is damaged. 一旦船艦損毀,將自動開始維修作業。
ShipAutoReturn__Toggle Automatically return home 自動回航
ShipAutoReturn__Tooltip The ship will automatically return back from the world map if it has no available locations to explore. 如果沒有可供探索的地方,船隻將自動從世界地圖返回。
ShipCannotUnload Cannot unload cargo! Shipyard is full. 不能卸貨!碼頭已滿。
ShipCantVisit__BeingModified Ship is being modified 船隻正在改裝
ShipCantVisit__BeingRepaired Ship is being modified 船隻正在改裝
ShipCantVisit__Damaged Ship is too damaged 船隻受損嚴重
ShipCantVisit__MovingToDock Ship is arriving to the dock. 船正在抵達碼頭。
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
SettlementPowerModule__desc Provides electricity to the attached settlement which generates extra Unity. 為連接的定居點提供電力並生產額外的凝聚力。
SettlementPowerModule__name Transformer 變壓器
SettlementRecyclablesModule__descToFormat Collects recyclables from the attached settlement. Recyclables are generated only from products that you provide to the settlement (e.g. {0}). If a settlement does not have this module built, all recyclables end up in general waste. 從連接的定居點收集回收物。回收物僅由您提供給定居點的產品(例如 {0})產生。如果定居點沒有建造此模組,所有回收物最終都會成為普通垃圾。
SettlementRecyclablesModule__name Recyclables collection 可回收收藏品
SettlementServices Services 服務
SettlementServices__Tooltip Status of services provided to this settlement. 向該定居點提供服務的狀態。
SettlementSmall1__name Settlement 定居點
SettlementSquare1__name Square (light) 廣場 (亮)
SettlementSquare2__name Square (dark) 廣場 (暗)
SettlementTitle Settlement 定居點
SettlementTitleWithReputation {0} (Reputation {1}) {0} (聲望 {1})
SettlementWaste__Title Waste in settlement 定居點的垃圾
SettlementWaste__Tooltip Population in settlement generates waste. The amount of waste generated depends on amount of products provided to the settlement. However settlement always generates some basic amount of waste. When waste in settlement gets over limit it creates negative health effects, so it is important to collect the waste via a dedicated waste module. Waste can be dumped on the ground. However research might find new ways of dealing with waste. 定居點的居民會產生垃圾。產生的垃圾量取決於提供給居點的產品數量。然而,定居點總是會產生一定數量的垃圾。當定居點的垃圾超過一定量時,會對健康產生負面影響,因此用專門的垃圾模組收集垃圾很重要。垃圾可以傾倒在地上。但是通過研究可能會找到新方法來處理垃圾。
SettlementWaterModule__desc Provides fresh water to the attached settlement and returns waste water that needs to be disposed of. Providing fresh water to a settlement generates extra Unity and reduces health risks. 為所連接的定居點提供淡水,並回收需要處理的廢水。為定居點提供淡水會產生額外的凝聚力, 也會降低健康風險。
SettlementWaterModule__name Water facility 供水設施
SettlingTank__name Settling tank 沉澱池
ShadowsQualityRenderingSetting__Name Shadows quality 陰影品質
ShaftOverview Connected shaft 連接軸
ShaftOverview__Tooltip This machine is connected to a shaft that allows exchange of mechanical power. All machines connected to one shaft contribute to its inertia - stored mechanical power. When shaft is turning too slow, machines cannot use its power (denoted by red marker) and it needs to be charged up first. When inertia is low, the maximum output is limited and connected machines might not get all the power they need. Similarly, when inertia is too high, the maximum input to the shaft is limited and connected machines may not be able to deliver all produced power to the shaft. The shaft has a maximum throughput of {0}. 這台機器連接到一個允許機械動力交換的軸上。連接到同一根軸上的所有機器都會為其貢獻慣性—儲存的機械動力。當軸轉動過慢時,機器無法使用其動力(用紅色標記表示),需要先充能。當慣性低時,最大輸出受到限制,連接的機器可能無法獲得所需的全部功率。同樣,當慣性太大時,軸的最大輸入受到限制,連接的機器可能無法將所有產生的動力傳遞到軸。軸的最大容量為 {0}。
Shaft__name Shaft
Shaft__Status Max output: {0}% 最大輸出:{0}%
ShiftsCount {0} shift {0}輪班
ShipAutoRepair__Toggle Auto-repair 自動修理
ShipAutoRepair__Tooltip Repairs will be requested automatically whenever the ship is damaged. 一旦船艦損毀,將自動開始維修作業。
ShipAutoReturn__Toggle Automatically return home 自動回航
ShipAutoReturn__Tooltip The ship will automatically return back from the world map if it has no available locations to explore. 如果沒有可供探索的地方,船隻將自動從世界地圖返回。
ShipCannotUnload Cannot unload cargo! Shipyard is full. 不能卸貨!碼頭已滿。
ShipCantVisit__BeingModified Ship is being modified 船隻正在改裝
ShipCantVisit__BeingRepaired Ship is being modified 船隻正在改裝
ShipCantVisit__Damaged Ship is too damaged 船隻受損嚴重


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English Chinese (Traditional)
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Used to extract gold ore concentrate from gold ore powder.

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zh_Hant.po, string 2224