
English Shows the total area of an island (excluding ocean). Example of use: 'Land area 2.1 km²' Shows the total area of an island (excluding ocean). Example of use: 'Land area 2.1 km²'
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
MaintenanceDepotT1__desc Converts products into maintenance which is distributed to all machines, buildings, and vehicles that need it. Important as if there is not enough maintenance, vehicles and machines can break down temporarily. 將產品轉化為維護,分發給所有需要的機器、建築物和車輛。重要的是,如果沒有足夠的維護,車輛和機器可能會暫時發生故障。
MaintenanceDepotT1__name Maintenance depot 維修站
MaintenanceDepotT2__name Maintenance II depot 維修站 II
MaintenanceDepotT3__name Maintenance III depot 維修站 III
MaintenanceReduction__desc Maintenance reduced by {0} 維護減少了 {0}
MaintenanceReduction__name Maintenance reducer 減少維護
MakeDefault Make default 設為默認
MakeDefault__ConstructionTooltip Set this priority to be the default one for all constructions and upgrades. 將此優先等級設為所有建築和升級的預設優先等級。
MakeDefault__DeconstructionTooltip Set this priority to be the default one for all deconstructions. 將此優先等級設為所有拆卸的預設優先等級。
ManagedArea__EditAction Edit area 編輯區域
ManagedArea__Info Managed area: {0} 受管制區: {0}
ManagedDesignation__EditAction Edit designation 變更規劃範圍
ManualSaveInProgress Save in progress ... 存檔中…
Map Map 地圖
MapArea__Flat Flat area 平地面積
MapArea__Land Land area 陸地面積
MapArea__Total Map size 地圖大小
MapInvalid Map not selected or the file is corrupted. 尚未選擇地圖或檔案已損毀。
MapleTree__desc Maple tree 楓樹
MapleTreeDry__desc Maple tree (dry) 楓樹(枯萎)
MapResources_EasyToReach_Tooltip When on, shows resources that are easy to reach: those not submerged under the ocean and within {0} tiles deep. 開啟時,僅顯示易於抵達的資源:那些沒有被海洋淹沒,且在深度{0}格內的資源。
MapResources_ShowPins Show on the map 在地圖上顯示
MapResources_ShowPinsTooltip Show resources on the map 在地圖上顯示資源
MapResources_Title Map resources 地圖資源
MapSize_XY {0} × {1} km {0} × {1} km
MatchesFound {0} match {0} 項符合
MaxCapacity Max. capacity 最大容量
MaxWeaponRange Max. weapon range 最大武器射程
Mechanic_Casual__InfiniteMines Impact from power and computing outages is reduced 電力和算力中斷時的影響降低
Mechanic_Casual__LogisticsPower Belts and storage units don’t require electricity 傳送帶和儲存設備不需要電力
Mechanic_Casual__Title Casual 休閒模式
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
MaintenanceDepotT1__name Maintenance depot 維修站
MaintenanceDepotT2__name Maintenance II depot 維修站 II
MaintenanceDepotT3__name Maintenance III depot 維修站 III
MaintenanceReduction__desc Maintenance reduced by {0} 維護減少了 {0}
MaintenanceReduction__name Maintenance reducer 減少維護
Maintenance__EntityTooltip This entity needs regular maintenance to function. See maintenance depot for details. 該實體需要定期維護才能保持功能正常。詳情請參閱維修站。
MakeDefault Make default 設為默認
MakeDefault__ConstructionTooltip Set this priority to be the default one for all constructions and upgrades. 將此優先等級設為所有建築和升級的預設優先等級。
MakeDefault__DeconstructionTooltip Set this priority to be the default one for all deconstructions. 將此優先等級設為所有拆卸的預設優先等級。
ManagedArea__EditAction Edit area 編輯區域
ManagedArea__Info Managed area: {0} 受管制區: {0}
ManagedDesignation__EditAction Edit designation 變更規劃範圍
ManualSaveInProgress Save in progress ... 存檔中…
Map Map 地圖
MapArea__Flat Flat area 平地面積
MapArea__Land Land area 陸地面積
MapArea__Total Map size 地圖大小
MapInvalid Map not selected or the file is corrupted. 尚未選擇地圖或檔案已損毀。
MapleTreeDry__desc Maple tree (dry) 楓樹(枯萎)
MapleTree__desc Maple tree 楓樹
MapResources_EasyToReach_Tooltip When on, shows resources that are easy to reach: those not submerged under the ocean and within {0} tiles deep. 開啟時,僅顯示易於抵達的資源:那些沒有被海洋淹沒,且在深度{0}格內的資源。
MapResources_ShowPins Show on the map 在地圖上顯示
MapResources_ShowPinsTooltip Show resources on the map 在地圖上顯示資源
MapResources_Title Map resources 地圖資源
MapSize_XY {0} × {1} km {0} × {1} km
MatchesFound {0} match {0} 項符合
MaxCapacity Max. capacity 最大容量
MaxWeaponRange Max. weapon range 最大武器射程
Mechanics Mechanics 機制
Mechanic_Casual__InfiniteMines Impact from power and computing outages is reduced 電力和算力中斷時的影響降低


5 months ago
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There are 3 variants of this string.



English Chinese (Traditional)
area 區域 Glossary

String information

Source string comment
Shows the total area of an island (excluding ocean). Example of use: 'Land area 2.1 km²' Shows the total area of an island (excluding ocean). Example of use: 'Land area 2.1 km²'
String age
5 months ago
Source string age
5 months ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 1311