
English explanation of what navigation overlay toggle does
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
EntityStatus__Paused Paused 暫停中
EntityStatus__ResearchTooAdvanced Can't research 無法研究
EntityStatus__ResourceDepleted Resource depleted 資源耗竭
EntityStatus__Ship_Arriving Arriving 到達
EntityStatus__Ship_Departing Departing 出發
EntityStatus__Ship_Docked Docked 停泊
EntityStatus__Ship_Exploring Exploring 探索中
EntityStatus__Ship_InBattle In battle 戰鬥中
EntityStatus__Ship_Moving On the move 航行中
EntityStatus__Ship_NoOrders No orders 無指令
EntityStatus__WaitingForProducts Waiting for products 等待產品中
EntityStatus__WaitingForProductsTooltip Products missing 缺少產品
EntityStatus__Working Working 工作中
EntityStatus__WorkingPartially Working ({0}) 工作中({0})
EntityToggleNavigationOverlay Navigation overlay 切換導航圖層
EntityToggleNavigationOverlay__Tooltip Shows overlay that explains where this vehicle can or cannot drive. 顯示該種車輛可行駛的圖層。
EntityWorkersNeededTooltip Number of workers needed 需要的工人數量
EntityWorkersNeededTooltip_Assigned Currently assigned workers 目前已指派的工人
EntityWorkersNeededTooltip_NotAssigned Number of workers required when operational (no workers assigned at this moment) 運作時需要的工人數量 (現在沒有工人指派到此)
Error__Copy Copy error
Error__View View error
ErrorReporting__Title Send error reports 傳送錯誤報告
ErrorReporting__Tooltip Allows us to send anonymous reports of errors that occur during your gameplay. This helps us to discover issues quickly and make the game better for everyone. 讓您把遊戲中遭遇的錯誤傳送匿名報告給我們。這能幫助我們快速發現問題,並且使遊戲體驗更佳。
EstablishedContracts__NoneInfo No established contracts. Time to close a new deal? 沒有已設定的合約。是時候談些新交易了?
EstablishedContracts__Title Established contracts 已訂定的合約
EstablishedContracts__Tooltip Lists all the established contracts. These contracts might cost monthly Unity. Established contract can be cancelled only if it is not assigned to any cargo depot. 列出所有已建立的合約。這些合約每月會消耗固定的凝聚力。只有未分配到任何貨運站的情況下,才能取消已建立的合約。
EstimatedWaterYieldTitle Average water collection 平均集水量
EvaporationPond__desc Produces salt by evaporating residual water from brine. 將鹽水蒸發去除殘餘水分以製造鹽。
EvaporationPond__name Evaporation pond 蒸發池
EvaporationPondHeated__desc Produces salt by evaporating residual water from brine. The process is accelerated by utilizing a set of electric heaters. 將鹽水蒸發去除殘餘水分以製造鹽,額外多了電熱器能讓整個過程加快。
EvaporationPondHeated__name Evaporation pond (heated) 蒸發池(加熱)
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
EntityStatus__ResearchTooAdvanced Can't research 無法研究
EntityStatus__ResourceDepleted Resource depleted 資源耗竭
EntityStatus__Ship_Arriving Arriving 到達
EntityStatus__Ship_Departing Departing 出發
EntityStatus__Ship_Docked Docked 停泊
EntityStatus__Ship_Exploring Exploring 探索中
EntityStatus__Ship_InBattle In battle 戰鬥中
EntityStatus__Ship_Moving On the move 航行中
EntityStatus__Ship_NoOrders No orders 無指令
EntityStatus__WaitingForProducts Waiting for products 等待產品中
EntityStatus__WaitingForProductsTooltip Products missing 缺少產品
EntityStatus__Working Working 工作中
EntityStatus__WorkingPartially Working ({0}) 工作中({0})
EntityStatus___NuclearReactor_Overheated Overheated 過熱
EntityToggleNavigationOverlay Navigation overlay 切換導航圖層
EntityToggleNavigationOverlay__Tooltip Shows overlay that explains where this vehicle can or cannot drive. 顯示該種車輛可行駛的圖層。
EntityWorkersNeededTooltip Number of workers needed 需要的工人數量
EntityWorkersNeededTooltip_Assigned Currently assigned workers 目前已指派的工人
EntityWorkersNeededTooltip_NotAssigned Number of workers required when operational (no workers assigned at this moment) 運作時需要的工人數量 (現在沒有工人指派到此)
ErrorReporting__Title Send error reports 傳送錯誤報告
ErrorReporting__Tooltip Allows us to send anonymous reports of errors that occur during your gameplay. This helps us to discover issues quickly and make the game better for everyone. 讓您把遊戲中遭遇的錯誤傳送匿名報告給我們。這能幫助我們快速發現問題,並且使遊戲體驗更佳。
Error__Copy Copy error
Error__View View error
EstablishedContracts__NoneInfo No established contracts. Time to close a new deal? 沒有已設定的合約。是時候談些新交易了?
EstablishedContracts__Title Established contracts 已訂定的合約
EstablishedContracts__Tooltip Lists all the established contracts. These contracts might cost monthly Unity. Established contract can be cancelled only if it is not assigned to any cargo depot. 列出所有已建立的合約。這些合約每月會消耗固定的凝聚力。只有未分配到任何貨運站的情況下,才能取消已建立的合約。
EstimatedWaterYieldTitle Average water collection 平均集水量
EvaporationPondHeated__desc Produces salt by evaporating residual water from brine. The process is accelerated by utilizing a set of electric heaters. 將鹽水蒸發去除殘餘水分以製造鹽,額外多了電熱器能讓整個過程加快。
EvaporationPondHeated__name Evaporation pond (heated) 蒸發池(加熱)
EvaporationPond__desc Produces salt by evaporating residual water from brine. 將鹽水蒸發去除殘餘水分以製造鹽。
User avatar TassoleHoff

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English Chinese (Traditional)
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Source string comment
explanation of what navigation overlay toggle does
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 621