
English name of a machine
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
ImportPriority Import 進口
ImportPriority__ShipCargoTooltip Truck priority for deliveries of materials that are requested to be loaded onto the ship. 要求將材料裝上卡車運到船上的優先等級。
ImportPriority__ShipFuelTooltip Trucks priority for fuel deliveries. 卡車運送燃料的優先等級。
ImportPriority__ShipRepairTooltip Truck priority for deliveries of materials needed for ship repairs and modifications. 卡車運送船艦修理和改裝所需材料的優先等級。
ImportPriority__StorageTooltip Trucks priority for deliveries of assigned product. 卡車運輸指定產品的優先等級。
ImportRoutesEnforce__Title Accept assigned only 只接受已分配車輛
ImportRoutesEnforce__Tooltip Accept cargo import only via the assigned routes (this is set by default). If this is disabled, cargo can be delivered from anywhere (meaning that import routes are ignored). 僅通過指定的路線接受貨物進口(預設設定)。如果停用此功能,則可以從任何地方接收貨物(意味著忽略進口路線)。
ImportRoutesTitle Import routes 自訂輸入路線
IncinerationPlant__desc Burns waste with much better efficiency than a basic burner. The process is energy positive and generates steam. 比基本燃燒器更高效地燃燒垃圾。該過程能源回報率正向,並產生蒸汽。
IncinerationPlant__name Incineration plant 焚化爐
IncreasedPriority__Action Priority 優先度
IncreasedPriority__ConstructionTooltip Trucks will prioritize this operation to make it finish as soon as possible 卡車將優先執行此操作以儘快完成
IncreasePriority Increase priority 提高優先度
IndividualFoodSupply__Tooltip Estimate for how long the current supply can feed the settlement. This estimate is increased in case there are also other types of food available in the settlement. 估計當前補給品可以供應定居點多長時間。如果定居點中還有其他類型的食物可用,則該估計值會增加。
IndustrialMixer__desc High-power mixer for general materials mixing. 一般材料混合用的高速攪拌機。
IndustrialMixer__name Mixer 攪拌機
IndustrialMixerT2__name Mixer II 攪拌機 II
InfectionDisease__desc To prevent this illness in the future, prevent trash from piling up in your settlement. 為了防止將來發生這種疾病,請避免在您的定居點堆積垃圾。
InfectionDisease__name Infection 傳染
InfectionDisease_Reason settlement full of waste 定居點堆滿垃圾
Input__Enable Enable input 啟用輸入
Input__Pause Pause input 暫停輸入
InputsTitle Inputs 輸入
InsulaMortis__desc Explore the mysterious archipelago of Insula Mortis, a collection of islands shrouded in legend and intrigue. Unlocking access to neighboring isles requires mining through mountains and constructing land bridges, achieved by dumping materials into the ocean.

Despite its wealth in natural resources, a legend tells that this place is cursed. None of the few scouts who made it back said anything about a curse though, so it’s probably nothing. Well, except for Jimmy - he may have screamed something about dead trees before we sedated him. If you want to give it a look yourself, though, I’m sure you’ll be fine.

InsulaMortis__name Insula mortis 死亡之島
InvalidExportRoute__name {entity}: Invalid route assigned. {entity}:分配的路徑無效。
InvalidExportRouteSuffix Storage has export route but also has '{0}' slider set or truck export off, these modes are not compatible. 倉庫有輸出路線,但也設定了'{0}'滑塊或關閉了卡車輸出,這些設定不相容。
InvalidImportRoute__name {entity}: Invalid route assigned. {entity}:分配的路徑無效。
InvalidImportRouteSuffix Storage has import route but also has '{0}' slider set or truck import off, these modes are not compatible. 倉庫有輸入路線但也設定了'{0}'滑塊或關閉了卡車輸入,這些設定不相容。
IoLabel__IN IN
IoLabel__OUT OUT
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
ImportPriority__ShipCargoTooltip Truck priority for deliveries of materials that are requested to be loaded onto the ship. 要求將材料裝上卡車運到船上的優先等級。
ImportPriority__ShipFuelTooltip Trucks priority for fuel deliveries. 卡車運送燃料的優先等級。
ImportPriority__ShipRepairTooltip Truck priority for deliveries of materials needed for ship repairs and modifications. 卡車運送船艦修理和改裝所需材料的優先等級。
ImportPriority__StorageTooltip Trucks priority for deliveries of assigned product. 卡車運輸指定產品的優先等級。
ImportRoutesEnforce__Title Accept assigned only 只接受已分配車輛
ImportRoutesEnforce__Tooltip Accept cargo import only via the assigned routes (this is set by default). If this is disabled, cargo can be delivered from anywhere (meaning that import routes are ignored). 僅通過指定的路線接受貨物進口(預設設定)。如果停用此功能,則可以從任何地方接收貨物(意味著忽略進口路線)。
ImportRoutesTitle Import routes 自訂輸入路線
IncinerationPlant__desc Burns waste with much better efficiency than a basic burner. The process is energy positive and generates steam. 比基本燃燒器更高效地燃燒垃圾。該過程能源回報率正向,並產生蒸汽。
IncinerationPlant__name Incineration plant 焚化爐
IncreasedPriority__Action Priority 優先度
IncreasedPriority__ConstructionTooltip Trucks will prioritize this operation to make it finish as soon as possible 卡車將優先執行此操作以儘快完成
IncreasePriority Increase priority 提高優先度
IndividualFoodSupply__Tooltip Estimate for how long the current supply can feed the settlement. This estimate is increased in case there are also other types of food available in the settlement. 估計當前補給品可以供應定居點多長時間。如果定居點中還有其他類型的食物可用,則該估計值會增加。
IndustrialMixerT2__name Mixer II 攪拌機 II
IndustrialMixer__desc High-power mixer for general materials mixing. 一般材料混合用的高速攪拌機。
IndustrialMixer__name Mixer 攪拌機
InfectionDisease_Reason settlement full of waste 定居點堆滿垃圾
InfectionDisease__desc To prevent this illness in the future, prevent trash from piling up in your settlement. 為了防止將來發生這種疾病,請避免在您的定居點堆積垃圾。
InfectionDisease__name Infection 傳染
InputsTitle Inputs 輸入
Input__Enable Enable input 啟用輸入
Input__Pause Pause input 暫停輸入
InsulaMortis__desc Explore the mysterious archipelago of Insula Mortis, a collection of islands shrouded in legend and intrigue. Unlocking access to neighboring isles requires mining through mountains and constructing land bridges, achieved by dumping materials into the ocean.

Despite its wealth in natural resources, a legend tells that this place is cursed. None of the few scouts who made it back said anything about a curse though, so it’s probably nothing. Well, except for Jimmy - he may have screamed something about dead trees before we sedated him. If you want to give it a look yourself, though, I’m sure you’ll be fine.

InsulaMortis__name Insula mortis 死亡之島
InvalidExportRouteSuffix Storage has export route but also has '{0}' slider set or truck export off, these modes are not compatible. 倉庫有輸出路線,但也設定了'{0}'滑塊或關閉了卡車輸出,這些設定不相容。
InvalidExportRoute__name {entity}: Invalid route assigned. {entity}:分配的路徑無效。
InvalidImportRouteSuffix Storage has import route but also has '{0}' slider set or truck import off, these modes are not compatible. 倉庫有輸入路線但也設定了'{0}'滑塊或關閉了卡車輸入,這些設定不相容。
InvalidImportRoute__name {entity}: Invalid route assigned. {entity}:分配的路徑無效。
IoLabel__IN IN
IoLabel__OUT OUT


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2 years ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
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Source string comment
name of a machine
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 1056