
English {0} is name of the file that was deleted {0} is name of the file that was deleted
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
CurrentDisease__Tooltip From time to time diseases appear in your settlement. Some diseases occur as a consequence of lack of facilities in your settlement. Some are just seasonal diseases that can't be affected much. When your ship goes for explorations, her crew can bring more severe versions of seasonal diseases back to the island. 您的定居点不时出现疾病。某些疾病是由于您的定居点缺乏设施而发生的。有些只是季节性疾病,不会受到太大影响。当你的船去探险时,船员可以将更严重的季节性疾病带回岛上。
CurrentResearch Current research 目前进行的研究
CustomizeDifficulty__Description You can further fine tune all settings below. These settings are also available in-game. 您可以进一步微调下面的所有设置。这些设置在游戏中也可以找到。
CustomMaps__Title Custom maps 自定义地图
CutTool Cut 剪切
CutTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of non-constructed structures to cut them and make them available for new placement 单击或框选未建造完成的建筑区域进行剪切操作,使其可放置于新的位置
DamagedSuffix {0} (damaged) {0} (已损坏)
DataCenter__desc Datacenter is used to host server racks that you add to it. It is highly scalable and makes computing more affordable. Each added server rack provides computing. It is worth noting that each server rack has its power, cooling, and maintenance demands. However, some people say that all it does is to persist and search in a vast collection of pictures of cats and memes - we were not able to debunk this. 数据中心用于托管您添加到其中的服务器机架。它拥有高度的可扩展性,能够使计算力更为经济。需要注意的是,每个服务器机架都有电源、冷却和维护的需求。然而,有些人说它只是用于巨量小猫图和梗图的存储和搜索——我们无法反驳这一观点。
DataCenter__name Data center 数据中心
DateYear__Label Year {0} {0}年
Decals_Paint Paint 涂画
DecreasePriority Decrease priority 降低优先级
DefaultConcrete_TerrainSurface__name Concrete surface 混凝土表面
DeleteSave__Confirm Are you sure you want to delete {0}? 你确定要删除{0}吗?
DeleteSave__FailMessage Oops! Failed to delete {0}! 啊!无法删除 {0}!
DeleteSave__SuccessMessage Save file {0} was deleted. 保存的文件 {0} 已删除。
DeleteTool__EntireTransport Hold the shortcut key (while destroying) to remove the entire conveyor belt or pipe 按住快捷键(在拆除模式下)以移除整个传送带或管道
DeleteTool__QuickRemoveTooltip Hold the shortcut key (while destroying) to also quick remove all the materials with Unity 按住快捷键(当摧毁建筑时)来使用凝聚力快速移除所有材料
DeleteTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of structures to demolish them 单击或框选一片需要摧毁的建筑区域
Demand Demand 需求
Demolish Demolish 拆除
Designation__Dumping Dumping designation 倾倒指定
Designation__Forestry Forestry designation 林业指定区域
Designation__Leveling Leveling designation 调平地形指定
Designation__Mining Mining designation 采矿指定
Designation__TreeHarvesting Tree harvesting designation 采伐机指定
DesignationError__Invalid Invalid position. 位置无效。
DesignationRemovalTooltip Right click & drag to remove existing designations 右键单击并拖动以删除现有的指定区域
Designations Designations 规划
DesignationWarning__CannotPlaceDecal Can't paint over terrain. 无法在地形上涂画。
DesignationWarning__CannotStartDumping Cannot start dumping here yet, all the edges are too high above the terrain. 还不能在这里开始倾倒,所有边缘都高于这个地域。
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
CurrentDisease__Tooltip From time to time diseases appear in your settlement. Some diseases occur as a consequence of lack of facilities in your settlement. Some are just seasonal diseases that can't be affected much. When your ship goes for explorations, her crew can bring more severe versions of seasonal diseases back to the island. 您的定居点不时出现疾病。某些疾病是由于您的定居点缺乏设施而发生的。有些只是季节性疾病,不会受到太大影响。当你的船去探险时,船员可以将更严重的季节性疾病带回岛上。
CurrentResearch Current research 目前进行的研究
CustomizeDifficulty__Description You can further fine tune all settings below. These settings are also available in-game. 您可以进一步微调下面的所有设置。这些设置在游戏中也可以找到。
CustomMaps__Title Custom maps 自定义地图
CutTool Cut 剪切
CutTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of non-constructed structures to cut them and make them available for new placement 单击或框选未建造完成的建筑区域进行剪切操作,使其可放置于新的位置
DamagedSuffix {0} (damaged) {0} (已损坏)
DataCenter__desc Datacenter is used to host server racks that you add to it. It is highly scalable and makes computing more affordable. Each added server rack provides computing. It is worth noting that each server rack has its power, cooling, and maintenance demands. However, some people say that all it does is to persist and search in a vast collection of pictures of cats and memes - we were not able to debunk this. 数据中心用于托管您添加到其中的服务器机架。它拥有高度的可扩展性,能够使计算力更为经济。需要注意的是,每个服务器机架都有电源、冷却和维护的需求。然而,有些人说它只是用于巨量小猫图和梗图的存储和搜索——我们无法反驳这一观点。
DataCenter__name Data center 数据中心
DateYear__Label Year {0} {0}年
Decals_Paint Paint 涂画
DecreasePriority Decrease priority 降低优先级
DefaultConcrete_TerrainSurface__name Concrete surface 混凝土表面
DeleteSave__Confirm Are you sure you want to delete {0}? 你确定要删除{0}吗?
DeleteSave__FailMessage Oops! Failed to delete {0}! 啊!无法删除 {0}!
DeleteSave__SuccessMessage Save file {0} was deleted. 保存的文件 {0} 已删除。
DeleteTool__EntireTransport Hold the shortcut key (while destroying) to remove the entire conveyor belt or pipe 按住快捷键(在拆除模式下)以移除整个传送带或管道
DeleteTool__QuickRemoveTooltip Hold the shortcut key (while destroying) to also quick remove all the materials with Unity 按住快捷键(当摧毁建筑时)来使用凝聚力快速移除所有材料
DeleteTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of structures to demolish them 单击或框选一片需要摧毁的建筑区域
Demand Demand 需求
Demolish Demolish 拆除
DesignationError__Invalid Invalid position. 位置无效。
DesignationRemovalTooltip Right click & drag to remove existing designations 右键单击并拖动以删除现有的指定区域
Designations Designations 规划
DesignationWarning__CannotPlaceDecal Can't paint over terrain. 无法在地形上涂画。
DesignationWarning__CannotStartDumping Cannot start dumping here yet, all the edges are too high above the terrain. 还不能在这里开始倾倒,所有边缘都高于这个地域。
DesignationWarning__CannotStartForestry Cannot start forestry here yet, ground is not fertile. 尚不能在此处开始林业,土地并不肥沃。
DesignationWarning__CannotStartLeveling Cannot start leveling terrain here yet, all the edges are too low/high above the terrain. 不能在此处调平地面的高度,所有边缘均高/低于地面太多。
DesignationWarning__CannotStartMining Cannot start mining here yet, all the edges are too deep below the terrain. 还不能在这里开始挖掘,所有的边缘都在此片地下太深了。
DesignationWarning__NoForestryTower Must be managed by a forestry tower area. 必须置于一座林业塔范围之内。
User avatar struggletostudy

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11 months ago


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a year ago
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English Chinese (Simplified)
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String information

Source string comment
{0} is name of the file that was deleted {0} is name of the file that was deleted
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
zh_Hans.po, string 440