
English vehicle description, for instance {0}=150
Context English Ukrainian
TrucksStats__OptionMiningTooltip Includes jobs done by trucks assigned to mining and tree harvesting.
TrucksStats__OptionRefueling Include refueling trucks
TrucksStats__OptionRefuelingTooltip Includes jobs done by trucks assigned to refuel other vehicles such as excavators.
TrucksStats__Title Trucks cargo history
TruckT1__desc Heavy duty pickup truck with max capacity of {0}. It can go under transports that are at height {1} or higher.
TruckT1__name Pickup
TruckT2__desc Large industrial truck with max capacity of {0}. It can go under transports if they are at height {1} or higher.
TruckT2__name Truck
TruckT2H__name Truck
TruckT3Fluid__desc Large hauling truck with max capacity of {0}. This type can transport only liquid or gas products. It cannot go under transports.
TruckT3Fluid__name Haul truck (tank)
TruckT3FluidH__desc Large hauling truck with max capacity of {0}. This type can transport only liquid or gas products. It cannot go under transports.
TruckT3FluidH__name Haul truck (tank)
TruckT3Loose__desc Large hauling truck with max capacity of {0}. This type can transport only loose products (coal for instance). It cannot go under transports.
TruckT3Loose__name Haul truck (dump)
TruckT3LooseH__desc Large hauling truck with max capacity of {0}. This type can transport only loose products (coal for instance). It cannot go under transports.
TruckT3LooseH__name Haul truck (dump)
TurbineHighPress__desc Uses high pressure steam to create mechanical power. Використовує пару високого тиску для створення кінетичної енергії.
TurbineHighPress__name High-pressure turbine Турбіна високого тиску
TurbineHighPressT2__name High-pressure turbine II Турбіна високого тиску II
TurbineLowPress__desc Improves power production efficiency by reusing low pressure steam to create mechanical power. Підвищує ефективність вироблення механічної енергії за рахунок повторного використання пари низького тиску.
TurbineLowPress__name Low-pressure turbine Турбіна низького тиску
TurbineLowPressT2__name Low-pressure turbine II Турбіна низького тиску II
TurbineSuperPress__desc Uses super pressure steam to create mechanical power.
TurbineSuperPress__name Super-pressure turbine
TutorialOnAdvancedLogistics__name Custom routes Advanced logistics
TutorialOnCargoShip__name Cargo ship Вантажне судно
TutorialOnCargoShip__part1 A Cargo ship allows to automate product deliveries from world mines and oil rigs. The ship has to be discovered, repaired, or purchased on the world map, it cannot be built directly on your island. Once you obtain a cargo ship you can build a {0} on your island and the ship will dock there automatically.
TutorialOnCargoShip__part2 The number of ships available (repaired) and the number of ships discovered is shown at the top of the interface. The number of ships available (repaired) and the number of ships discovered is shown in the top status bar (image below).
TutorialOnCargoShip__part3a A {0} can only be researched once a first cargo ship is discovered on the world map. Depots can be built on the shore of your island. When placing a {0}, you will see striped patterns reaching out into the sea indicating ship access. You must ensure that at least one area is green, indicating that a ship will be able to dock. Be careful to not block these areas with other buildings such as other depots or ocean pumps.
TutorialOnCargoShip__part3b A {0} requires <b>modules</b> in order to store and transfer products. There are modules for each type of product and you can mix and match them on a single depot. These modules determine what types of products your ship will import or export, you need to assign this product manually. Modules also have input and output ports for you to connect transports to.
Context English Ukrainian
TrucksStats__OptionGeneralTooltip Includes all general jobs performed by trucks not included in the options below. Examples of such jobs are: moving cargo between storages or machines, dumping from storage. Does not include jobs where truck refuels itself.
TrucksStats__OptionMining Include mining trucks
TrucksStats__OptionMiningTooltip Includes jobs done by trucks assigned to mining and tree harvesting.
TrucksStats__OptionRefueling Include refueling trucks
TrucksStats__OptionRefuelingTooltip Includes jobs done by trucks assigned to refuel other vehicles such as excavators.
TrucksStats__Title Trucks cargo history
TruckT1__desc Heavy duty pickup truck with max capacity of {0}. It can go under transports that are at height {1} or higher.
TruckT1__name Pickup
TruckT2H__name Truck
TruckT2__desc Large industrial truck with max capacity of {0}. It can go under transports if they are at height {1} or higher.
TruckT2__name Truck
TruckT3FluidH__desc Large hauling truck with max capacity of {0}. This type can transport only liquid or gas products. It cannot go under transports.
TruckT3FluidH__name Haul truck (tank)
TruckT3Fluid__desc Large hauling truck with max capacity of {0}. This type can transport only liquid or gas products. It cannot go under transports.
TruckT3Fluid__name Haul truck (tank)
TruckT3LooseH__desc Large hauling truck with max capacity of {0}. This type can transport only loose products (coal for instance). It cannot go under transports.
TruckT3LooseH__name Haul truck (dump)
TruckT3Loose__desc Large hauling truck with max capacity of {0}. This type can transport only loose products (coal for instance). It cannot go under transports.
TruckT3Loose__name Haul truck (dump)
TurbineHighPressT2__name High-pressure turbine II Турбіна високого тиску II
TurbineHighPress__desc Uses high pressure steam to create mechanical power. Використовує пару високого тиску для створення кінетичної енергії.
TurbineHighPress__name High-pressure turbine Турбіна високого тиску
TurbineLowPressT2__name Low-pressure turbine II Турбіна низького тиску II
TurbineLowPress__desc Improves power production efficiency by reusing low pressure steam to create mechanical power. Підвищує ефективність вироблення механічної енергії за рахунок повторного використання пари низького тиску.
TurbineLowPress__name Low-pressure turbine Турбіна низького тиску
TurbineSuperPress__desc Uses super pressure steam to create mechanical power.
TurbineSuperPress__name Super-pressure turbine
TutorialOnAdvancedLogistics__name Custom routes Advanced logistics
TutorialOnCargoShip__name Cargo ship Вантажне судно
TutorialOnCargoShip__part1 A Cargo ship allows to automate product deliveries from world mines and oil rigs. The ship has to be discovered, repaired, or purchased on the world map, it cannot be built directly on your island. Once you obtain a cargo ship you can build a {0} on your island and the ship will dock there automatically.
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Empty Captain of Industry/Game
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Empty Captain of Industry/Game


No matching activity found.

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English Ukrainian
of з Glossary

String information

Source string comment
vehicle description, for instance {0}=150
String age
3 months ago
Source string age
3 months ago
Translation file
uk.po, string 2597