
English title for set of goals title for set of goals
Context English Turkish
Goal__ImportToCoalStorage Drag the left / green slider in the {0} to the right to make it actively request {1}
Goal__IronOreMining__name Iron ore mining Demir cevheri madenciliği
Goal__IronProduction__name Iron production Demir üretimi
Goal__LoadCrew Load <bc>crew</bc> to the ship Gemiye <bc>mürettebatı</bc> bindirin
Goal__Maintenance__name Maintenance Bakım
Goal__Mine Mine {0} {0} çıkar
Goal__MineCoal__name Mine coal Kömür madenciliği
Goal__PauseBeacon Pause the {0} to reduce the rate of refugees inbound Gelen mülteci oranını azaltmak için {0} işaretini duraklatın
Goal__PauseBeacon__name Reduce refugees inbound Mülteci göçünü azaltın
Goal__PauseCoalMaker Pause {0} to save on {1}
Goal__PopulationGrowth__name Population growth Nüfus artışı
Goal__PowerFromCoal__name Coal power plant Kömür santrali
Goal__Process Process {0} {0} işle
Goal__ProcessCopperOre Build {0} with {1} and {2} and enable recipe for copper ore processing
Goal__ProcessIron Enable <bc>iron recipe</bc> that uses {0} in {1} {1} içinde {0} kullanan <bc>demir tarifini</bc> etkinleştir
Goal__ProcessIronOre__name Processing iron ore Demir cevheri işleme
Goal__Produce Produce {0} {0} üret
Goal__ProduceCp2 Build a new {0} and produce {1}
Goal__ProduceLabEquipment Produce {0} in {1} {1} içinde {0} üret
Goal__ProduceScrap Start recycling {1} to get some {0} Bir miktar {0} elde etmek için {1} enkazını geri dönüştürmeye başlayın
Goal__RefuelShip Fill the ship with {0} Gemiyi {0} ile doldurun
Goal__RepairCargoShip Discover {0} on the world map & repair it using your main ship
Goal__RepairOilRig Repair {0}
Goal__RepairShip Repair the ship Gemiyi tamir edin
Goal__RepairShipyard Repair {0} {0}'ı tamir et
Goal__Research Research {0} {0} araştırmasını yapın
Goal__ResearchAndBuild Research and build {0}
Goal__ResearchAndUpgrade Research and upgrade to {0}
Goal__RubberProduction__name Synthetic rubber Sentetik kauçuk
Goal__SelectCpRecipe Select recipe in {0} to produce {1}
Goal__SettlementWater__name Water for the settlement
Context English Turkish
Goal__ImportToCoalStorage Drag the left / green slider in the {0} to the right to make it actively request {1}
Goal__IronOreMining__name Iron ore mining Demir cevheri madenciliği
Goal__IronProduction__name Iron production Demir üretimi
Goal__LoadCrew Load <bc>crew</bc> to the ship Gemiye <bc>mürettebatı</bc> bindirin
Goal__Maintenance__name Maintenance Bakım
Goal__Mine Mine {0} {0} çıkar
Goal__MineCoal__name Mine coal Kömür madenciliği
Goal__PauseBeacon Pause the {0} to reduce the rate of refugees inbound Gelen mülteci oranını azaltmak için {0} işaretini duraklatın
Goal__PauseBeacon__name Reduce refugees inbound Mülteci göçünü azaltın
Goal__PauseCoalMaker Pause {0} to save on {1}
Goal__PopulationGrowth__name Population growth Nüfus artışı
Goal__PowerFromCoal__name Coal power plant Kömür santrali
Goal__Process Process {0} {0} işle
Goal__ProcessCopperOre Build {0} with {1} and {2} and enable recipe for copper ore processing
Goal__ProcessIron Enable <bc>iron recipe</bc> that uses {0} in {1} {1} içinde {0} kullanan <bc>demir tarifini</bc> etkinleştir
Goal__ProcessIronOre__name Processing iron ore Demir cevheri işleme
Goal__Produce Produce {0} {0} üret
Goal__ProduceCp2 Build a new {0} and produce {1}
Goal__ProduceLabEquipment Produce {0} in {1} {1} içinde {0} üret
Goal__ProduceScrap Start recycling {1} to get some {0} Bir miktar {0} elde etmek için {1} enkazını geri dönüştürmeye başlayın
Goal__RefuelShip Fill the ship with {0} Gemiyi {0} ile doldurun
Goal__RepairCargoShip Discover {0} on the world map & repair it using your main ship
Goal__RepairOilRig Repair {0}
Goal__RepairShip Repair the ship Gemiyi tamir edin
Goal__RepairShipyard Repair {0} {0}'ı tamir et
Goal__Research Research {0} {0} araştırmasını yapın
Goal__ResearchAndBuild Research and build {0}
Goal__ResearchAndUpgrade Research and upgrade to {0}
Goal__RubberProduction__name Synthetic rubber Sentetik kauçuk
Goal__SelectCpRecipe Select recipe in {0} to produce {1}
Context English Turkish
Goal__ActivateEdict Activate {0} edict in your {1}
Goal__AdvancedDiesel__name Advanced oil processing Gelişmiş petrol işleme
Goal__AnotherCpAssembly Build another {0} to produce {1}
Goal__AssignTrucksToTreeHarvester Assign trucks {0} to {1}
Goal__AssignTruckToFuelStation Assign {0} to the {1} to have it automatically refuel all your excavators
Goal__Build Build {0} {0} inşa edin
Goal__BuildAndConnect Build and connect {0} {0} yapın ve bağlayın
Goal__BuildAndConnect2 Build {0} and connect it to {1} {0} inşa edin ve {1} ile bağlayın
Goal__BuildAndConnect3 Build {0} and connect it to {1} and {2} {0} inşa edin ve ardından {1} ve {2} ile bağlayın
Goal__BuildAndConnectViaPipe Build {0} and connect it to {1} using a <bc>pipe</bc> {0} inşa edin ve bir <bc>boru</bc> kullanarak {1} ile bağlayın
Goal__BuildAndEnsureDeliveriesFrom Build {0} and ensure {1} gets delivered from {2}
Goal__BuildAnother Build another {0}
Goal__BuildCaptainOffice__name Captain office Kaptanın ofisi
Goal__BuildCargoDock Research and build {0} and attach it with {1}
Goal__BuildCoalStorage Build {0}, assign it with {1} and connect it to the {2} using {3}
Goal__BuildDieselStorage Build {0} for {1} and connect it to {2}
Goal__BuildFarm Build {0} on fertile ground (grass)
Goal__BuildFuelStation Build {0} and connect it to a {1} with {2}
Goal__BuildHousing Build {0} attached to the existing settlement
Goal__BuildLiquidDump Build {0} near the shore and enable a recipe to dump {1}
Goal__BuildOilPump Build {0} on an oil deposit and connect them to {1}
Goal__BuildPowerGenerator Start power production by building {0}
Goal__BuildResearchLab2__name Advanced research Üst düzey araştırma
Goal__BuildSlagStorage2 Build {0} and connect it to the existing {1} using a {2} to output {3}
Goal__BuildSlagStorage__name Improve slag export Cüruf çıkışını iyileştirin
Goal__BuildSteamTurbine Build {0} and attach {1} to it and connect {2} pipe from the {3}
Goal__BuildStorage Build {0} and assign it {1}
Goal__BuildWasteCollection Build {0} attached to the settlement
Goal__ConstructVehicle Construct new {0} Yeni {0} üretin
Goal__ConveyorBelts__name Set up conveyor belts Taşıyıcı bant kurulumu
Goal__Conveyors Connect several machines using <bc>conveyor belts</bc> <bc>Taşıyıcı bantlar</bc> yardımıyla birkaç makineyi birbirine bağlayın
Goal__CopperProduction__name Copper production Bakır üretimi
Goal__CpIProduction__name Construction parts İnşaat malzemeleri
Goal__CrudeOilImport__name Automate crude oil import Ham petrol ithalatını otomatikleştirin
Goal__DesignateDumping Designate a dumping zone for {0} {0} için bir boşaltma bölgesi belirleyin
Goal__DisableImportToDieselStorage Disable truck import for the new {0} storage
Goal__DiscoverOilRig__name Find oil rig
Goal__Dump Dump {0} {0} dökün
Goal__DumpLiquid Dump {0} {0} dökün
Goal__EstablishMine Establish {0} mine and start mining {0} {0} madeni kurun ve {0} madenciliğine başlayın
Goal__ExploreWithShip <bc>Explore</bc> first location on the <bc>world map</bc> with the ship Gemiyle <bc>dünya haritasındaki</bc> ilk konumu <bc>keşfet</bc>
Goal__ExploreWithShip__name Repair shipyard and set sail
Goal__ExportFromSlagStorage Assign the {0} with {1} and drag the right (red) slider to the left to export / dump
Goal__FillStorage Store {0} in {1}
Goal__FlareOff Burn excess {0} in {1}
Goal__FoodProduction2__name Food production II Gıda üretimi II
Goal__FoodProduction__name Food production Gıda üretimi
Goal__ForTower Build a {0} near {1} deposit, assign {2} and {3} to it and set up mining designations.
Goal__FuelStation__name Fuel station Yakıt istasyonu
Goal__GrowPotatoes Wait for the first harvest of <bc>potatoes</bc> İlk <bc>patates</bc> hasadını bekleyin
Goal__HarvestTrees Start harvesting trees Ağaç kesimine başlayın
Goal__ImportCrudeOil Have your {0} import {1} from the {2}
Goal__ImportToCoalStorage Drag the left / green slider in the {0} to the right to make it actively request {1}
Goal__IronOreMining__name Iron ore mining Demir cevheri madenciliği
Goal__IronProduction__name Iron production Demir üretimi
Goal__LoadCrew Load <bc>crew</bc> to the ship Gemiye <bc>mürettebatı</bc> bindirin
Goal__Maintenance__name Maintenance Bakım
Goal__Mine Mine {0} {0} çıkar
Goal__MineCoal__name Mine coal Kömür madenciliği
Goal__PauseBeacon Pause the {0} to reduce the rate of refugees inbound Gelen mülteci oranını azaltmak için {0} işaretini duraklatın
Goal__PauseBeacon__name Reduce refugees inbound Mülteci göçünü azaltın
Goal__PauseCoalMaker Pause {0} to save on {1}
Goal__PopulationGrowth__name Population growth Nüfus artışı
Goal__PowerFromCoal__name Coal power plant Kömür santrali
Goal__Process Process {0} {0} işle
Goal__ProcessCopperOre Build {0} with {1} and {2} and enable recipe for copper ore processing
Goal__ProcessIron Enable <bc>iron recipe</bc> that uses {0} in {1} {1} içinde {0} kullanan <bc>demir tarifini</bc> etkinleştir
Goal__ProcessIronOre__name Processing iron ore Demir cevheri işleme
Goal__Produce Produce {0} {0} üret
Goal__ProduceCp2 Build a new {0} and produce {1}
Goal__ProduceLabEquipment Produce {0} in {1} {1} içinde {0} üret
Goal__ProduceScrap Start recycling {1} to get some {0} Bir miktar {0} elde etmek için {1} enkazını geri dönüştürmeye başlayın
Goal__RefuelShip Fill the ship with {0} Gemiyi {0} ile doldurun
Goal__RepairCargoShip Discover {0} on the world map & repair it using your main ship
Goal__RepairOilRig Repair {0}
Goal__RepairShip Repair the ship Gemiyi tamir edin
Goal__RepairShipyard Repair {0} {0}'ı tamir et
Goal__Research Research {0} {0} araştırmasını yapın
Goal__ResearchAndBuild Research and build {0}
Goal__ResearchAndUpgrade Research and upgrade to {0}
Goal__RubberProduction__name Synthetic rubber Sentetik kauçuk
Goal__SelectCpRecipe Select recipe in {0} to produce {1}
Goal__SettlementWater__name Water for the settlement
Goal__SetupBricks__name Bricks production Tuğla üretimi
Goal__SetupCp2__name Construction II İnşaat II
Goal__SetupDiesel__name Diesel production Dizel üretimi
Goal__SetupTradings__name Trading Ticaret
Goal__SetupVehicleParts__name Vehicle parts Araç parçaları
Goal__StartProducing Start producing {0} {0} üretmeye başlayın
Goal__StockpileDiesel__name Stockpile diesel Mazot depola
Goal__StockpileProducts__name Stockpile products Stok ürünleri
Goal__Trade Purchase {0} for {1} from the village on the world map
Goal__UseMediumOil Produce {0} by converting {1}
Goal__WaitForRefugees Wait for the first refugees to arrive
Goal__WasteDumping__name Waste dumping Atık boşaltma
Goal__WorldMine Discover {0} by exploring with your ship


User avatar dbl2010

New translation

Captain of Industry / GameTurkish

2 years ago
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There are 96 variants of this string.



English Turkish
Iron Demir Glossary
Iron ore Demir cevheri Glossary

String information

Source string comment
title for set of goals title for set of goals
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
tr.po, string 927