
English title of a research node in the research tree
Context English Thai
ResearchCaptainsOffice__desc Your own office! This is where all the important decision are made.
ResearchCaptainsOffice__name Captain's office
ResearchCaptainsOffice2__desc A bit more spacious office. It provides access to advanced edicts and gives a passive increase in quick trade volume.
ResearchCaptainsOffice2__name Captain's office II
ResearchCarbonDioxideRecycling__name CO2 recycling
ResearchCargoDepot__desc Enables to automate the transportation process of resources that are outside of the island (crude oil for instance).
ResearchCargoDepot__name Cargo depot
ResearchCargoDepot2__name Cargo depot II
ResearchCargoDepot3__name Cargo depot III
ResearchCargoDepot4__name Cargo depot IV
ResearchChemicalPlant__name Chemical plant & paper
ResearchChemicalPlant2__name Chemical plant II
ResearchChickenFarm__name Chicken farm
ResearchCompactor__name Compactor
ResearchConcreteAdvanced__name Concrete production
ResearchConsumerElectronics__name Consumer electronics
ResearchConveyorBelts__desc Connects machines directly to provide smooth and continuous operation.
ResearchConveyorBelts__name Conveyor belts
ResearchConveyorBeltsT2__desc Conveyor belts with an increased throughput.
ResearchConveyorBeltsT2__name Conveyor belts II
ResearchConveyorBeltsT3__name Conveyor belts III
ResearchConveyorRouting__name Smart conveyor routing
ResearchCopperRefinement__desc Copper electrolysis enables us to reach 99% pure copper. This way we can leverage its properties to the maximum.
ResearchCopperRefinement__name Copper refinement
ResearchCopperRefinement2__desc More efficient process of copper refinement using acid.
ResearchCopperRefinement2__name Copper refinement II
ResearchCornCrop__desc Enables to grow & harvest corn in farms.
ResearchCornCrop__name Corn farming
ResearchCp2Packing__desc Production of advanced construction parts.
ResearchCp2Packing__name Construction II
ResearchCp3Packing__name Construction III
Context English Thai
ResearchCaptainsOffice2__desc A bit more spacious office. It provides access to advanced edicts and gives a passive increase in quick trade volume.
ResearchCaptainsOffice2__name Captain's office II
ResearchCaptainsOffice__desc Your own office! This is where all the important decision are made.
ResearchCaptainsOffice__name Captain's office
ResearchCarbonDioxideRecycling__name CO2 recycling
ResearchCargoDepot2__name Cargo depot II
ResearchCargoDepot3__name Cargo depot III
ResearchCargoDepot4__name Cargo depot IV
ResearchCargoDepot__desc Enables to automate the transportation process of resources that are outside of the island (crude oil for instance).
ResearchCargoDepot__name Cargo depot
ResearchChemicalPlant2__name Chemical plant II
ResearchChemicalPlant__name Chemical plant & paper
ResearchChickenFarm__name Chicken farm
ResearchCompactor__name Compactor
ResearchConcreteAdvanced__name Concrete production
ResearchConsumerElectronics__name Consumer electronics
ResearchConveyorBeltsT2__desc Conveyor belts with an increased throughput.
ResearchConveyorBeltsT2__name Conveyor belts II
ResearchConveyorBeltsT3__name Conveyor belts III
ResearchConveyorBelts__desc Connects machines directly to provide smooth and continuous operation.
ResearchConveyorBelts__name Conveyor belts
ResearchConveyorRouting__name Smart conveyor routing
ResearchCopperRefinement2__desc More efficient process of copper refinement using acid.
ResearchCopperRefinement2__name Copper refinement II
ResearchCopperRefinement__desc Copper electrolysis enables us to reach 99% pure copper. This way we can leverage its properties to the maximum.
ResearchCopperRefinement__name Copper refinement
ResearchCornCrop__desc Enables to grow & harvest corn in farms.
ResearchCornCrop__name Corn farming
ResearchCp2Packing__desc Production of advanced construction parts.
ResearchCp2Packing__name Construction II
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Empty Captain of Industry/Game
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Translated Captain of Industry/Game เครื่องอิเล็คทรอนิคครัวเรือน
Translated Captain of Industry/Glossary เครื่องใช้ไฟฟ้า
Empty Captain of Industry/Game


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English Thai
Consumer electronics เครื่องใช้ไฟฟ้า Glossary
Electronics อิเล็กทรอนิกส์ Glossary

String information

Source string comment
title of a research node in the research tree
String age
a year ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
th.po, string 1921