
Context English Swedish
BattleResult__DamageDone Damage done: {0} Skada gjort: {0}
BattleResult__Defeat Defeated! Besegrad!
BattleResult__ShipTitle Our ship Vårt fartyg
BattleResult__Victory Victory! Seger!
BattleScore Battle score Stridpoäng
BeachStaticIslandMap__desc A beach vacation awaits! Because, of course, all of the best vacations come with mining, heavy industry, and factory automation. Farming and lumber challenges await you on these sandy shores, but abundant crude oil will sustain your infrastructure as the sunshine sustains your workers.
BeachStaticIslandMap__name The Beach Stranden
Beacon__desc Strong light helps other refugees to find your island and join you. This can help you to get more workers and some extra starting loot. Starkt ljus som hjälper andra flyktingar att hitta till din ö och ansluta sig.
Beacon__name Beacon Fyr
Beacon__NoMoreRefugees No more refugees available!
Beacon__Notice Note: active progress gets reset if the beacon gets interrupted Obs: aktivt framsteg återställs om fyren avbryts
Beacon__Status Expecting {0} refugee in less than: Förväntar {0} flykting innan:
BeaconTip {0} enables you to bring more people to your island and get more workers. It needs a constant supply of power from a {1}. And running the {0} requires {2}. Refugees who find you via {0} will also bring extra resources with them. Also make sure you have enough housing for new refugees as <bc>homelessness</bc> can negatively affect {2}.
BestEffortLocalized Please note that localizations are currently done by our amazing community and we provide them on best-effort basis.
BirchTree__desc Birch tree
BirchTreeDry__desc Birch tree (dry)
BirthRateCategoryCat_Base__name Base Bas
BirthRateCategoryCat_Disease__name Disease Sjukdom
BirthRateCategoryCat_Edicts__name Edicts Förordningar
BirthRateCategoryCat_Health__name Health Hälsa
BirthRateCategoryCat_Radiation__name Radiation Strålning
BirthRateCategoryCat_Starvation__name Starvation Svält
Blueprint__NumberOfBackups {0} backup file located in the same directory
Blueprint_ExportToStringTooltip Export currently selected blueprint or folder as a string into the clipboard.
Blueprint_NewFromSelectionTooltip Create a new blueprint by selecting an area of existing structures.
Blueprint_NewFromStringTooltip Add a new blueprint by pasting text from a clipboard.
Blueprint_PlaceItTooltip Place the current blueprint into the world.
BlueprintContentMissing__Info Some items could not be loaded. Either the blueprint is too old or was made with mods that are currently not present.
BlueprintContentMissing__ListTitle Content missing:
BlueprintDelete__Action Delete
BlueprintDelete__Confirmation Are you sure you want to delete '{0}'? This cannot be undone.
Context English Swedish
BasicServerRack__name Basic rack
BattleResult__DamageDone Damage done: {0} Skada gjort: {0}
BattleResult__Defeat Defeated! Besegrad!
BattleResult__ShipTitle Our ship Vårt fartyg
BattleResult__Victory Victory! Seger!
BattleScore Battle score Stridpoäng
BeachStaticIslandMap__desc A beach vacation awaits! Because, of course, all of the best vacations come with mining, heavy industry, and factory automation. Farming and lumber challenges await you on these sandy shores, but abundant crude oil will sustain your infrastructure as the sunshine sustains your workers.
BeachStaticIslandMap__name The Beach Stranden
BeaconTip {0} enables you to bring more people to your island and get more workers. It needs a constant supply of power from a {1}. And running the {0} requires {2}. Refugees who find you via {0} will also bring extra resources with them. Also make sure you have enough housing for new refugees as <bc>homelessness</bc> can negatively affect {2}.
Beacon__desc Strong light helps other refugees to find your island and join you. This can help you to get more workers and some extra starting loot. Starkt ljus som hjälper andra flyktingar att hitta till din ö och ansluta sig.
Beacon__name Beacon Fyr
Beacon__NoMoreRefugees No more refugees available!
Beacon__Notice Note: active progress gets reset if the beacon gets interrupted Obs: aktivt framsteg återställs om fyren avbryts
Beacon__Status Expecting {0} refugee in less than: Förväntar {0} flykting innan:
BestEffortLocalized Please note that localizations are currently done by our amazing community and we provide them on best-effort basis.
BirchTreeDry__desc Birch tree (dry)
BirchTree__desc Birch tree
BirthRateCategoryCat_Base__name Base Bas
BirthRateCategoryCat_Disease__name Disease Sjukdom
BirthRateCategoryCat_Edicts__name Edicts Förordningar
BirthRateCategoryCat_Health__name Health Hälsa
BirthRateCategoryCat_Radiation__name Radiation Strålning
BirthRateCategoryCat_Starvation__name Starvation Svält
BlueprintContentMissing__Info Some items could not be loaded. Either the blueprint is too old or was made with mods that are currently not present.
BlueprintContentMissing__ListTitle Content missing:
BlueprintDelete__Action Delete
BlueprintDelete__Confirmation Are you sure you want to delete '{0}'? This cannot be undone.
BlueprintDelete__Tooltip Delete the selected item.
BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToBackup Backup failure
BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToBackupTooltip The library was saved but there was an issue to create a backup file (check that the game has file access permission).


No matching activity found.

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Things to check


English Swedish
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string comment
String age
3 months ago
Source string age
3 months ago
Translation file
sv.po, string 150