
English statistics category referring to people born on the island
Context English Slovenian
StatsCat__CargoShips Cargo ships
StatsCat__MainShip Main ship
StatsCat__PowerProduction Power production
StatsCat__Vehicles Vehicles
StatsEntry__Construction Construction
StatsEntry__Deconstruction Deconstruction
StatsEntry__Dumping Dumped / disposed
StatsEntry__Export Export
StatsEntry__Farming Farming
StatsEntry__Import Import
StatsEntry__Mining Mining
StatsEntry__Recycling Recycling
StatsEntry__TotalConsumption Total consumption
StatsEntry__TotalProduction Total production
StatsEntry__TotalQuantity Total quantity
StatsPops__Born Born
StatsPops__Lost Lost
StatsPops__Refugees Refugees & adopted
StatsProduct_Quantity Quantity
StatsRange__Days Last {0} day
StatsRange__LastYear Last year
StatsRange__Lifetime Lifetime
StatsRange__Max Max
StatsRange__Months Last {0} month
StatsRange__ThisYear This year
StatsRange__Years Last {0} year
StatsTab__Breakdown Breakdown
StatsTab__Chart Summary chart
StatueOfMaintenance__desc Statue that not just demonstrates the wealth of your island but also serves as a celebration of your industrial success. It has such a positive effect on your population that it reduces your island's maintenance requirements by {0}. In order to get the bonus, the statue needs to be provided with '{1}' on a continuous basis. However, if you don't maintain your statue you will get a negative effect. Because nothing demotivates your workers from performing maintenance more than seeing a broken statue of maintenance. You can build this statue multiple times should your wealth allow it, but each additional statue's effect is reduced by half.
StatueOfMaintenance__name The statue of maintenance
StatueOfMaintenanceGolden__name The statue of maintenance (golden)


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English Slovenian
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String information

Source string comment
statistics category referring to people born on the island
String age
a year ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
sl.po, string 2372