
English title of a panel showing the currently planted crop (can be only one per farm). title of a panel showing the currently planted crop (can be only one per farm).
Context English Portuguese
ExcavatorT3H__name Mega excavator
ExhaustScrubber__desc Filters {0}% of pollutants from hot exhaust gasses by extracting useful resources.
ExhaustScrubber__name Exhaust scrubber Exhaust scrubber
ExitToMainMenu Exit to main menu Exit to main menu
ExplorationResult__Entity Our ship has discovered {0}!
ExplorationResult__Loot Found some loot! Found some loot!
ExplorationResult__Nothing Nothing found! Nothing found!
ExplorationResult__Title Area explored! Area explored!
ExportBlueprint__Title Export to string
ExportPriority Export Export
ExportPriority__ShipFuelTooltip Trucks priority for removal of stored fuel. Trucks priority for removal of stored fuel.
ExportPriority__ShipyardCargo Truck priority for removal of stored cargo. Truck priority for removal of stored cargo.
ExportPriority__StorageTooltip Trucks priority for removal of stored product. Trucks priority for removal of stored product.
ExportRoutesTitle Export routes
FailureOutages Failures & outages
Farm_PlantedCrop Crop planted Crop planted
FarmAvgProduction__Tooltip Estimated average production per month of all crops in the schedule. This estimate is based on the crop growth time and soil fertility equilibrium (or the target fertility set via the slider below). Losses incurred due to lack of fertility or water are not included in this estimate. However, extra time incurred by slots that have no yield is included. To see how much food is needed, check your food market consumption report. Estimated average production per month based on the current fertility. Delays incurred due to lack of water are not included in this estimate. However extra time incurred by crops added just for fertility is included. To see how much food is needed check your food market consumption report.
FarmCropSelector Crop selection Crop selection
FarmFertility Fertility Fertility
FarmFertility__Equilibrium Fertility equilibrium: {0}
FarmFertility__EquilibriumTooltip Fertility equilibrium is a value to which soil fertility will converge naturally for the current crop schedule. At the equilibrium, crop fertility consumption is equal to the natural replenishment rate. If there are multiple crops setup in a rotation, this value is only approximate since each crop may have different equilibrium value. Note that equilibrium does not take fertilizer into account.
FarmFertility__NaturalReplenish Natural replenish
FarmFertility__NaturalReplenishTooltip Monthly rate at which the soil fertility replenishes naturally (without fertilizer).The less fertile soil, the higher replenish rate. When soil fertility is above 100%, natural replenishment will be negative and fertility will slowly decrease.
FarmFertility__Need Fertility needed: {0}
FarmFertility__NeedTooltip Amount of extra fertility needed on average (for the current crop rotation) in order to reach target fertility level. This extra fertility needs to be supplied with fertilizer.
FarmFertility__Target TARGET: {0}
FarmFertility__Tooltip Soil fertility affects crop yield, with 60% fertility there will be only 60% yield. Most crops consume fertility by growing. Fertility replenishes naturally when below 100%, or it can be increased by growing crops that provide fertility, or by using fertilizers. Growing the same crops after each other increases their fertility consumption. Thus, it is advantageous to rotate different crops. Some crops reduce farm's fertility after each harvest. Fertility is percentage applied to the final crop to determine its yield. So with 50% fertility there will be only 50% yield. Fertility can be replenished by growing green manure or by providing fertilizer. Growing the same crops after each other increases their fertility consumption. Thus, it is advantageous to rotate crops.
FarmFertilityPenaltyNoRotation Fertility consumption is increased due to lack of rotation.
FarmFertilityTitle Soil fertility
FarmFertilizer__FertilizerConversion 1 fertilizer -> {0}
FarmFertilizer__FertilizerConversionTooltip How much soil fertility is provided by each unit of stored fertilizer.
Context English Portuguese
FarmIrrigation__Title Irrigation tank
FarmIrrigation__Tooltip Amount of stored water ready for irrigation. Farm will automatically start irrigation when soil water level is low. Irrigation will be always off during rain.
FarmPlantCropHelp Click '+' to start growing
FarmT1__desc Allows growing various crops. Can be used for food production. This farm depends on rain only. To supply water from external source it needs to be upgraded. Allows growing various crops. Can be used for food production. This farm depends on rain only. To supply water from external source it needs to be upgraded.
FarmT1__name Farm Farm
FarmT2__desc Irrigated farm that can be connected to a source of water or fertilizer. That could be useful. Irrigated farm that can be connected to a source of water or fertilizer. That could be useful?
FarmT2__name Irrigated Farm Irrigated Farm
FarmT3__desc Has {0} increased crop yield compared to the basic farm. Crops also require {1} extra water and fertility. Has 20% increased crop yield compared to the basic farm.
FarmT3__name Greenhouse Greenhouse
FarmT4__name Greenhouse II Greenhouse II
FarmWater__AvgNeed Avg. need
FarmWater__Title Soil water level
FarmWater__Tooltip Every crop needs water to grow based on its water requirements. If there is not enough water, the crop will stop growing and will start to wither. If water is not provided over longer periods of time, the crop can dry out, forcing a premature harvest. Water replenishes during the rain. Later, farms can be upgraded with an irrigation system that can provide water at any time. When nothing is growing on the farm, water will slowly evaporate. Crops can start growing only when soil has some water.
FarmYieldIncrease__desc Farm yield increased by {0}, water demands by {1}
FarmYieldIncrease__name Farming boost
Farm_PlantedCrop Crop planted Crop planted
FastBreederReactor__desc Fast breeder reactor is a nuclear reactor in which the fission chain reaction is sustained by fast neutrons. This process needs highly enriched fuel and produces large amounts of heat. The core containing enriched fuel is surrounded by a blanket of fissionable material which is bombarded by the fast neutrons and transformed into fissile fuel. This process also allows to burn transuranic isotopes which would normally take thousands of years to decay. This reactor does not use solid fuel rods, instead, its fuel is dissolved in molten salt. It runs under higher operating temperatures to produce super pressurized steam (800 °C). If the core is overheated and no emergency cooling is available, the reactor will automatically shut off by draining its molten fuel out of the reactor, all fuel will be lost, and the reactor will be damaged. This plant can be set up to effectively provide up to {0} MW of electricity when running on full power.
FastBreederReactor__name Fast breeder reactor
FermentationTank__desc Employs microorganisms to convert sugars into other useful substances such as ethanol. The microorganisms employed here are not getting any salary (they just love sugar).
FermentationTank__name Fermentation tank
FileLocation Location: {0}
FileSize_Title File size
FirTree__desc Fir tree
Flare__desc Can burn combustible liquids and gasses but produces pollution. Can burn combustible liquids and gasses but produces pollution.
Flare__name Flare Flare
FlatConveyorFormattedFirst__desc Transports units of solid products. Transports units of solid products.
FlatConveyorFormattedNext__desc Transports units of solid products. Its throughput is {0} times increased compared to the previous tier.
FlatConveyorSorter__desc Allows sorting of products. Allows sorting of products.
FlatConveyorSorter__name Flat sorter Flat sorter
FlatConveyorT1__name Flat conveyor Flat conveyor


2 years ago
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English Portuguese
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Source string comment
title of a panel showing the currently planted crop (can be only one per farm). title of a panel showing the currently planted crop (can be only one per farm).
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
pt.po, string 660