
English label of a chart showing total housing capacity
Context English Norwegian Bokmål
HomelessLeft__name {0} homeless left the island due to lack of food. Flåte
Hospital__desc Provides healthcare that increases overall health of your population, gives extra unity and also reduces negative effects of diseases. This building needs to be provided with medical supplies in order to work.
Hospital__name Clinic
Hospital_InputsTooltip This clinic needs to be provided with medical supplies in order to provide its services to the attached settlement. The quality of the healthcare depends on the supplies provided. Consumption of supplies can temporary increase in case there is an active disease on the island.
Hospital_MortalityReduction Mortality reduction
Hospital_MortalityReductionTooltip Reduces mortality rate of any ongoing disease. If for instance a disease has a mortality rate of 3% and the reduction is 2%, the final mortality rate will be 1%.
HouseholdAppliancesConsumptionIncrease__desc Household appliances consumption increased by {0}, unity given for it increased by {1}
HouseholdAppliancesConsumptionIncrease__name More household appliances
HouseholdAppliancesNeed__name Household appliances
HouseholdGoodsConsumptionIncrease__desc Household goods consumption increased by {0}, unity given for it increased by {1}
HouseholdGoodsConsumptionIncrease__name More household goods
HouseholdGoodsNeed__name Household goods Mat
Housing__desc Primitive housing for {0} people made of shipping containers.
Housing__name Housing Kjøletårn
Housing_AttachmentDesc__desc Housing can be either attached to an existing settlement to become part of it (and benefit from all the already provided services such as food). Or it can be placed independently to establish itself as a new settlement, in that case you need to attach it with service modules.
HousingCap Total capacity
housingCategory__name Housing & services Bygninger
HousingDemandIncrease Increased demands Increased demands
HousingDemandIncrease__Tooltip Housing has increased demands on top of its regular consumption. This is typical for more advanced tiers of housing. Housing has increased demands on top of its regular consumption. This is typical for more advanced tiers of housing.
HousingT2__desc Advanced housing for {0} people that provides more comfort. It can also provide a monthly Unity increase if the housing is provided with required services.
HousingT2__name Housing II Skipsbro II
HousingT3__name Housing III Skipsbro III
HousingUnityBonus Unity bonus Unity bonus
HousingUnityBonus__Tooltip If all the needs listed below are satisfied, this housing will provide Unity bonus on top of its regular Unity it generates from all the services provided to it. Konfigurerer hvilke materialer som tillates dumpet på betegnelsene som administreres her.
HydroCrackerT1__desc Transforms different fuel types between each other to help with consumption imbalance. Tillater dyrking av forskjellige avlinger. Kan brukes til matproduksjon. Denne gården er bare avhengig av regn. For å levere vann fra ekstern kilde må det oppgraderes.
HydroCrackerT1__name Cracking unit Panser plater
HydrogenReformer__name Hydrogen reformer Hydrogen reformer
ImportantAnnouncementTitle Important announcement
ImportBlueprint__Fail Failed to import the given string.
ImportBlueprint__Success New blueprint added!
ImportBlueprint__Title Import from string
Context English Norwegian Bokmål
HeavyRainWeather__name Heavy rain Skyete
HitPoints Hit points Hit points
HomelessLeft__name {0} homeless left the island due to lack of food. Flåte
Homeless__name Not enough housing, settlement is overcrowded Kokekjele
Hospital_InputsTooltip This clinic needs to be provided with medical supplies in order to provide its services to the attached settlement. The quality of the healthcare depends on the supplies provided. Consumption of supplies can temporary increase in case there is an active disease on the island.
Hospital_MortalityReduction Mortality reduction
Hospital_MortalityReductionTooltip Reduces mortality rate of any ongoing disease. If for instance a disease has a mortality rate of 3% and the reduction is 2%, the final mortality rate will be 1%.
Hospital__desc Provides healthcare that increases overall health of your population, gives extra unity and also reduces negative effects of diseases. This building needs to be provided with medical supplies in order to work.
Hospital__name Clinic
HouseholdAppliancesConsumptionIncrease__desc Household appliances consumption increased by {0}, unity given for it increased by {1}
HouseholdAppliancesConsumptionIncrease__name More household appliances
HouseholdAppliancesNeed__name Household appliances
HouseholdGoodsConsumptionIncrease__desc Household goods consumption increased by {0}, unity given for it increased by {1}
HouseholdGoodsConsumptionIncrease__name More household goods
HouseholdGoodsNeed__name Household goods Mat
HousingCap Total capacity
housingCategory__name Housing & services Bygninger
HousingDemandIncrease Increased demands Increased demands
HousingDemandIncrease__Tooltip Housing has increased demands on top of its regular consumption. This is typical for more advanced tiers of housing. Housing has increased demands on top of its regular consumption. This is typical for more advanced tiers of housing.
HousingT2__desc Advanced housing for {0} people that provides more comfort. It can also provide a monthly Unity increase if the housing is provided with required services.
HousingT2__name Housing II Skipsbro II
HousingT3__name Housing III Skipsbro III
HousingUnityBonus Unity bonus Unity bonus
HousingUnityBonus__Tooltip If all the needs listed below are satisfied, this housing will provide Unity bonus on top of its regular Unity it generates from all the services provided to it. Konfigurerer hvilke materialer som tillates dumpet på betegnelsene som administreres her.
Housing_AttachmentDesc__desc Housing can be either attached to an existing settlement to become part of it (and benefit from all the already provided services such as food). Or it can be placed independently to establish itself as a new settlement, in that case you need to attach it with service modules.
Housing__desc Primitive housing for {0} people made of shipping containers.
Housing__name Housing Kjøletårn
HydroCrackerT1__desc Transforms different fuel types between each other to help with consumption imbalance. Tillater dyrking av forskjellige avlinger. Kan brukes til matproduksjon. Denne gården er bare avhengig av regn. For å levere vann fra ekstern kilde må det oppgraderes.
HydroCrackerT1__name Cracking unit Panser plater
HydrogenReformer__name Hydrogen reformer Hydrogen reformer


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English Norwegian Bokmål
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String information

Source string comment
label of a chart showing total housing capacity
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
nb_NO.po, string 1025