
English could not remove a housing as it would split the settlement into two individual ones could not remove a housing as it would split the settlement into two individual ones
Context English Norwegian Bokmål
RecyclingIncrease__desc Recycling efficiency increased by {0}
RecyclingIncrease__name Recycling increase
RecyclingRatioIncrease +{0}% RECYCLING INCREASE
RefundOption__Full Full refund
RefundOption__Partial Partial refund
RelativeTime_Days {0} day ago
RelativeTime_Hours {0} hour ago
RelativeTime_Minutes {0} minute ago
RelativeTime_Seconds {0} second ago
RemovalError__CannotRemove Cannot be removed Cannot be removed
RemovalError__DepotMovingCargo Cargo is being transferred
RemovalError__FarmHasAnimals Farm has animals
RemovalError__HasProductsStored Stored product needs to be emptied first
RemovalError__HasShipAssigned Cannot be removed - has a ship assigned
RemovalError__HousingHasModuleAttached Cannot remove a part of settlement that has some service buildings attached. Cannot remove settlement housing that has some service buildings attached.
RemovalError__NotContiguous Settlement must remain contiguous Settlement must remain contiguous
RemovalError__RemoveModulesFirst Modules need to be removed first Modules need to be removed first
RemovalError__ScrapItFirst Needs to be scrapped Needs to be scrapped
RemovalError__ShipHasCargo Ship has cargo Ship has cargo
RemoveProducts Clear Remove products
RemoveProducts__Stop Stop removal
RemoveProducts__Tooltip Requests trucks to remove products from this transport. Estimert gjennomsnittlig produksjon per måned basert på gjeldende fruktbarhet. Forsinkelser på grunn av mangel på vann er ikke inkludert i dette estimatet. Imidlertid er ekstra tid påført avlinger lagt til bare for fruktbarhet inkludert. For å se hvor mye mat som trengs, sjekk forbruksrapporten for matmarkedet.
RemoveProductsInBuffers__Tooltip Instantly remove products stored in the internal input and output buffers used by this recipe. The products will be moved into any available storage or shipyard.
RenderingQuality__High High
RenderingQuality__Low Low
RenderingQuality__Medium Medium
RenderingQuality__Off Off
RenderingQuality__VeryHigh Very high
RenderingSetting_NotSupported {0} is not supported on this hardware
RenderingSetting_Title Rendering
RenderingSettingPreset_Label Preset
Context English Norwegian Bokmål
RecyclingIncrease__desc Recycling efficiency increased by {0}
RecyclingIncrease__name Recycling increase
RecyclingRatioIncrease +{0}% RECYCLING INCREASE
RefundOption__Full Full refund
RefundOption__Partial Partial refund
RelativeTime_Days {0} day ago
RelativeTime_Hours {0} hour ago
RelativeTime_Minutes {0} minute ago
RelativeTime_Seconds {0} second ago
RemovalError__CannotRemove Cannot be removed Cannot be removed
RemovalError__DepotMovingCargo Cargo is being transferred
RemovalError__FarmHasAnimals Farm has animals
RemovalError__HasProductsStored Stored product needs to be emptied first
RemovalError__HasShipAssigned Cannot be removed - has a ship assigned
RemovalError__HousingHasModuleAttached Cannot remove a part of settlement that has some service buildings attached. Cannot remove settlement housing that has some service buildings attached.
RemovalError__NotContiguous Settlement must remain contiguous Settlement must remain contiguous
RemovalError__RemoveModulesFirst Modules need to be removed first Modules need to be removed first
RemovalError__ScrapItFirst Needs to be scrapped Needs to be scrapped
RemovalError__ShipHasCargo Ship has cargo Ship has cargo
RemoveProducts Clear Remove products
RemoveProductsInBuffers__Tooltip Instantly remove products stored in the internal input and output buffers used by this recipe. The products will be moved into any available storage or shipyard.
RemoveProducts__Stop Stop removal
RemoveProducts__Tooltip Requests trucks to remove products from this transport. Estimert gjennomsnittlig produksjon per måned basert på gjeldende fruktbarhet. Forsinkelser på grunn av mangel på vann er ikke inkludert i dette estimatet. Imidlertid er ekstra tid påført avlinger lagt til bare for fruktbarhet inkludert. For å se hvor mye mat som trengs, sjekk forbruksrapporten for matmarkedet.
RenderingQuality__High High
RenderingQuality__Low Low
RenderingQuality__Medium Medium
RenderingQuality__Off Off
RenderingQuality__VeryHigh Very high
RenderingSettingPreset_Label Preset
RenderingSetting_NotSupported {0} is not supported on this hardware
User avatar voldakk

Suggestion added

Suggested change:

2 years ago
User avatar edvas

Suggestion added

Suggested change:

2 years ago


2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check


There are 2 suggestions for this string.


Unchanged translation

Source and translation are identical


Has been translated

Previous translation was "Settlement must remain contiguous".

Fix string



There are 10 variants of this string.



English Norwegian Bokmål
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string comment
could not remove a housing as it would split the settlement into two individual ones could not remove a housing as it would split the settlement into two individual ones
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
nb_NO.po, string 1856