
English title of a panel that shows global maintenance status
Context English Norwegian Bokmål
GameSaveLoad__VersionTooHigh This save file is from a newer game version ({0}) than what is currently supported ({1}). Are you on an old Steam branch? Kunne ikke laste det lagrede spillet da det var lagret med en nyere version av spillet ({0}) enn den som nå støttes ({0}).
GameSaveLoad__VersionTooLow This save file is from an older game version ({0}) which is not supported by this version of the game. Kunne ikke laste det lagrede spillet da det ble lagret med en eldre version av spillet ({0}) som ikke lengre støttes.
GameSeed Game seed Game seed
GameSeed__Tooltip Affects randomization used in places like weather generation or world map layout. Does not affect map generation Hver avling trenger vann for å vokse og vann fylles opp under regnet. Senere kan gårdene oppgraderes med et vanningsanlegg som kan levere vann når som helst. Hvis det ikke er vann i lange perioder, kan avlingen tørke og dø uten å produsere mat. Hver avling kan ha forskjellige vannkrav. Avlinger med lav vannfølsomhet kan overleve uten vann, mens andre avlinger kanskje ikke gjør det.
GameSpeed Game speed
GasInjectionPump__desc Provides permanent disposal of gases such as carbon dioxide by dissolving them in a liquid and injecting them under pressure into the ground. Has no pollution effect. Can be built only on top of a limestone deposit.
GasInjectionPump__name Gas injection pump
GateTime__Detail Game time
General General
GeneralShortcuts General
GlassMakerT1__desc Casts molten glass into glass sheets Støper smeltet glass til glassplater
GlassMakerT1__name Glass maker Medisin produksjon
GlassMakerT2__desc Casts molten glass into glass sheets and with much greater efficiency Jorde med vanningsanlegg som kan kobles til en vann- eller gjødselkilde. Det kan være nyttig?
GlassMakerT2__name Glass maker II Medisin produksjon
GlobalMaintenanceStatus__Title Global maintenance status Jevne I/O -forhold
GlobalMaintenanceStatus__Tooltip Shows the global state of maintenance. Any excessive maintenance is stored in the global buffer. If global buffer is full, maintenance depots pause their progress. If the buffer is empty it typically means there is a lack of maintenance. Du kan velge å tvinge strengt jevnt input/output produktforhold. Hvis du aktiverer et strengt utgangsforhold, sendes produktene jevnt ut til begge utgangsportene. Hvis en port ikke kan godta flere produkter, stopper utgangen til porten frigjøres. Inndata strengt forhold fungerer på en lignende måte.
GlobalNeedPrefix Global need: Global need:
Goal__ActivateEdict Activate {0} edict in your {1}
Goal__AdvancedDiesel__name Advanced oil processing
Goal__AnotherCpAssembly Build another {0} to produce {1}
Goal__AssignTrucksToTreeHarvester Assign trucks {0} to {1}
Goal__AssignTruckToFuelStation Assign {0} to the {1} to have it automatically refuel all your excavators
Goal__Build Build {0}
Goal__BuildAndConnect Build and connect {0}
Goal__BuildAndConnect2 Build {0} and connect it to {1}
Goal__BuildAndConnect3 Build {0} and connect it to {1} and {2}
Goal__BuildAndConnectViaPipe Build {0} and connect it to {1} using a <bc>pipe</bc>
Goal__BuildAndEnsureDeliveriesFrom Build {0} and ensure {1} gets delivered from {2}
Goal__BuildAnother Build another {0}
Goal__BuildCaptainOffice__name Captain office
Goal__BuildCargoDock Research and build {0} and attach it with {1}
Context English Norwegian Bokmål
GameSaveLoad__VersionTooLow This save file is from an older game version ({0}) which is not supported by this version of the game. Kunne ikke laste det lagrede spillet da det ble lagret med en eldre version av spillet ({0}) som ikke lengre støttes.
GameSeed Game seed Game seed
GameSeed__Tooltip Affects randomization used in places like weather generation or world map layout. Does not affect map generation Hver avling trenger vann for å vokse og vann fylles opp under regnet. Senere kan gårdene oppgraderes med et vanningsanlegg som kan levere vann når som helst. Hvis det ikke er vann i lange perioder, kan avlingen tørke og dø uten å produsere mat. Hver avling kan ha forskjellige vannkrav. Avlinger med lav vannfølsomhet kan overleve uten vann, mens andre avlinger kanskje ikke gjør det.
GameSpeed Game speed
Game__Title Game
GasInjectionPump__desc Provides permanent disposal of gases such as carbon dioxide by dissolving them in a liquid and injecting them under pressure into the ground. Has no pollution effect. Can be built only on top of a limestone deposit.
GasInjectionPump__name Gas injection pump
GateTime__Detail Game time
General General
GeneralShortcuts General
GlassMakerT1__desc Casts molten glass into glass sheets Støper smeltet glass til glassplater
GlassMakerT1__name Glass maker Medisin produksjon
GlassMakerT2__desc Casts molten glass into glass sheets and with much greater efficiency Jorde med vanningsanlegg som kan kobles til en vann- eller gjødselkilde. Det kan være nyttig?
GlassMakerT2__name Glass maker II Medisin produksjon
GlobalMaintenanceStatus__Title Global maintenance status Jevne I/O -forhold
GlobalMaintenanceStatus__Tooltip Shows the global state of maintenance. Any excessive maintenance is stored in the global buffer. If global buffer is full, maintenance depots pause their progress. If the buffer is empty it typically means there is a lack of maintenance. Du kan velge å tvinge strengt jevnt input/output produktforhold. Hvis du aktiverer et strengt utgangsforhold, sendes produktene jevnt ut til begge utgangsportene. Hvis en port ikke kan godta flere produkter, stopper utgangen til porten frigjøres. Inndata strengt forhold fungerer på en lignende måte.
GlobalNeedPrefix Global need: Global need:
GoalShowCompleted__Action Show completed items
GoalShowLocked__Action Show locked items
GoalSkip__Action Skip this goal
GoalSkip__Confirmation Are you sure you want to skip this goal? You will miss on any rewards you would normally get on completion.
GoalTip_ActivateRecipe Click on the machine and then click on the recipe to activate it. Active recipe is marked with a green border around it. You can select multiple recipes in which case their priority is determined by their order.
GoalTip_BeltsMotivation Connecting your machines with conveyor belts reduces the demand on your trucks.
GoalTip_BuildMore You can always build more machines to accelerate your production.
GoalTip_BuildNearShore Build your advanced oil processing complex close to shore in order to easily import crude oil via ships.
GoalTip_ConnectWasteWithPipe You can build a pipe to connect the {0} to the {1} if they are nearby.
GoalTip_DisableTruckImport To disable import from trucks, select the {0} and click on {1} under '{2}' section.
GoalTip_RefuelShip To refuel your ship, select your {0} and drag the green fuel slider to the right.
GoalTip_ReorderRecipes You can prioritize {0} production by moving the {0} recipe higher in the recipes list. Recipe execution priority is based on their order. You can also build another furnace with metal casters to scale up your production.
GoalTip__Maintenance Majority of machines and vehicles require regular <bc>maintenance</bc>. You should research & build a {0} as soon as possible otherwise your equipment will start breaking down.


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English Norwegian Bokmål
of av Glossary

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Source string comment
title of a panel that shows global maintenance status
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
nb_NO.po, string 858