
English name
Context English Norwegian Bokmål
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Costs Costs
CraterStaticIslandMap__desc The remnants of a colossal meteorite impact have given rise to the Crater, unearthing a treasure trove of valuable natural resources. But beware: the ringing mountains are all that stands between your factory and a watery end. They’re a tempting target for excavation and expansion, though, so careful planning and preparation is advised. Hey, if we have any trouble with water, I volunteer Jimmy to build a levee – he’s been looking for something to take his mind off Insula Mortis.

This unique map is part of the Supporter’s edition, thanks for your generous support, Captain!
CraterStaticIslandMap__name The Crater
Credits Credits
Crop_Canola__name Canola
Crop_Corn__name Corn
Crop_DurationLeft Estimate: {0} in {1} Innhøsting om {0} måned
Crop_DurationLeft__Tooltip Duration left to harvest this crop as long as there is enough water. Otherwise delays will occur. Varighet igjen for å høste denne avlingen så lenge det er nok vann. Ellers vil det oppstå forsinkelser.
Crop_Flowers__name Flowers
Crop_Fruits__name Fruits
Crop_GreenManure__name Green manure
Crop_NoCrop__name No crop
Crop_Poppy__name Poppy
Crop_Potato__name Potato
Crop_Soybeans__name Soybeans
Crop_SugarCane__name Sugar cane
Crop_TreeSapling__name Tree sapling
Crop_Vegetables__name Vegetables
Crop_Wheat__name Wheat
CropCouldNotBeStored__name Farm: Could not store all {0} after harvest Gård: Kunne ikke lagre alt {0} etter høsting
CropDiedNoFertility__name Farm: {0} lost due to lack of fertility
CropDiedNoMaintenance__name Farm: {0} lost due to lack of workers Gård: {0} tapt på grunn av mangel på arbeidere
CropDiedNoWater__name Farm: {0} lost due to lack of water Gård: {0} tapt på grunn av vannmangel
CropHarvestNow__Action Harvest now
CropHarvestNow__Tooltip Will harvest the current crop prematurely. Estimated yield: {0}
CropHarvestStats__Open Harvest stats
Context English Norwegian Bokmål
CropStats__LessDueToFertility {0} less due to lack of fertility
CropStats__LessDueToWater {0} less yield due to lack of water
CropStats__MonthsWithoutWater Was {0} without water
CropStats__MoreDueToBonus {0} more yield thanks to bonus such as edicts
CropStats__MoreDueToFertility {0} more yield thanks to fertility
CropWaiting__Fertility Waiting for better fertility
CropWaiting__NoReason Cannot start, waiting
CropWaiting__Water Waiting for water or rain
CropWillDrySoon__name Farm: {0} will dry out due to lack of water Farm: {0} vil tørke ut på grunn av mangel på vann
Crop_Canola__name Canola
Crop_Corn__name Corn
Crop_DurationLeft Estimate: {0} in {1} Innhøsting om {0} måned
Crop_DurationLeft__Tooltip Duration left to harvest this crop as long as there is enough water. Otherwise delays will occur. Varighet igjen for å høste denne avlingen så lenge det er nok vann. Ellers vil det oppstå forsinkelser.
Crop_Flowers__name Flowers
Crop_Fruits__name Fruits
Crop_GreenManure__name Green manure
Crop_NoCrop__name No crop
Crop_Poppy__name Poppy
Crop_Potato__name Potato
Crop_Soybeans__name Soybeans
Crop_SugarCane__name Sugar cane
Crop_TreeSapling__name Tree sapling
Crop_Vegetables__name Vegetables
Crop_Wheat__name Wheat
CrusherLarge__desc Large crusher for better efficiency and increased throughput.
CrusherLarge__name Crusher (large)
Crusher__desc Crushes ores into more fine grained materials so they can be used in advanced processing. Knuser malm i mer finkornede materialer slik at de kan brukes i avansert prosessering.
Crusher__name Crusher Knuser
CurlandMap__desc Welcome to Curland, the slender and elongated island bursting with space and natural riches. Its curly shape adds a delightful challenge to constructing sizable factories – prepare to make a robust logistics network capable of traversing the lengthy distances along its elegant curl. For the adventurous, consider connecting the ends to establish a circular logistics loop, turning the island's weakness into a strategic advantage. Rumors of a substantial crude oil deposit circulate, but it has yet to be found.
CurlandMap__name Curland


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English Norwegian Bokmål
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2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
nb_NO.po, string 377