
English {0} is name of the file that was saved {0} is name of the file that was saved
Context English Norwegian Bokmål
RocketAssemblyDepot__name Rocket assembly depot Fabrikk (robotisk) II
RocketLaunchPad__desc Enables launching rockets to space! After a rocket is delivered and securely attached to the tower, it will be filled with fuel based on the rocket type. This has to match with connected fuel to this tower. Fuel is never stored at the launch pad for safety reasons. Water also needs to be connected since the launch process requires a large amount of it for dampening of rocket exhaust shockwaves.
RocketLaunchPad__name Rocket launch pad Rocket launch pad
RockMine__name Rock mine
RotaryKiln__desc Performs calcination process under high temperatures. Used to produce cement. Produserer høytrykksdamp ved å brenne kull som koker vann.
RotaryKiln__name Rotary Kiln Kokekjele
RotaryKilnGas__name Rotary Kiln (gas)
RotateShortcut__Tooltip Press the shortcut key to rotate clock-wise
Ruins__desc Seems like a building that is abandoned for a long time and no longer useful. We can deconstruct it for useful materials which can be processed in our factory. Knuser malm i mer finkornede materialer slik at de kan brukes i avansert prosessering.
Ruins__name Abandoned communication station Knuser
RuinsRecycle__Action Start recycling Start recycling
RuinsRecycleFormatted__Tooltip Recycling this building provides you with useful materials which will be automatically transported by trucks where needed (e.g. {0} will be delivered to a {1}).
RunOnLowFuel__Action Run on low fuel
RunOnLowFuel__Tooltip The ship will depart even with insufficient fuel, but the journey will take longer and cost Unity.
Save__FailureMessage Failed to save the game!
Save__SuccessMessage File {0} has been saved! File {0} has been saved!
Save__Title Save
Save_Action Save Save
Save_Title Save game Last
Saved__Detail Saved
SaveInProgress Saving ...
SaveMigration__BlueprintsNote Note that blueprints remain compatible so you can go back to the old game version, export your blueprints to string, and import them to the new version.
SaveMigration__Intro Welcome to the {0}! Unfortunately, saves from the previous game version are not compatible. However, the new version is full of new exciting content so we hope you will not mind a new start.

If you'd prefer to keep playing your old save, you can! Just go to Steam and switch to the old version '{1}' as shown below. Steam will then automatically download it for you. Whenever you are ready to go back to {0} just remove the beta branch by setting it to 'None'.
SaveName__Label Name your save
SaveNew + New save + New save
Scale Scale Scale
ScrapVehicle__Action Scrap Scrap
ScrapVehicle__InProgress Vehicle is heading to be scrapped in the vehicle depot
ScrapVehicle__Tooltip Sends the vehicle to the vehicle depot to be scrapped for parts Hver gård kan settes opp med en vekstplan for opp til 4 sesonger. Avlingen vil bli dyrket i rekkefølge fra venstre til høyre, eventuelle manglende avlinger hoppes automatisk over. For eksempel, for å sette opp en avling med to rotasjoner, velg to avlinger i timeplanen og la alt annet være tomt. Avling kan være viktig for gårdens fruktbarhet.
ScreenSetting_Title Screen Lyd
Search Search Search
Context English Norwegian Bokmål
RuinsRecycleFormatted__Tooltip Recycling this building provides you with useful materials which will be automatically transported by trucks where needed (e.g. {0} will be delivered to a {1}).
RuinsRecycle__Action Start recycling Start recycling
Ruins__desc Seems like a building that is abandoned for a long time and no longer useful. We can deconstruct it for useful materials which can be processed in our factory. Knuser malm i mer finkornede materialer slik at de kan brukes i avansert prosessering.
Ruins__name Abandoned communication station Knuser
RunOnLowFuel__Action Run on low fuel
RunOnLowFuel__Tooltip The ship will depart even with insufficient fuel, but the journey will take longer and cost Unity.
Saved__Detail Saved
SaveInProgress Saving ...
SaveMigration__BlueprintsNote Note that blueprints remain compatible so you can go back to the old game version, export your blueprints to string, and import them to the new version.
SaveMigration__Intro Welcome to the {0}! Unfortunately, saves from the previous game version are not compatible. However, the new version is full of new exciting content so we hope you will not mind a new start.

If you'd prefer to keep playing your old save, you can! Just go to Steam and switch to the old version '{1}' as shown below. Steam will then automatically download it for you. Whenever you are ready to go back to {0} just remove the beta branch by setting it to 'None'.
SaveName__Label Name your save
SaveNew + New save + New save
Save_Action Save Save
Save_Title Save game Last
Save__FailureMessage Failed to save the game!
Save__SuccessMessage File {0} has been saved! File {0} has been saved!
Save__Title Save
Scale Scale Scale
ScrapVehicle__Action Scrap Scrap
ScrapVehicle__InProgress Vehicle is heading to be scrapped in the vehicle depot
ScrapVehicle__Tooltip Sends the vehicle to the vehicle depot to be scrapped for parts Hver gård kan settes opp med en vekstplan for opp til 4 sesonger. Avlingen vil bli dyrket i rekkefølge fra venstre til høyre, eventuelle manglende avlinger hoppes automatisk over. For eksempel, for å sette opp en avling med to rotasjoner, velg to avlinger i timeplanen og la alt annet være tomt. Avling kan være viktig for gårdens fruktbarhet.
ScreenSetting_Title Screen Lyd
Search Search Search
SeedsTech_Description To discover new seeds, explore the world map with your ship.
SelectFuel_Title Select fuel
SelectMods_Title Select mods to include in the game
SelectOption Select...
SelectVehicle_Title Select vehicle
ServerRacks__Title Server racks
ServerRacks__Tooltip Data center hosts server racks. Every added server rack increases the computing output but also increases demands on power, cooling and more. Server racks can be freely added and removed below.


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes

Things to check

Unchanged translation

Source and translation are identical



There are 3 variants of this string.



English Norwegian Bokmål
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string comment
{0} is name of the file that was saved {0} is name of the file that was saved
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
nb_NO.po, string 2164