Estimated average production per month of all crops in the schedule. This estimate is based on the crop growth time and soil fertility equilibrium (or the target fertility set via the slider below). Losses incurred due to lack of fertility or water are not included in this estimate. However, extra time incurred by slots that have no yield is included. To see how much food is needed, check your food market consumption report.
Estimated average production per month based on the current fertility. Delays incurred due to lack of water are not included in this estimate. However extra time incurred by crops added just for fertility is included. To see how much food is needed check your food market consumption report현재 비옥도 기준의 월 평균 예상 생산량. 비옥도 또는 물 부족으로 인한 손실은 포함되지 않습니다. 그러나 비옥도 때문에 추가된 작물로 인해 발생한 여분의 시간은 포함되어 있습니다. 식량이 얼마나 필요한지는 식량 소비 보고서를 참조하십시오.
Estimated average production per month of all crops in the schedule. This estimate is based on the crop growth time and soil fertility equilibrium (or the target fertility set via the slider below). Losses incurred due to lack of fertility or water are not included in this estimate. However, extra time incurred by slots that have no yield is included. To see how much food is needed, check your food market consumption report.
현재 비옥도 기준의 월 평균 예상 생산량. 비옥도 또는 물 부족으로 인한 손실은 포함되지 않습니다. 그러나 비옥도 때문에 추가된 작물로 인해 발생한 여분의 시간은 포함되어 있습니다. 식량이 얼마나 필요한지는 식량 소비 보고서를 참조하십시오.
Estimated average production per month of all crops in the schedule. This estimate is based on the crop growth time and soil fertility equilibrium (or the target fertility set via the slider below). Losses incurred due to lack of fertility or water are not included in this estimate. However, extra time incurred by slots that have no yield is included. To see how much food is needed, check your food market consumption report.
Estimated average production per month based on the current fertility. Delays incurred due to lack of water are not included in this estimate. However extra time incurred by crops added just for fertility is included. To see how much food is needed check your food market consumption report.
Estimated average production per month based on the current fertility. Delays incurred due to lack of water are not included in this estimate. However extra time incurred by crops added just for fertility is included. To see how much food is needed check your food market consumption report현재 비옥도 기준의 월 평균 예상 생산량. 비옥도 또는 물 부족으로 인한 손실은 포함되지 않습니다. 그러나 비옥도 때문에 추가된 작물로 인해 발생한 여분의 시간은 포함되어 있습니다. 식량이 얼마나 필요한지는 식량 소비 보고서를 참조하십시오.