
English title for set of goals title for set of goals
Context English Japanese
Goal__FillStorage Store {0} in {1} {0}を{1}に格納する。
Goal__FlareOff Burn excess {0} in {1} 余分な{0}を{1}で焼却する
Goal__FoodProduction__name Food production 食料生産
Goal__FoodProduction2__name Food production II 食料生産 Ⅱ
Goal__ForTower Build a {0} near {1} deposit, assign {2} and {3} to it and set up mining designations. {1}の鉱床の近くに{0}を建設し、{2}と{3}を専属させて、採掘指定を設定する。
Goal__FuelStation__name Fuel station 給油所
Goal__GrowPotatoes Wait for the first harvest of <bc>potatoes</bc> <bc>じゃがいも</bc>の初収穫を待つ
Goal__HarvestTrees Start harvesting trees 木の伐採を開始する
Goal__ImportCrudeOil Have your {0} import {1} from the {2} {2}から{0} に{1}を搬入させる
Goal__ImportToCoalStorage Drag the left / green slider in the {0} to the right to make it actively request {1} {0}の左/緑のスライダーを右にドラッグして、積極的に{1}を要求するようにします
Goal__IronOreMining__name Iron ore mining 鉄鉱石の採掘
Goal__IronProduction__name Iron production 鉄の生産
Goal__LoadCrew Load <bc>crew</bc> to the ship <bc>船員</bc>を船に乗せる
Goal__Maintenance__name Maintenance 保守点検
Goal__Mine Mine {0} {0}を採掘する
Goal__MineCoal__name Mine coal 石炭の採掘
Goal__PauseBeacon Pause the {0} to reduce the rate of refugees inbound {0}を一時停止して、難民の受入ペースを抑える
Goal__PauseBeacon__name Reduce refugees inbound 難民受入れの抑制
Goal__PauseCoalMaker Pause {0} to save on {1} {0} を一時停止して {1} の消費を抑える
Goal__PopulationGrowth__name Population growth 人口増加
Goal__PowerFromCoal__name Coal power plant 石炭発電施設
Goal__Process Process {0} {0}を加工する
Goal__ProcessCopperOre Build {0} with {1} and {2} and enable recipe for copper ore processing {1}と{2}で{0}を建設し、銅鉱石加工の為のレシピを有効にする
Goal__ProcessIron Enable <bc>iron recipe</bc> that uses {0} in {1} {1}で{0}を使用する<bc>鉄のレシピ</bc>を有効化する
Goal__ProcessIronOre__name Processing iron ore 鉄鉱石の加工
Goal__Produce Produce {0} {0}を生産する
Goal__ProduceCp2 Build a new {0} and produce {1} 新しい {0} を建設し、{1} を生産する
Goal__ProduceLabEquipment Produce {0} in {1} {1}で{0}を出力する
Goal__ProduceScrap Start recycling {1} to get some {0} {1}の再利用を始めて、若干の{0}を得る
Goal__RefuelShip Fill the ship with {0} 船を{0}で満杯にする
Goal__RepairCargoShip Discover {0} on the world map & repair it using your main ship ワールドマップで{0}を発見し、自船で修理する
Context English Japanese
Goal__FillStorage Store {0} in {1} {0}を{1}に格納する。
Goal__FlareOff Burn excess {0} in {1} 余分な{0}を{1}で焼却する
Goal__FoodProduction2__name Food production II 食料生産 Ⅱ
Goal__FoodProduction__name Food production 食料生産
Goal__ForTower Build a {0} near {1} deposit, assign {2} and {3} to it and set up mining designations. {1}の鉱床の近くに{0}を建設し、{2}と{3}を専属させて、採掘指定を設定する。
Goal__FuelStation__name Fuel station 給油所
Goal__GrowPotatoes Wait for the first harvest of <bc>potatoes</bc> <bc>じゃがいも</bc>の初収穫を待つ
Goal__HarvestTrees Start harvesting trees 木の伐採を開始する
Goal__ImportCrudeOil Have your {0} import {1} from the {2} {2}から{0} に{1}を搬入させる
Goal__ImportToCoalStorage Drag the left / green slider in the {0} to the right to make it actively request {1} {0}の左/緑のスライダーを右にドラッグして、積極的に{1}を要求するようにします
Goal__IronOreMining__name Iron ore mining 鉄鉱石の採掘
Goal__IronProduction__name Iron production 鉄の生産
Goal__LoadCrew Load <bc>crew</bc> to the ship <bc>船員</bc>を船に乗せる
Goal__Maintenance__name Maintenance 保守点検
Goal__Mine Mine {0} {0}を採掘する
Goal__MineCoal__name Mine coal 石炭の採掘
Goal__PauseBeacon Pause the {0} to reduce the rate of refugees inbound {0}を一時停止して、難民の受入ペースを抑える
Goal__PauseBeacon__name Reduce refugees inbound 難民受入れの抑制
Goal__PauseCoalMaker Pause {0} to save on {1} {0} を一時停止して {1} の消費を抑える
Goal__PopulationGrowth__name Population growth 人口増加
Goal__PowerFromCoal__name Coal power plant 石炭発電施設
Goal__Process Process {0} {0}を加工する
Goal__ProcessCopperOre Build {0} with {1} and {2} and enable recipe for copper ore processing {1}と{2}で{0}を建設し、銅鉱石加工の為のレシピを有効にする
Goal__ProcessIron Enable <bc>iron recipe</bc> that uses {0} in {1} {1}で{0}を使用する<bc>鉄のレシピ</bc>を有効化する
Goal__ProcessIronOre__name Processing iron ore 鉄鉱石の加工
Goal__Produce Produce {0} {0}を生産する
Goal__ProduceCp2 Build a new {0} and produce {1} 新しい {0} を建設し、{1} を生産する
Goal__ProduceLabEquipment Produce {0} in {1} {1}で{0}を出力する
Goal__ProduceScrap Start recycling {1} to get some {0} {1}の再利用を始めて、若干の{0}を得る
Goal__RefuelShip Fill the ship with {0} 船を{0}で満杯にする
Context English Japanese
Goal__ActivateEdict Activate {0} edict in your {1} {1}の{0}布告を有効にします
Goal__AdvancedDiesel__name Advanced oil processing 高度な石油処理
Goal__AnotherCpAssembly Build another {0} to produce {1} さらに {0} を建てて {1}を生産する
Goal__AssignTrucksToTreeHarvester Assign trucks {0} to {1} トラック{0}を{1}の専属にする
Goal__AssignTruckToFuelStation Assign {0} to the {1} to have it automatically refuel all your excavators {1}に{0}を指定して、すべてのショベルカーへの給油を自動化する
Goal__Build Build {0} {0}を建設する
Goal__BuildAndConnect Build and connect {0} {0}を建設して接続する
Goal__BuildAndConnect2 Build {0} and connect it to {1} {0}を建設し、{1}に接続する
Goal__BuildAndConnect3 Build {0} and connect it to {1} and {2} {0}を建設し、{1}と{2}に接続する
Goal__BuildAndConnectViaPipe Build {0} and connect it to {1} using a <bc>pipe</bc> {0}を建設し、{1}と<bc>配管</bc>で接続する
Goal__BuildAndEnsureDeliveriesFrom Build {0} and ensure {1} gets delivered from {2} {0} を建設し、{1}が{2}から搬送されるようにする
Goal__BuildAnother Build another {0} {0}をもう一つ建設する
Goal__BuildCaptainOffice__name Captain office 船長事務所
Goal__BuildCargoDock Research and build {0} and attach it with {1} {0} を研究・建設し、{1}に取り付ける
Goal__BuildCoalStorage Build {0}, assign it with {1} and connect it to the {2} using {3} {0}を建設し、{1}を割り当てて、{3}で{2}と接続します
Goal__BuildDieselStorage Build {0} for {1} and connect it to {2} {1}の為に{0}を建設し、{2}に接続する
Goal__BuildFarm Build {0} on fertile ground (grass) 肥沃な土地(草)に{0}を建設する
Goal__BuildFuelStation Build {0} and connect it to a {1} with {2} {0}を建設し、{2}で{1}に接続する
Goal__BuildHousing Build {0} attached to the existing settlement 既存の居住区に併設された建設物{0}を建設する
Goal__BuildLiquidDump Build {0} near the shore and enable a recipe to dump {1} 海岸近くに{0}を建設し、{1}を廃棄するレシピを設定する
Goal__BuildOilPump Build {0} on an oil deposit and connect them to {1} 油田に {0} を建設し、 {1}と接続する
Goal__BuildPowerGenerator Start power production by building {0} {0}の設備で発電を開始する
Goal__BuildResearchLab2__name Advanced research 先進的な研究
Goal__BuildSlagStorage2 Build {0} and connect it to the existing {1} using a {2} to output {3} 設備{0}を作成し、{2}を使用して既存の{1}に接続して{3}を搬出します
Goal__BuildSlagStorage__name Improve slag export スラグ搬出の効率向上
Goal__BuildSteamTurbine Build {0} and attach {1} to it and connect {2} pipe from the {3} {0}を建設して{1}を接続、{3}から{2}の配管を接続します
Goal__BuildStorage Build {0} and assign it {1} {0}を建設し、{1}を割り当てる
Goal__BuildWasteCollection Build {0} attached to the settlement 居住区に併設された建設物{0}について
Goal__ConstructVehicle Construct new {0} 新しい{0}を構築する
Goal__ConveyorBelts__name Set up conveyor belts コンベアの設置
Goal__Conveyors Connect several machines using <bc>conveyor belts</bc> <bc>コンベア</bc>を使って複数の設備を接続する
Goal__CopperProduction__name Copper production 銅の生産
Goal__CpIProduction__name Construction parts 建材
Goal__CrudeOilImport__name Automate crude oil import 原油の輸入自動化
Goal__DesignateDumping Designate a dumping zone for {0} {0}の廃棄区域を指定する
Goal__DisableImportToDieselStorage Disable truck import for the new {0} storage 新しい {0} 貯蔵施設に対するトラックの搬入を無効にする
Goal__DiscoverOilRig__name Find oil rig 石油掘削装置を探す
Goal__Dump Dump {0} {0}を廃棄する
Goal__DumpLiquid Dump {0} {0}を廃棄する
Goal__EstablishMine Establish {0} mine and start mining {0} {0}の採掘管制塔を建設し、{0}の採掘を開始する
Goal__ExploreWithShip <bc>Explore</bc> first location on the <bc>world map</bc> with the ship 船で<bc>ワールドマップ</bc>の最初の地点を<bc>探検する</bc>
Goal__ExploreWithShip__name Repair shipyard and set sail 造船所を修理して出港
Goal__ExportFromSlagStorage Assign the {0} with {1} and drag the right (red) slider to the left to export / dump {0}に{1}を割り当てて、右(赤)のスライダーを左にドラッグして搬出/廃棄する
Goal__FillStorage Store {0} in {1} {0}を{1}に格納する。
Goal__FlareOff Burn excess {0} in {1} 余分な{0}を{1}で焼却する
Goal__FoodProduction2__name Food production II 食料生産 Ⅱ
Goal__FoodProduction__name Food production 食料生産
Goal__ForTower Build a {0} near {1} deposit, assign {2} and {3} to it and set up mining designations. {1}の鉱床の近くに{0}を建設し、{2}と{3}を専属させて、採掘指定を設定する。
Goal__FuelStation__name Fuel station 給油所
Goal__GrowPotatoes Wait for the first harvest of <bc>potatoes</bc> <bc>じゃがいも</bc>の初収穫を待つ
Goal__HarvestTrees Start harvesting trees 木の伐採を開始する
Goal__ImportCrudeOil Have your {0} import {1} from the {2} {2}から{0} に{1}を搬入させる
Goal__ImportToCoalStorage Drag the left / green slider in the {0} to the right to make it actively request {1} {0}の左/緑のスライダーを右にドラッグして、積極的に{1}を要求するようにします
Goal__IronOreMining__name Iron ore mining 鉄鉱石の採掘
Goal__IronProduction__name Iron production 鉄の生産
Goal__LoadCrew Load <bc>crew</bc> to the ship <bc>船員</bc>を船に乗せる
Goal__Maintenance__name Maintenance 保守点検
Goal__Mine Mine {0} {0}を採掘する
Goal__MineCoal__name Mine coal 石炭の採掘
Goal__PauseBeacon Pause the {0} to reduce the rate of refugees inbound {0}を一時停止して、難民の受入ペースを抑える
Goal__PauseBeacon__name Reduce refugees inbound 難民受入れの抑制
Goal__PauseCoalMaker Pause {0} to save on {1} {0} を一時停止して {1} の消費を抑える
Goal__PopulationGrowth__name Population growth 人口増加
Goal__PowerFromCoal__name Coal power plant 石炭発電施設
Goal__Process Process {0} {0}を加工する
Goal__ProcessCopperOre Build {0} with {1} and {2} and enable recipe for copper ore processing {1}と{2}で{0}を建設し、銅鉱石加工の為のレシピを有効にする
Goal__ProcessIron Enable <bc>iron recipe</bc> that uses {0} in {1} {1}で{0}を使用する<bc>鉄のレシピ</bc>を有効化する
Goal__ProcessIronOre__name Processing iron ore 鉄鉱石の加工
Goal__Produce Produce {0} {0}を生産する
Goal__ProduceCp2 Build a new {0} and produce {1} 新しい {0} を建設し、{1} を生産する
Goal__ProduceLabEquipment Produce {0} in {1} {1}で{0}を出力する
Goal__ProduceScrap Start recycling {1} to get some {0} {1}の再利用を始めて、若干の{0}を得る
Goal__RefuelShip Fill the ship with {0} 船を{0}で満杯にする
Goal__RepairCargoShip Discover {0} on the world map & repair it using your main ship ワールドマップで{0}を発見し、自船で修理する
Goal__RepairOilRig Repair {0} {0}を修理する
Goal__RepairShip Repair the ship 船を修理する
Goal__RepairShipyard Repair {0} {0}を修理する
Goal__Research Research {0} {0}を研究する
Goal__ResearchAndBuild Research and build {0} {0}を研究して建設する
Goal__ResearchAndUpgrade Research and upgrade to {0} 研究・改修 {0}
Goal__RubberProduction__name Synthetic rubber ゴムの生産
Goal__SelectCpRecipe Select recipe in {0} to produce {1} {0}でレシピを選択し、{1}を生産する
Goal__SettlementWater__name Water for the settlement 居住区の生活用水
Goal__SetupBricks__name Bricks production レンガの生産
Goal__SetupCp2__name Construction II レンガの生産 Ⅱ
Goal__SetupDiesel__name Diesel production 軽油燃料の生産
Goal__SetupTradings__name Trading 取引について
Goal__SetupVehicleParts__name Vehicle parts 車両部品
Goal__StartProducing Start producing {0} {0}の生産を開始する
Goal__StockpileDiesel__name Stockpile diesel 軽油燃料の備蓄
Goal__StockpileProducts__name Stockpile products 製品の備蓄
Goal__Trade Purchase {0} for {1} from the village on the world map ワールドマップの集落から{1}で{0}を購入する
Goal__UseMediumOil Produce {0} by converting {1} {1}を分留して{0}を生産する
Goal__WaitForRefugees Wait for the first refugees to arrive 難民の到着を待つ
Goal__WasteDumping__name Waste dumping 廃棄物の廃棄
Goal__WorldMine Discover {0} by exploring with your ship 船で探検して{0}を発見する


2 years ago
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English Japanese
mine 採掘 Glossary

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title for set of goals title for set of goals
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
ja.po, string 918