
English notification text when new world map location is explored notification text when new world map location is explored
Context English Japanese
NoMineDesignInTowerArea__name {entity} has no mining designations in its area {entity}のエリアに採掘指定が無い
None None 無し
NoOptions No options found オプションが見つかりません
NoProductAssignedToEntity__name {entity} has no product assigned {entity} に割り当てられた製品は有りません
NoRecipeSelected__name {entity} has no recipe selected {entity}でレシピが選択されてない
NoResearchSelected No research 研究開発無し
NoResourceToExtract__name {entity} has no resource to extract {entity}は抽出する資源を持っていない
NotEnoughFuelToRefuel__name Not enough fuel to refuel a vehicle 燃料が足りない
NotEnoughMaintenance__name Not enough {0} {0}が足りない
NotEnoughPower__name Not enough electricity 電力が足りない
NotEnoughUpoints__name Not enough Unity ユニティが足りない
NotEnoughUpointsForEntity__name {entity} has not enough Unity {entity}はユニティが足りない
NotEnoughWorkers__name Not enough workers 労働者が足りない
NothingFound Nothing found 該当なし
NothingFoundFor Nothing found for '{0}' '{0}'にあたる物が見つかりませんでした
Notification__LocationExplored LOCATION EXPLORED 探索地
Notification__NewRefugees New refugees 新たな難民
Notification__ResearchComplete FINISHED: {0} 完了:{0}
Notification__ShipInBattle SHIP IN BATTLE 船が戦闘に入った
Notifications__Mute Mute notifications 通知をミュート
Notifications__NoNew No new notifications 新しい通知無し
Notifications__Unmute Unmute notifications 通知のミュートを解除
NotifyIfFarmBufferFull Notify if cannot store more 保存出来ない場合は通知する
NotifyOnLowReserve Notify if reserve is low 残量が少なくなったら通知する
NoTreeSaplingsForPlanter__name {entity} has no tree saplings to plant trees with {entity}には、木を植える為の苗木がない
NoTreesToHarvest__name {entity} has no trees to harvest {entity}には伐採出来る木が無い
NoTruckAssignedToTreeHarvester__name {entity} has no truck assigned {entity}にトラックが割り当てられていない
NoVehicleDepotAvailable There is no operational vehicle depot that can accept this type of vehicle このタイプの車両を受け入れる事が出来る車両基地がありません
NoVehiclesAssigned No vehicles assigned 割り当てられた車両はありません
NoWaterDisease__desc Bacterial disease spread through contaminated water. To prevent this disease in the future, make sure your settlement has stable supply of clean water. 汚染された水を介して細菌性の病気が広がります。今後、この病気を防ぐ為に、あなたの居住区にきれいな水を安定的に供給する様にしましょう。
NoWaterDisease__name Cholera コレラ
Context English Japanese
NoProductAssignedToEntity__name {entity} has no product assigned {entity} に割り当てられた製品は有りません
NoRecipeSelected__name {entity} has no recipe selected {entity}でレシピが選択されてない
NoResearchSelected No research 研究開発無し
NoResourceToExtract__name {entity} has no resource to extract {entity}は抽出する資源を持っていない
NotEnoughFuelToRefuel__name Not enough fuel to refuel a vehicle 燃料が足りない
NotEnoughMaintenance__name Not enough {0} {0}が足りない
NotEnoughPower__name Not enough electricity 電力が足りない
NotEnoughUpointsForEntity__name {entity} has not enough Unity {entity}はユニティが足りない
NotEnoughUpoints__name Not enough Unity ユニティが足りない
NotEnoughWorkers__name Not enough workers 労働者が足りない
NothingFound Nothing found 該当なし
NothingFoundFor Nothing found for '{0}' '{0}'にあたる物が見つかりませんでした
Notifications__Mute Mute notifications 通知をミュート
Notifications__NoNew No new notifications 新しい通知無し
Notifications__Unmute Unmute notifications 通知のミュートを解除
Notification__LocationExplored LOCATION EXPLORED 探索地
Notification__NewRefugees New refugees 新たな難民
Notification__ResearchComplete FINISHED: {0} 完了:{0}
Notification__ShipInBattle SHIP IN BATTLE 船が戦闘に入った
NotifyIfFarmBufferFull Notify if cannot store more 保存出来ない場合は通知する
NotifyOnLowReserve Notify if reserve is low 残量が少なくなったら通知する
NoTreeSaplingsForPlanter__name {entity} has no tree saplings to plant trees with {entity}には、木を植える為の苗木がない
NoTreesToHarvest__name {entity} has no trees to harvest {entity}には伐採出来る木が無い
NoTruckAssignedToTreeHarvester__name {entity} has no truck assigned {entity}にトラックが割り当てられていない
NoVehicleDepotAvailable There is no operational vehicle depot that can accept this type of vehicle このタイプの車両を受け入れる事が出来る車両基地がありません
NoVehiclesAssigned No vehicles assigned 割り当てられた車両はありません
NoWaterDisease_Reason low water supply 水不足
NoWaterDisease__desc Bacterial disease spread through contaminated water. To prevent this disease in the future, make sure your settlement has stable supply of clean water. 汚染された水を介して細菌性の病気が広がります。今後、この病気を防ぐ為に、あなたの居住区にきれいな水を安定的に供給する様にしましょう。
NoWaterDisease__name Cholera コレラ
NuclearReactorInMeltdown__name Nuclear reactor reached critical temperature and is shutting down! 核分裂反応炉が臨界温度に達し、停止している!


2 years ago
2 years ago
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English Japanese
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Source string comment
notification text when new world map location is explored notification text when new world map location is explored
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
ja.po, string 1446