
English goal text, {0} - farm
Context English Italian
Goal__AdvancedDiesel__name Advanced oil processing Raffinazione del greggio avanzata
Goal__AnotherCpAssembly Build another {0} to produce {1} Costruisci un altro {0} per produrre {1}
Goal__AssignTrucksToTreeHarvester Assign trucks {0} to {1}
Goal__AssignTruckToFuelStation Assign {0} to the {1} to have it automatically refuel all your excavators Assegna {0} al {1} per rifornire automaticamente tutti i tuoi scavatori
Goal__Build Build {0} Costruisci {0}
Goal__BuildAndConnect Build and connect {0} Costruisci e collega {0}
Goal__BuildAndConnect2 Build {0} and connect it to {1} Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1}
Goal__BuildAndConnect3 Build {0} and connect it to {1} and {2} Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1} e {2}
Goal__BuildAndConnectViaPipe Build {0} and connect it to {1} using a <bc>pipe</bc> Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1} usando un <bc>tubo</bc>
Goal__BuildAndEnsureDeliveriesFrom Build {0} and ensure {1} gets delivered from {2} Costruisci {0} e assicurati che {1} venga consegnato da {2}
Goal__BuildAnother Build another {0} Costruisci un altro {0}
Goal__BuildCaptainOffice__name Captain office Ufficio del Capitano
Goal__BuildCargoDock Research and build {0} and attach it with {1}
Goal__BuildCoalStorage Build {0}, assign it with {1} and connect it to the {2} using {3} Costruisci un {0}, assegnalo con {1} e connettilo al {2} usando dei {3}
Goal__BuildDieselStorage Build {0} for {1} and connect it to {2} Costruisci un {0} per il {1} e connettilo al {2}
Goal__BuildFarm Build {0} on fertile ground (grass) Costruisci una {0} sopra a del terreno fertile (erba)
Goal__BuildFuelStation Build {0} and connect it to a {1} with {2} Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1} con {2}
Goal__BuildHousing Build {0} attached to the existing settlement Costruisci {0} attaccato all'insediamento esistente
Goal__BuildLiquidDump Build {0} near the shore and enable a recipe to dump {1} Costruisci {0} vicino alla riva e seleziona una ricetta per scaricare {1}
Goal__BuildOilPump Build {0} on an oil deposit and connect them to {1} Costruisci {0} sopra un giacimento petrolifero e connettilo ad un {1}
Goal__BuildPowerGenerator Start power production by building {0} Inizia a produrre energia costruendo {0}
Goal__BuildResearchLab2__name Advanced research Ricerca avanzata
Goal__BuildSlagStorage__name Improve slag export Migliora l'esportazione delle scorie
Goal__BuildSlagStorage2 Build {0} and connect it to the existing {1} using a {2} to output {3}
Goal__BuildSteamTurbine Build {0} and attach {1} to it and connect {2} pipe from the {3}
Goal__BuildStorage Build {0} and assign it {1} Costruisci un {0} e assegnalo a {1}
Goal__BuildWasteCollection Build {0} attached to the settlement Costruisci {0} attaccato all'insediamento
Goal__ConstructVehicle Construct new {0} Costruisci un nuovo {0}
Goal__ConveyorBelts__name Set up conveyor belts Configura i nastri trasportatori
Goal__Conveyors Connect several machines using <bc>conveyor belts</bc> Connetti diversi macchinari usando dei <bc>nastri trasportatori</bc>
Goal__CopperProduction__name Copper production Produzione di rame
Context English Italian
Goal__AdvancedDiesel__name Advanced oil processing Raffinazione del greggio avanzata
Goal__AnotherCpAssembly Build another {0} to produce {1} Costruisci un altro {0} per produrre {1}
Goal__AssignTrucksToTreeHarvester Assign trucks {0} to {1}
Goal__AssignTruckToFuelStation Assign {0} to the {1} to have it automatically refuel all your excavators Assegna {0} al {1} per rifornire automaticamente tutti i tuoi scavatori
Goal__Build Build {0} Costruisci {0}
Goal__BuildAndConnect Build and connect {0} Costruisci e collega {0}
Goal__BuildAndConnect2 Build {0} and connect it to {1} Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1}
Goal__BuildAndConnect3 Build {0} and connect it to {1} and {2} Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1} e {2}
Goal__BuildAndConnectViaPipe Build {0} and connect it to {1} using a <bc>pipe</bc> Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1} usando un <bc>tubo</bc>
Goal__BuildAndEnsureDeliveriesFrom Build {0} and ensure {1} gets delivered from {2} Costruisci {0} e assicurati che {1} venga consegnato da {2}
Goal__BuildAnother Build another {0} Costruisci un altro {0}
Goal__BuildCaptainOffice__name Captain office Ufficio del Capitano
Goal__BuildCargoDock Research and build {0} and attach it with {1}
Goal__BuildCoalStorage Build {0}, assign it with {1} and connect it to the {2} using {3} Costruisci un {0}, assegnalo con {1} e connettilo al {2} usando dei {3}
Goal__BuildDieselStorage Build {0} for {1} and connect it to {2} Costruisci un {0} per il {1} e connettilo al {2}
Goal__BuildFarm Build {0} on fertile ground (grass) Costruisci una {0} sopra a del terreno fertile (erba)
Goal__BuildFuelStation Build {0} and connect it to a {1} with {2} Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1} con {2}
Goal__BuildHousing Build {0} attached to the existing settlement Costruisci {0} attaccato all'insediamento esistente
Goal__BuildLiquidDump Build {0} near the shore and enable a recipe to dump {1} Costruisci {0} vicino alla riva e seleziona una ricetta per scaricare {1}
Goal__BuildOilPump Build {0} on an oil deposit and connect them to {1} Costruisci {0} sopra un giacimento petrolifero e connettilo ad un {1}
Goal__BuildPowerGenerator Start power production by building {0} Inizia a produrre energia costruendo {0}
Goal__BuildResearchLab2__name Advanced research Ricerca avanzata
Goal__BuildSlagStorage2 Build {0} and connect it to the existing {1} using a {2} to output {3}
Goal__BuildSlagStorage__name Improve slag export Migliora l'esportazione delle scorie
Goal__BuildSteamTurbine Build {0} and attach {1} to it and connect {2} pipe from the {3}
Goal__BuildStorage Build {0} and assign it {1} Costruisci un {0} e assegnalo a {1}
Goal__BuildWasteCollection Build {0} attached to the settlement Costruisci {0} attaccato all'insediamento
Goal__ConstructVehicle Construct new {0} Costruisci un nuovo {0}
Goal__ConveyorBelts__name Set up conveyor belts Configura i nastri trasportatori
Goal__Conveyors Connect several machines using <bc>conveyor belts</bc> Connetti diversi macchinari usando dei <bc>nastri trasportatori</bc>
Context English Italian
Goal__ActivateEdict Activate {0} edict in your {1}
Goal__AdvancedDiesel__name Advanced oil processing Raffinazione del greggio avanzata
Goal__AnotherCpAssembly Build another {0} to produce {1} Costruisci un altro {0} per produrre {1}
Goal__AssignTrucksToTreeHarvester Assign trucks {0} to {1}
Goal__AssignTruckToFuelStation Assign {0} to the {1} to have it automatically refuel all your excavators Assegna {0} al {1} per rifornire automaticamente tutti i tuoi scavatori
Goal__Build Build {0} Costruisci {0}
Goal__BuildAndConnect Build and connect {0} Costruisci e collega {0}
Goal__BuildAndConnect2 Build {0} and connect it to {1} Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1}
Goal__BuildAndConnect3 Build {0} and connect it to {1} and {2} Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1} e {2}
Goal__BuildAndConnectViaPipe Build {0} and connect it to {1} using a <bc>pipe</bc> Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1} usando un <bc>tubo</bc>
Goal__BuildAndEnsureDeliveriesFrom Build {0} and ensure {1} gets delivered from {2} Costruisci {0} e assicurati che {1} venga consegnato da {2}
Goal__BuildAnother Build another {0} Costruisci un altro {0}
Goal__BuildCaptainOffice__name Captain office Ufficio del Capitano
Goal__BuildCargoDock Research and build {0} and attach it with {1}
Goal__BuildCoalStorage Build {0}, assign it with {1} and connect it to the {2} using {3} Costruisci un {0}, assegnalo con {1} e connettilo al {2} usando dei {3}
Goal__BuildDieselStorage Build {0} for {1} and connect it to {2} Costruisci un {0} per il {1} e connettilo al {2}
Goal__BuildFarm Build {0} on fertile ground (grass) Costruisci una {0} sopra a del terreno fertile (erba)
Goal__BuildFuelStation Build {0} and connect it to a {1} with {2} Costruisci {0} e connettilo a {1} con {2}
Goal__BuildHousing Build {0} attached to the existing settlement Costruisci {0} attaccato all'insediamento esistente
Goal__BuildLiquidDump Build {0} near the shore and enable a recipe to dump {1} Costruisci {0} vicino alla riva e seleziona una ricetta per scaricare {1}
Goal__BuildOilPump Build {0} on an oil deposit and connect them to {1} Costruisci {0} sopra un giacimento petrolifero e connettilo ad un {1}
Goal__BuildPowerGenerator Start power production by building {0} Inizia a produrre energia costruendo {0}
Goal__BuildResearchLab2__name Advanced research Ricerca avanzata
Goal__BuildSlagStorage2 Build {0} and connect it to the existing {1} using a {2} to output {3}
Goal__BuildSlagStorage__name Improve slag export Migliora l'esportazione delle scorie
Goal__BuildSteamTurbine Build {0} and attach {1} to it and connect {2} pipe from the {3}
Goal__BuildStorage Build {0} and assign it {1} Costruisci un {0} e assegnalo a {1}
Goal__BuildWasteCollection Build {0} attached to the settlement Costruisci {0} attaccato all'insediamento
Goal__ConstructVehicle Construct new {0} Costruisci un nuovo {0}
Goal__ConveyorBelts__name Set up conveyor belts Configura i nastri trasportatori
Goal__Conveyors Connect several machines using <bc>conveyor belts</bc> Connetti diversi macchinari usando dei <bc>nastri trasportatori</bc>
Goal__CopperProduction__name Copper production Produzione di rame
Goal__CpIProduction__name Construction parts Costruzione di parti
Goal__CrudeOilImport__name Automate crude oil import Automatizza l'importazione di petrolio greggio
Goal__DesignateDumping Designate a dumping zone for {0} Indica una zona di scarico per {0}
Goal__DisableImportToDieselStorage Disable truck import for the new {0} storage Disabilita l'importazione dai camion per il nuovo deposito di {0}
Goal__DiscoverOilRig__name Find oil rig Trova la piattaforma petrolifera
Goal__Dump Dump {0} Scarica {0}
Goal__DumpLiquid Dump {0} Smaltisci {0}
Goal__EstablishMine Establish {0} mine and start mining {0} Stabilisci un estrazione mineraria di {0} ed estrai {0}
Goal__ExploreWithShip <bc>Explore</bc> first location on the <bc>world map</bc> with the ship <bc>Esplora</bc> la prima posizione sulla <bc>mappa del mondo</bc> con la nave
Goal__ExploreWithShip__name Repair shipyard and set sail Ripara il cantiere navale e preparati a salpare
Goal__ExportFromSlagStorage Assign the {0} with {1} and drag the right (red) slider to the left to export / dump
Goal__FillStorage Store {0} in {1} Immagazzina {0} in {1}
Goal__FlareOff Burn excess {0} in {1} Brucia il {0} in eccesso in {1}
Goal__FoodProduction2__name Food production II Produzione alimentare II
Goal__FoodProduction__name Food production Produzione alimentare
Goal__ForTower Build a {0} near {1} deposit, assign {2} and {3} to it and set up mining designations. Costruisci un {0} vicino ad un deposito di {1}, assegnagli {2} e {3} e imposta l'assegnazione mineraria.
Goal__FuelStation__name Fuel station Stazione di servizio
Goal__GrowPotatoes Wait for the first harvest of <bc>potatoes</bc> Aspetta il primo raccolto di <bc>patate</bc>
Goal__HarvestTrees Start harvesting trees Inizia ad abbattere gli alberi
Goal__ImportCrudeOil Have your {0} import {1} from the {2} Fai in modo che la tua {0} importi {1} dalla {2}
Goal__ImportToCoalStorage Drag the left / green slider in the {0} to the right to make it actively request {1} Trascina il cursore verde nel {0} da sinistra verso destra per abilitare la richiesta attiva di {1}
Goal__IronOreMining__name Iron ore mining Estrazione mineraria di ferro
Goal__IronProduction__name Iron production Produzione di ferro
Goal__LoadCrew Load <bc>crew</bc> to the ship Carica <bc>l'equipaggio</bc> sulla nave
Goal__Maintenance__name Maintenance Manutenzione
Goal__Mine Mine {0} Estrai {0}
Goal__MineCoal__name Mine coal Estrai del carbone
Goal__PauseBeacon Pause the {0} to reduce the rate of refugees inbound Metti in pausa il {0} per ridurre il traffico di rifugiati in entrata
Goal__PauseBeacon__name Reduce refugees inbound Riduci l'ingresso di rifugiati
Goal__PauseCoalMaker Pause {0} to save on {1} Metti in pausa il {0} per risparmiare sulla {1}
Goal__PopulationGrowth__name Population growth Crescita della popolazione
Goal__PowerFromCoal__name Coal power plant Centrale elettrica a carbone
Goal__Process Process {0} Raffina il {0}
Goal__ProcessCopperOre Build {0} with {1} and {2} and enable recipe for copper ore processing
Goal__ProcessIron Enable <bc>iron recipe</bc> that uses {0} in {1}
Goal__ProcessIronOre__name Processing iron ore
Goal__Produce Produce {0}
Goal__ProduceCp2 Build a new {0} and produce {1} Costruisci un nuovo {0} e produci {1}
Goal__ProduceLabEquipment Produce {0} in {1}
Goal__ProduceScrap Start recycling {1} to get some {0}
Goal__RefuelShip Fill the ship with {0}
Goal__RepairCargoShip Discover {0} on the world map & repair it using your main ship
Goal__RepairOilRig Repair {0}
Goal__RepairShip Repair the ship
Goal__RepairShipyard Repair {0}
Goal__Research Research {0} Ricerca {0}
Goal__ResearchAndBuild Research and build {0} Ricerca e costruisci {0}
Goal__ResearchAndUpgrade Research and upgrade to {0}
Goal__RubberProduction__name Synthetic rubber
Goal__SelectCpRecipe Select recipe in {0} to produce {1}
Goal__SettlementWater__name Water for the settlement
Goal__SetupBricks__name Bricks production Produzione di mattoni
Goal__SetupCp2__name Construction II Costruzione II
Goal__SetupDiesel__name Diesel production
Goal__SetupTradings__name Trading
Goal__SetupVehicleParts__name Vehicle parts
Goal__StartProducing Start producing {0}
Goal__StockpileDiesel__name Stockpile diesel
Goal__StockpileProducts__name Stockpile products
Goal__Trade Purchase {0} for {1} from the village on the world map Compra dei {0} per della {0} dal villaggio nella mappa del mondo
Goal__UseMediumOil Produce {0} by converting {1}
Goal__WaitForRefugees Wait for the first refugees to arrive
Goal__WasteDumping__name Waste dumping
Goal__WorldMine Discover {0} by exploring with your ship Scopri una {0} esplorando con la tua nave


User avatar Massi4476

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Captain of Industry / GameItalian

8 months ago
User avatar Wimmy

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Captain of Industry / GameItalian

a year ago
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There are 96 variants of this string.



English Italian
Build Costruisci Glossary

String information

Source string comment
goal text, {0} - farm
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
it.po, string 876