
English a difficulty option where ships can run on unity if out of fuel
Context English Italian
DifficultyMining__Normal Standard mining yield
DifficultyPollution__Easy Reduced impact of pollution and increased base population health
DifficultyPollution__Hard Increased impact of pollution
DifficultyPollution__Normal Standard impact of pollution
DifficultyRainfall__Easy Increased rainfall and water collection
DifficultyRainfall__Hard Reduced rainfall and water collection
DifficultyRainfall__Normal Standard rainfall and water collection
DifficultyResearch__Easy Reduced research cost
DifficultyResearch__Hard Increased research cost
DifficultyResearch__Normal Standard research cost
DifficultySettingsSaved Difficulty settings saved!
DifficultyUnity__Easy Increased Unity generation
DifficultyUnity__Hard Increased Unity generation. Some Unity actions are more expensive.
DifficultyUnity__Normal Standard Unity generation
DiffOption__GraduallyStops Gradually stops
DiffOption__RunsOnUnity Runs on Unity
DiffOption__SlowsDown Slows down
DiffOption__StopsWorking Stops working
DigDirtTip You can set up a dedicated {0} mine in case you don't have enough of it. Puoi allestire una miniera di {0} in caso tu non ne abbia abbastanza.
Disabled Disabled Disabilitato
DiscardAllProducts__Action Discard all Scarta tutto
DiscardAllProducts__Confirmation Are you sure you want to permanently discard all the {0} stored here? Sei sicuro di voler eliminare definitivamente l'intera quantità di {0} immagazzinato qui?
DiscardAllProducts__NotSupported This product cannot be discarded. Questo prodotto non può essere scartato.
DiscardChanges Discard Annulla
DiscoverOnWorldMap__desc Has to be discovered by exploring the world map Deve essere scoperto esplorando la mappa del mondo
Disease1__name Flu Influenza
DiseaseSeverity__1 {0} (mild) {0} (lieve)
DiseaseSeverity__2 {0} (moderate) {0} (moderato)
DiseaseSeverity__3 {0} (severe) {0} (grave)
DiseaseSeverity__4 {0} (very severe) {0} (molto grave)
DiseaseSeverity__5 {0} (deadly) {0} (mortale)
Context English Italian
DifficultyMining__Normal Standard mining yield
DifficultyPollution__Easy Reduced impact of pollution and increased base population health
DifficultyPollution__Hard Increased impact of pollution
DifficultyPollution__Normal Standard impact of pollution
DifficultyRainfall__Easy Increased rainfall and water collection
DifficultyRainfall__Hard Reduced rainfall and water collection
DifficultyRainfall__Normal Standard rainfall and water collection
DifficultyResearch__Easy Reduced research cost
DifficultyResearch__Hard Increased research cost
DifficultyResearch__Normal Standard research cost
DifficultySettingsSaved Difficulty settings saved!
DifficultyUnity__Easy Increased Unity generation
DifficultyUnity__Hard Increased Unity generation. Some Unity actions are more expensive.
DifficultyUnity__Normal Standard Unity generation
DiffOption__GraduallyStops Gradually stops
DiffOption__RunsOnUnity Runs on Unity
DiffOption__SlowsDown Slows down
DiffOption__StopsWorking Stops working
DigDirtTip You can set up a dedicated {0} mine in case you don't have enough of it. Puoi allestire una miniera di {0} in caso tu non ne abbia abbastanza.
Disabled Disabled Disabilitato
DiscardAllProducts__Action Discard all Scarta tutto
DiscardAllProducts__Confirmation Are you sure you want to permanently discard all the {0} stored here? Sei sicuro di voler eliminare definitivamente l'intera quantità di {0} immagazzinato qui?
DiscardAllProducts__NotSupported This product cannot be discarded. Questo prodotto non può essere scartato.
DiscardChanges Discard Annulla
DiscoverOnWorldMap__desc Has to be discovered by exploring the world map Deve essere scoperto esplorando la mappa del mondo
Disease1__name Flu Influenza
DiseaseSeverity__1 {0} (mild) {0} (lieve)
DiseaseSeverity__2 {0} (moderate) {0} (moderato)
DiseaseSeverity__3 {0} (severe) {0} (grave)
DiseaseSeverity__4 {0} (very severe) {0} (molto grave)
User avatar Ago1896

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10 months ago


User avatar Ago1896

Suggestion added

Captain of Industry / GameItalian

10 months ago
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English Italian
Unity Unity Glossary

String information

Source string comment
a difficulty option where ships can run on unity if out of fuel
String age
11 months ago
Source string age
11 months ago
Translation file
it.po, string 503