
English rendering setting name
Context English Italian
TechnologyMicrochip__name Microchip technology
TechnologyNuclearPower__name Nuclear energy Energia nucleare
TechnologyOilDrilling__desc We need to discover an oil rig in the world map to obtain this technology. Dobbiamo scoprire una piattaforma petrolifera nella mappa del mondo per ottenere questa tecnologia.
TechnologyOilDrilling__name Ocean drilling technology Tecnologia di perforazione oceanica
TechnologyPoppySeeds__name Poppy seeds
TechnologyRecycling__desc Enables to recycle products in places like research labs.
TechnologyRecycling__name Recycling
TechnologyShipRadar__name Radar system Sistema radar
TechnologyShipRadarT2__name Radar system II Sistema radar II
TechnologySoybeansSeeds__name Soybean seeds
TechnologySugarCaneSeeds__name Sugar cane seeds
TechnologyTerrainLeveling__desc Combines mining & dumping designations into one. Useful for terrain flattening or ramps setup. If part of terrain is below the designation, trucks will dump there. If part of terrain is above designation, it will be mined by excavators. For mining to work, the designation has to be inside of a mine tower area.
TechnologyTerrainLeveling__name Terrain Leveling
TechnologyWheatSeeds__name Wheat seeds
TerrainDetailsRenderDistance Terrain grass quality
TerrainQuality Terrain quality
TestingRocketT0__desc Testing rocket that demonstrates capability of reaching space! It uses {0} as fuel.
TestingRocketT0__name Testing rocket
ThermalDesalinator__desc Heats saline water into vapor to collect it as clean water. Produces brine as a byproduct. Riscalda l'acqua salina in vapore per raccoglierla come acqua pulita. Produce salamoia come sottoprodotto. Non molto efficiente ma fa il suo lavoro.
ThermalDesalinator__name Thermal desalinator Dissalatore termico
ThermalStorage__ChargingRecipeTitle Charging process
ThermalStorage__desc Thermal storage uses steam to heat its tank of molten salt to store thermal energy. The accumulated energy can be then used to boil incoming water back to steam. The conversion process has losses but maintaining the accumulated heat does not decay while the storage is operational.
ThermalStorage__DischargingRecipeTitle Discharging process
ThermalStorage__name Thermal storage
ThisVehicleCannotDriveUnderTransports Note that this vehicle cannot drive under conveyor belts and pipes.
ThroughputWithParam Throughput: {0} Portata: {0}
TipOnLoad__BuildClose Build machines that process mined material closer to mines to save on fuel for trucks. Costruisci macchine che elaborano il materiale estratto più vicino alle miniere per risparmiare carburante per i camion.
TipOnLoad__BuildTransports If your logistics network is overwhelmed, build more trucks or connect machines with conveyor belts to relieve it. Se la tua rete logistica è sommersa dal lavoro, costruisci più camion o collega le macchine con nastri trasportatori per alleviarlo.
TipOnLoad__Diesel Keep an eye on the amount of diesel. If you run out, your trucks and excavators will stop working. Tieni d'occhio la quantità di diesel. Se si esaurisce, i tuoi camion ed escavatori smetteranno di funzionare.
TipOnLoad__Food Make sure you always have enough food otherwise your people will starve. Assicurati di avere sempre abbastanza cibo, altrimenti la tua gente morirà di fame.
TipOnLoad__OilRig If you are running out of crude oil on your island, you can explore with your ship for remote oil rigs. Se stai esaurendo il petrolio greggio sulla tua isola, puoi esplorare con la tua nave le piattaforme petrolifere remote.
Context English Italian
TechnologyMicrochip__name Microchip technology
TechnologyNuclearPower__name Nuclear energy Energia nucleare
TechnologyOilDrilling__desc We need to discover an oil rig in the world map to obtain this technology. Dobbiamo scoprire una piattaforma petrolifera nella mappa del mondo per ottenere questa tecnologia.
TechnologyOilDrilling__name Ocean drilling technology Tecnologia di perforazione oceanica
TechnologyPoppySeeds__name Poppy seeds
TechnologyRecycling__desc Enables to recycle products in places like research labs.
TechnologyRecycling__name Recycling
TechnologyShipRadarT2__name Radar system II Sistema radar II
TechnologyShipRadar__name Radar system Sistema radar
TechnologySoybeansSeeds__name Soybean seeds
TechnologySugarCaneSeeds__name Sugar cane seeds
TechnologyTerrainLeveling__desc Combines mining & dumping designations into one. Useful for terrain flattening or ramps setup. If part of terrain is below the designation, trucks will dump there. If part of terrain is above designation, it will be mined by excavators. For mining to work, the designation has to be inside of a mine tower area.
TechnologyTerrainLeveling__name Terrain Leveling
TechnologyWheatSeeds__name Wheat seeds
TerrainDetailsRenderDistance Terrain grass quality
TerrainQuality Terrain quality
TestingRocketT0__desc Testing rocket that demonstrates capability of reaching space! It uses {0} as fuel.
TestingRocketT0__name Testing rocket
ThermalDesalinator__desc Heats saline water into vapor to collect it as clean water. Produces brine as a byproduct. Riscalda l'acqua salina in vapore per raccoglierla come acqua pulita. Produce salamoia come sottoprodotto. Non molto efficiente ma fa il suo lavoro.
ThermalDesalinator__name Thermal desalinator Dissalatore termico
ThermalStorage__ChargingRecipeTitle Charging process
ThermalStorage__desc Thermal storage uses steam to heat its tank of molten salt to store thermal energy. The accumulated energy can be then used to boil incoming water back to steam. The conversion process has losses but maintaining the accumulated heat does not decay while the storage is operational.
ThermalStorage__DischargingRecipeTitle Discharging process
ThermalStorage__name Thermal storage
ThisVehicleCannotDriveUnderTransports Note that this vehicle cannot drive under conveyor belts and pipes.
ThroughputWithParam Throughput: {0} Portata: {0}
TipOnLoad__BuildClose Build machines that process mined material closer to mines to save on fuel for trucks. Costruisci macchine che elaborano il materiale estratto più vicino alle miniere per risparmiare carburante per i camion.
TipOnLoad__BuildTransports If your logistics network is overwhelmed, build more trucks or connect machines with conveyor belts to relieve it. Se la tua rete logistica è sommersa dal lavoro, costruisci più camion o collega le macchine con nastri trasportatori per alleviarlo.
TipOnLoad__Diesel Keep an eye on the amount of diesel. If you run out, your trucks and excavators will stop working. Tieni d'occhio la quantità di diesel. Se si esaurisce, i tuoi camion ed escavatori smetteranno di funzionare.
TipOnLoad__Food Make sure you always have enough food otherwise your people will starve. Assicurati di avere sempre abbastanza cibo, altrimenti la tua gente morirà di fame.
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English Italian
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a year ago
Translation file
it.po, string 2470