
English name: unit product unit product
Context English Hungarian
Product_Copper__name Copper Réz
Product_CopperOre__name Copper ore Réz érc
Product_CopperOreCrushed__name Copper ore crushed Zúzott réz érc
Product_CopperScrap__name Copper scrap Rézhulladék
Product_CopperScrapPressed__name Copper scrap pressed Rézhulladék sajtolva
Product_CoreFuel__name Core fuel Mag üzemanyag
Product_CoreFuelDirty__name Core fuel (spent) Mag üzemanyag (elhasznált)
Product_Corn__name Corn Kukorica
Product_CornMash__name Corn mash Kukoricapép
Product_CrudeOil__name Crude oil Nyersolaj
Product_Diesel__name Diesel Dízel
Product_Dirt__name Dirt Föld
Product_Disinfectant__name Disinfectant Fertőtlenítő
Product_Eggs__name Eggs Tojás
Product_Electronics__name Electronics Elektronika
Product_Electronics2__name Electronics II Elektronika II
Product_Electronics3__name Electronics III Elektronika III
Product_Ethanol__name Ethanol Etanol
Product_Exhaust__name Exhaust Füstgáz
Product_Fertilizer__name Fertilizer I Műtrágya
Product_Fertilizer2__name Fertilizer II Műtrágya II
Product_FertilizerOrganic__name Fertilizer (organic) Műtrágya (organikus)
Product_FilterMedia__name Filter media Szűrő anyag
Product_FissionProduct__name Fission product Hasadási termék
Product_Flour__name Flour Liszt
Product_Flowers__name Flowers Virágok
Product_FoodPack__name Food pack Élelmiszer csomag
Product_Fruit__name Fruit Gyümölcs
Product_FuelGas__name Fuel gas Tüzelő gáz
Product_Glass__name Glass Üveg
Product_GlassMix__name Glass mix Üveg keverék


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Captain of Industry / GameHungarian

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English Hungarian
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name: unit product unit product
String age
3 years ago
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3 years ago
Translation file
hu.po, string 1660