
English name: name of a settlement service provided to pops name: name of a settlement service provided to pops
Context English Estonian
GrowthPause__desc Disables natural pop growth Keelab loomuliku iibe
GrowthPause__name Growth pause Iibe paus
Gun0__name Gun (basic) Kahur (algne)
Gun1__name Gun I (front) Kahur I (ees)
Gun1Rear__name Gun I (rear) Kahur I (taga)
Gun2__name Gun II (front) Kahur II (ees)
Gun2Rear__name Gun II (rear) Kahur II (taga)
Gun3__name Gun III (front) Kahur III (ees)
Gun3Rear__name Gun III (rear) Kahur III (taga)
HeadquartersT1__desc Enables you to declare edicts that can significantly affect your island's population and industry. Some edicts can provide you with benefits but may cost you monthly Unity. Other edicts can generate monthly Unity, but these typically require you to provides something in return. Edicts can be toggled anytime. Võimaldab välja kuulutada korraldusi, mis võivad oluliselt mõjutada saare elanikkonda ja tööstust. Mõned korraldused võivad anda eeliseid, kuid võivad maksta igakuist Ühtsust. Teised korraldused võivad anda igakuist Ühtsust, kuid need nõuavad tavaliselt, et annaksite midagi vastutasuks. Korraldusi saab igal ajal ümber lülitada.
HeadquartersT1__QuickTrade__desc Also adds {0} increase in quick trade volume. Lisab ka {0} kiiret tehingumahu kasvu.
Health Health Tervis
Health__Tooltip Health of your population can be affected by many factors which will be always listed in the table below. Positive health generates Unity and also leads to growth of your population. On the other hand, negative health gives penalty to Unity and leads to decrease of your population. There are settlements services that can help you to increase health of your population, such as clean water, healthcare or food variety. Teie rahvastiku tervist võivad mõjutada paljud tegurid, mis on alati loetletud alljärgnevas tabelis. Positiivne tervis tekitab Ühtsust ja toob kaasa ka Teie rahvastiku kasvu. Teisest küljest annab negatiivne tervis Ühtsusele löögi ja viib teie elanikkonna vähenemiseni. Asumile eri teenuste võimaldamine aitab Teil suurendada oma elanikkonna tervist, nt puhas vesi, tervishoid või eri toidugrupid.
HealthBonus__desc Increase safety conditions to get extra +{0} health points. Suurendage ohutustingimusi, et saada lisaks +{0} tervisepunkti.
HealthBonus__name Health boost Tervise võimendus
HealthCareNeed__name Hospitals Haiglad
HealthPointsCat_AirPollution__name Air pollution Õhusaaste
HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionShips__name Ships pollution Laevade reostus
HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionVehicles__name Vehicles pollution Sõidukite reostus
HealthPointsCat_Base__name Base Baas
HealthPointsCat_Disease__name Disease Haigus
HealthPointsCat_Edicts__name Edicts Korraldused
HealthPointsCat_Food__name Food Toit
HealthPointsCat_Healthcare__name Healthcare Tervishoid
HealthPointsCat_LandfillPollution__name Landfill pollution Prügilate reostus
HealthPointsCat_WasteInSettlement__name Settlement waste Asumi prügi
HealthPointsCat_WaterPollution__name Water pollution Veesaaste
HeavyRainWeather__name Heavy rain Tugev vihm
HitPoints Hit points Tabamuspunktid
Homeless__name Not enough housing, settlement is overcrowded Pole piisavalt majutust, asum on ülerahvastatud
HomelessLeft__name {0} homeless left the island due to lack of food. Kodutuid toidupuudusega seoses saarelt lahkunud {0}.
Context English Estonian
GroundReserveTooltip__Oil Shows the overall status of the ground reserve of crude oil in this deposit. This is a limited resource. We need to find a new one before we deplete it. Long-term source of crude oil needs to be found in the world map. Näitab selle maardla toornaftavaru üldist seisu. See on piiratud ressurss. Enne selle ammendumist peame leidma uue. Maailmakaardilt tuleb leida pikaajaline toornafta allikas.
GrowthPause__desc Disables natural pop growth Keelab loomuliku iibe
GrowthPause__name Growth pause Iibe paus
Gun0__name Gun (basic) Kahur (algne)
Gun1Rear__name Gun I (rear) Kahur I (taga)
Gun1__name Gun I (front) Kahur I (ees)
Gun2Rear__name Gun II (rear) Kahur II (taga)
Gun2__name Gun II (front) Kahur II (ees)
Gun3Rear__name Gun III (rear) Kahur III (taga)
Gun3__name Gun III (front) Kahur III (ees)
HeadquartersT1__desc Enables you to declare edicts that can significantly affect your island's population and industry. Some edicts can provide you with benefits but may cost you monthly Unity. Other edicts can generate monthly Unity, but these typically require you to provides something in return. Edicts can be toggled anytime. Võimaldab välja kuulutada korraldusi, mis võivad oluliselt mõjutada saare elanikkonda ja tööstust. Mõned korraldused võivad anda eeliseid, kuid võivad maksta igakuist Ühtsust. Teised korraldused võivad anda igakuist Ühtsust, kuid need nõuavad tavaliselt, et annaksite midagi vastutasuks. Korraldusi saab igal ajal ümber lülitada.
HeadquartersT1__QuickTrade__desc Also adds {0} increase in quick trade volume. Lisab ka {0} kiiret tehingumahu kasvu.
Health Health Tervis
HealthBonus__desc Increase safety conditions to get extra +{0} health points. Suurendage ohutustingimusi, et saada lisaks +{0} tervisepunkti.
HealthBonus__name Health boost Tervise võimendus
HealthCareNeed__name Hospitals Haiglad
HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionShips__name Ships pollution Laevade reostus
HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionVehicles__name Vehicles pollution Sõidukite reostus
HealthPointsCat_AirPollution__name Air pollution Õhusaaste
HealthPointsCat_Base__name Base Baas
HealthPointsCat_Disease__name Disease Haigus
HealthPointsCat_Edicts__name Edicts Korraldused
HealthPointsCat_Food__name Food Toit
HealthPointsCat_Healthcare__name Healthcare Tervishoid
HealthPointsCat_LandfillPollution__name Landfill pollution Prügilate reostus
HealthPointsCat_WasteInSettlement__name Settlement waste Asumi prügi
HealthPointsCat_WaterPollution__name Water pollution Veesaaste
Health__Tooltip Health of your population can be affected by many factors which will be always listed in the table below. Positive health generates Unity and also leads to growth of your population. On the other hand, negative health gives penalty to Unity and leads to decrease of your population. There are settlements services that can help you to increase health of your population, such as clean water, healthcare or food variety. Teie rahvastiku tervist võivad mõjutada paljud tegurid, mis on alati loetletud alljärgnevas tabelis. Positiivne tervis tekitab Ühtsust ja toob kaasa ka Teie rahvastiku kasvu. Teisest küljest annab negatiivne tervis Ühtsusele löögi ja viib teie elanikkonna vähenemiseni. Asumile eri teenuste võimaldamine aitab Teil suurendada oma elanikkonna tervist, nt puhas vesi, tervishoid või eri toidugrupid.
HeavyRainWeather__name Heavy rain Tugev vihm
HitPoints Hit points Tabamuspunktid


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Captain of Industry / GameEstonian

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English Estonian
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name: name of a settlement service provided to pops name: name of a settlement service provided to pops
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2 years ago
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2 years ago
Translation file
et.po, string 995