
English policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15%
Context English Estonian
FlatConveyorT2__name Flat conveyor II Lamekonveier II
FlatConveyorT3__name Flat conveyor III Lamekonveier III
Fleet__name The Ship Laev
FlipShortcut__Tooltip Press the shortcut key to flip Vajutage otsetee klahvi, et peegeldada
Flywheel__desc Flywheel is able to store {0} worth of mechanical power as inertia of a spinning mass. It slowly loses power only if all other entities on the same shaft are idle (not consuming or producing mechanical power). Hooratas suudab salvestada {0} võrra mehaanilist inertsimomenti. See kaotab aeglaselt hoogu ainult siis, kui kõik teised samal võllil olevad üksused on tühikäigul (ei tarbi ega tooda mehaanilist jõudu).
Flywheel__name Flywheel Hooratas
FollowVehicleTooltip Makes the camera follow this vehicle. Pan camera or click this button to cancel. Kaameraga sõiduki jälgimine. Pöörake kaamerat või klõpsake seda nuppu, et tühistada.
Food Food Toit
FoodCategoriesSatisfied {0} category satisfied {0} toidugrupp rahuldatud
FoodCategory_Carbs__name Carbs Süsivesikud
FoodCategory_Protein__name Protein Proteiin
FoodCategory_Treats__name Treats Maiused
FoodCategory_Vitamins__name Vitamins Vitamiinid
FoodConsumptionIncrease__desc Food consumption increased by {0} Toidu tarbimine suurenes {0} võrra
FoodConsumptionIncrease__name Plenty of food Toiduküllus
FoodConsumptionReduction__desc Food consumption reduced by {0} Toidu tarbimine vähenes {0} võrra
FoodConsumptionReduction__name Food saver Toidu säästja
FoodFeedInfo feeds {0} person Toidab {0} isiku
FoodHealth__CategoryTooltip This food category participates in health bonus if provided. Selle toidugrupi võimaldamisel lisandub terviseboonus.
FoodHealth__Title Health bonus Terviseboonus
FoodHealth__Tooltip Providing food from multiple categories can increase health of your population. A food category can participate in health bonus if it has a health icon next to it. It requires at least two categories to be satisfied before a bonus is provided. Mitme toidugrupi pakkumine võib parandada teie elanikkonna tervist. Toidugrupp osaleb terviseboonuses, kui selle kõrval on kuvatud terviseikoon. Boonuse saamiseks peab võimaldama vähemalt kaks toidugruppi.
FoodInSettlement__Title Food in settlement Toit asumis
FoodInSettlement__Tooltip Shows all the food available in the settlement together with information on consumption and benefits. Food is divided into categories, providing food from multiple categories can provide health benefit. If you provide variety of food, the total consumption distributes across all the different types of food provided. Providing variety of food can also be a great source of Unity. Näitab kogu asumis saadaolevat toitu koos teabega tarbimise ja boonuste kohta. Toit jaguneb gruppidesse ja eri toidugruppide tarbimine on tervisenäitajatele kasulik. Kui pakute mitmekesist toitu, jaotub kogutarbimine kõigi pakutavate toidugruppide vahel. Toidu mitmekesisus võib olla suurepärane Ühtsuse allikas.
FoodLeftMainPanel__Tooltip Shows for how long the current food supply lasts. Counts only supply stored in food markets attached to settlements. Näitab, kui kaua kestab praegune toiduvaru. Loevad ainult toidupoodides olevad varud.
FoodMill__desc Grinds organic products into a fine powder or oil. Jahvatab taimsed tooted peeneks pulbriks või õliks.
FoodMill__name Mill Toidujahvati
FoodNeed__name Food Toit
FoodProcessor__desc Can produce different types of food from given ingredients. Toodab olemasolevatest koostisosadest erinevaid toiduaineid.
FoodProcessor__name Food processor Toidutöötlemismasin
FoodSupplyTitle Food supply Toiduvarud
FoodSupplyTitle__TooltipForSettlement The food supply available in this settlement. Based on the sum of all the food stored in the attached food markets. Selle asumi toiduvarud. Põhineb kõigi ühendatud toidupoodide ladustatud toidu kogusel.
Context English Estonian
FlatConveyorT2__name Flat conveyor II Lamekonveier II
FlatConveyorT3__name Flat conveyor III Lamekonveier III
Fleet__name The Ship Laev
FlipShortcut__Tooltip Press the shortcut key to flip Vajutage otsetee klahvi, et peegeldada
Flywheel__desc Flywheel is able to store {0} worth of mechanical power as inertia of a spinning mass. It slowly loses power only if all other entities on the same shaft are idle (not consuming or producing mechanical power). Hooratas suudab salvestada {0} võrra mehaanilist inertsimomenti. See kaotab aeglaselt hoogu ainult siis, kui kõik teised samal võllil olevad üksused on tühikäigul (ei tarbi ega tooda mehaanilist jõudu).
Flywheel__name Flywheel Hooratas
FollowVehicleTooltip Makes the camera follow this vehicle. Pan camera or click this button to cancel. Kaameraga sõiduki jälgimine. Pöörake kaamerat või klõpsake seda nuppu, et tühistada.
Food Food Toit
FoodCategoriesSatisfied {0} category satisfied {0} toidugrupp rahuldatud
FoodCategory_Carbs__name Carbs Süsivesikud
FoodCategory_Protein__name Protein Proteiin
FoodCategory_Treats__name Treats Maiused
FoodCategory_Vitamins__name Vitamins Vitamiinid
FoodConsumptionIncrease__desc Food consumption increased by {0} Toidu tarbimine suurenes {0} võrra
FoodConsumptionIncrease__name Plenty of food Toiduküllus
FoodConsumptionReduction__desc Food consumption reduced by {0} Toidu tarbimine vähenes {0} võrra
FoodConsumptionReduction__name Food saver Toidu säästja
FoodFeedInfo feeds {0} person Toidab {0} isiku
FoodHealth__CategoryTooltip This food category participates in health bonus if provided. Selle toidugrupi võimaldamisel lisandub terviseboonus.
FoodHealth__Title Health bonus Terviseboonus
FoodHealth__Tooltip Providing food from multiple categories can increase health of your population. A food category can participate in health bonus if it has a health icon next to it. It requires at least two categories to be satisfied before a bonus is provided. Mitme toidugrupi pakkumine võib parandada teie elanikkonna tervist. Toidugrupp osaleb terviseboonuses, kui selle kõrval on kuvatud terviseikoon. Boonuse saamiseks peab võimaldama vähemalt kaks toidugruppi.
FoodInSettlement__Title Food in settlement Toit asumis
FoodInSettlement__Tooltip Shows all the food available in the settlement together with information on consumption and benefits. Food is divided into categories, providing food from multiple categories can provide health benefit. If you provide variety of food, the total consumption distributes across all the different types of food provided. Providing variety of food can also be a great source of Unity. Näitab kogu asumis saadaolevat toitu koos teabega tarbimise ja boonuste kohta. Toit jaguneb gruppidesse ja eri toidugruppide tarbimine on tervisenäitajatele kasulik. Kui pakute mitmekesist toitu, jaotub kogutarbimine kõigi pakutavate toidugruppide vahel. Toidu mitmekesisus võib olla suurepärane Ühtsuse allikas.
FoodLeftMainPanel__Tooltip Shows for how long the current food supply lasts. Counts only supply stored in food markets attached to settlements. Näitab, kui kaua kestab praegune toiduvaru. Loevad ainult toidupoodides olevad varud.
FoodMill__desc Grinds organic products into a fine powder or oil. Jahvatab taimsed tooted peeneks pulbriks või õliks.
FoodMill__name Mill Toidujahvati
FoodNeed__name Food Toit
FoodProcessor__desc Can produce different types of food from given ingredients. Toodab olemasolevatest koostisosadest erinevaid toiduaineid.
FoodProcessor__name Food processor Toidutöötlemismasin
FoodSupplyTitle Food supply Toiduvarud


a year ago
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English Estonian
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String information

Source string comment
policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15%
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
et.po, string 726