
English explains the player what they need to do in order to get access to some technology explains the player what they need to do in order to get access to some technology
Context English Estonian
DifficultyResearch__Normal Standard research cost Standardne arendustöö maksumus
DifficultySettingsSaved Difficulty settings saved! Raskusseaded on salvestatud!
DifficultyUnity__Easy Increased Unity generation Suurenenud Ühtsuse saamine
DifficultyUnity__Hard Increased Unity generation. Some Unity actions are more expensive. Suurenenud Ühtsuse saamine. Mõned Ühtsusega tegevused on kallimad.
DifficultyUnity__Normal Standard Unity generation Standardne Ühtsuse saamine
DiffOption__GraduallyStops Gradually stops Järk-järgult peatub
DiffOption__RunsOnUnity Runs on Unity Töötab Ühtsuse peal
DiffOption__SlowsDown Slows down Aeglustab
DiffOption__StopsWorking Stops working Lõpetab töötamise
DigDirtTip You can set up a dedicated {0} mine in case you don't have enough of it. Saate määratleda eraldi ressursi {0} kaevanduse, kui seda napib.
Disabled Disabled Väljas
DiscardAllProducts__Action Discard all Kõik eemaldada
DiscardAllProducts__Confirmation Are you sure you want to permanently discard all the {0} stored here? Siin on {0} - Hävitame selle lõplikult? Kindel?
DiscardAllProducts__NotSupported This product cannot be discarded. Seda toodet ei saa eemaldada.
DiscardChanges Discard Tühista
DiscoverOnWorldMap__desc Has to be discovered by exploring the world map Tuleb avastada maailmakaardilt
Disease1__name Flu Gripp
DiseaseSeverity__1 {0} (mild) {0} (kerge)
DiseaseSeverity__2 {0} (moderate) {0} (keskmine)
DiseaseSeverity__3 {0} (severe) {0} (raske)
DiseaseSeverity__4 {0} (very severe) {0} (väga raske)
DiseaseSeverity__5 {0} (deadly) {0} (surmav)
Dismiss Dismiss Sulge
DistillationTowerT1__desc The entry point for advanced crude oil processing. Separates oil into two components for additional processing into useful resources. Toornafta täiustatud töötlemise sisendpunkt. Eraldab õli kaheks komponendiks, et täiendavalt töödelda kasulikeks ressurssideks.
DistillationTowerT1__name Distillation (stage I) Destilleerimine (I järk)
DistillationTowerT2__desc Introduces extra distillation step to expand oil processing capabilities. Lisab täiendava destilleerimise järgu, et laiendada õli töötlemise võimalusi.
DistillationTowerT2__name Distillation (stage II) Destilleerimine (II järk)
DistillationTowerT3__name Distillation (stage III) Destilleerimine (III järk)
Dlc__Detail DLC DLC
docksCategory__name Cargo docks Kaubadokid
DoNotShowAgain Do not show again Ära enam näita
Context English Estonian
DifficultyResearch__Normal Standard research cost Standardne arendustöö maksumus
DifficultySettingsSaved Difficulty settings saved! Raskusseaded on salvestatud!
DifficultyUnity__Easy Increased Unity generation Suurenenud Ühtsuse saamine
DifficultyUnity__Hard Increased Unity generation. Some Unity actions are more expensive. Suurenenud Ühtsuse saamine. Mõned Ühtsusega tegevused on kallimad.
DifficultyUnity__Normal Standard Unity generation Standardne Ühtsuse saamine
DiffOption__GraduallyStops Gradually stops Järk-järgult peatub
DiffOption__RunsOnUnity Runs on Unity Töötab Ühtsuse peal
DiffOption__SlowsDown Slows down Aeglustab
DiffOption__StopsWorking Stops working Lõpetab töötamise
DigDirtTip You can set up a dedicated {0} mine in case you don't have enough of it. Saate määratleda eraldi ressursi {0} kaevanduse, kui seda napib.
Disabled Disabled Väljas
DiscardAllProducts__Action Discard all Kõik eemaldada
DiscardAllProducts__Confirmation Are you sure you want to permanently discard all the {0} stored here? Siin on {0} - Hävitame selle lõplikult? Kindel?
DiscardAllProducts__NotSupported This product cannot be discarded. Seda toodet ei saa eemaldada.
DiscardChanges Discard Tühista
DiscoverOnWorldMap__desc Has to be discovered by exploring the world map Tuleb avastada maailmakaardilt
Disease1__name Flu Gripp
DiseaseSeverity__1 {0} (mild) {0} (kerge)
DiseaseSeverity__2 {0} (moderate) {0} (keskmine)
DiseaseSeverity__3 {0} (severe) {0} (raske)
DiseaseSeverity__4 {0} (very severe) {0} (väga raske)
DiseaseSeverity__5 {0} (deadly) {0} (surmav)
Dismiss Dismiss Sulge
DistillationTowerT1__desc The entry point for advanced crude oil processing. Separates oil into two components for additional processing into useful resources. Toornafta täiustatud töötlemise sisendpunkt. Eraldab õli kaheks komponendiks, et täiendavalt töödelda kasulikeks ressurssideks.
DistillationTowerT1__name Distillation (stage I) Destilleerimine (I järk)
DistillationTowerT2__desc Introduces extra distillation step to expand oil processing capabilities. Lisab täiendava destilleerimise järgu, et laiendada õli töötlemise võimalusi.
DistillationTowerT2__name Distillation (stage II) Destilleerimine (II järk)
DistillationTowerT3__name Distillation (stage III) Destilleerimine (III järk)
Dlc__Detail DLC DLC
docksCategory__name Cargo docks Kaubadokid


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Captain of Industry / GameEstonian

a year ago
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English Estonian
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String information

Source string comment
explains the player what they need to do in order to get access to some technology explains the player what they need to do in order to get access to some technology
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
et.po, string 512