
English title of a button that enables to remove animals from a farm (by moving them into another farm, not killing) title of a button that enables to remove animals from a farm (by moving them into another farm, not killing)
Context English Estonian
AddNewShipPart Add new part Uue laeva osa lisamine
AdoptPops__Title Adopt population Asunike vastuvõtt
AdoptPops__Tooltip People in the settlement that are willing to join your island. This number replenishes naturally over time until the limit is reached. The capacity and replenish rate are affected by your reputation. Also some settlements might not have this option. Asumi inimesed, kes on nõus Teie saarega liituma. See number taastub aja jooksul loomulikult kuni teatud piirini. Teie maine mõjutab ressursi arvukust ja taastumise tempot. Mõnel asumil ei pruugi seda võimalust olla.
AdoptPopsAction Adopt {0} pop Võta {0} asunik vastu
AirSeparator__desc Performs a cryogenic distillation process at temperatures reaching -200 °C to separate atmospheric air into its primary components - oxygen and nitrogen. Krüogeense destilleerimise protsessi abil, temperatuuril kuni -200 ° C, lagundab atmosfääriõhu selle põhikomponentideks – hapnik ja lämmastik.
AirSeparator__name Air separator Õhu eraldaja
AlphaStaticIslandMap__desc A balanced map, great for new or casual players. The starting location offers easy access to all resources and plenty of space to build a large factory. Later on, create ramps to the higher platforms to scale up industrial and mining operations.

This is the first and oldest map in Captain of Industry. It was first available in a closed-alpha build in October of 2021. Back then, it was the only playable map in the game.
Tasakaalustatud kaart, mis sobib suurepäraselt uutele või juhuslikele mängijatele. Alguskoht pakub lihtsat juurdepääsu kõigile ressurssidele ja palju ruumi suure tehase ehitamiseks. Hiljem looge kaldteed kõrgematele platvormidele, et laiendada tööstus- ja kaevandustegevust.

See on Captain of Industry esimene ja vanim kaart. See oli esmakordselt saadaval suletud alfaversioonina 2021. aasta oktoobris ainsa mängitava kaardina.
AlphaStaticIslandMap__name New Haven Uus Varjupaik
AmountOfPops {0} pop {0} asunik
AmountOfWorkers {0} worker {0} töötaja
AnaerobicDigester__desc Performs a process in which microorganisms break down biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen to produce fuels and fertilizer. Võimaldab madala kvaliteediga bensiini destilleerimist, kuid see on üsna ebaefektiivne ja tekitab palju jäätmeid.
AnaerobicDigester__name Anaerobic digester Anaeroobne kääriti
AnimalFarm_AddAnimals_Tooltip Reallocates animals from other farms into this farm Paigutab teistest farmidest pärit loomi siia
AnimalFarm_PauseGrowth__Title Pause growth Peatada paljunemine
AnimalFarm_PauseGrowth__Tooltip Stops natural increase in number of animals in this farm. Peatab loomade loomuliku paljunemise selles farmis.
AnimalFarm_RemoveAllAnimals Remove all Eemalda kõik
AnimalFarm_RemoveAnimals_Tooltip Reallocates animals that are in this farm into other farms Paigutab selle farmi loomi teistesse farmidesse
AnimalFarm_Title Animals Kariloomad
AnimalFarm_TitleTooltip Animals housed in this farm. You can obtain new animals by trading with a world village. Once there are some animals they will start naturally increase in number. Animals need to be provided with food and water otherwise they can perish. Selles farmis asuvad loomad. Uusi isendeid saate maailmaga kaubeldes. Loomade olemasolul hakkavad need paljunema. Loomi tuleb varustada toidu ja veega, vastasel juhul võivad hukkuda.
AnimalFarmMissingFood__name {entity}: Not enough food {entity}: Pole piisavalt toitu
AnimalFarmMissingWater__name {entity}: Not enough water {entity}: Pole piisavalt vett
AnimalSlaughtering__Title Enable slaughtering Tapamaja seadistamine
AnimalSlaughtering__Tooltip When enabled a red slider appears. If the total number of animals in this farm gets above the red slider, then the excess number will be slaughtered for products like meat. In case the slider is set to full capacity it will only slaughter the born excess that would not fit into the farm. If slaughtering is disabled, no meat gets produced. Aktiveerituna lisandub punane liugur. Kui selles farmis olevate loomade koguarv ületab punase liuguri näitu, siis läheb ületav osa lihatoodeteks. Kui liugur on täisvõimsusele seatud, tapetakse ainult paljunemisest sündinud ülejääk, mis farmi ei mahu. Kui tapmine on keelatud, siis liha ei toodeta.
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Msaa Multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) {0} Graafika tasandamine (MSAA) {0}
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__MsaaShort MSAA {0} MSAA {0}
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Name Anti-aliasing Tasandamine MSAA
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Smaa Subpixel morphological anti-aliasing (SMAA) Subpiksli morfoloogiline ühtlustamine (SMAA)
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__SmaaShort SMAA SMAA
ApplyChanges Apply changes Rakenda muudatused
ApplyChangesConflictPrompt Ignore conflicts and apply changes? Kas eirata konflikte ja rakendada muutused?
ApplySettingsFrom Apply settings from Rakenda samu seadeid
Context English Estonian
AdoptPops__Title Adopt population Asunike vastuvõtt
AdoptPops__Tooltip People in the settlement that are willing to join your island. This number replenishes naturally over time until the limit is reached. The capacity and replenish rate are affected by your reputation. Also some settlements might not have this option. Asumi inimesed, kes on nõus Teie saarega liituma. See number taastub aja jooksul loomulikult kuni teatud piirini. Teie maine mõjutab ressursi arvukust ja taastumise tempot. Mõnel asumil ei pruugi seda võimalust olla.
AirSeparator__desc Performs a cryogenic distillation process at temperatures reaching -200 °C to separate atmospheric air into its primary components - oxygen and nitrogen. Krüogeense destilleerimise protsessi abil, temperatuuril kuni -200 ° C, lagundab atmosfääriõhu selle põhikomponentideks – hapnik ja lämmastik.
AirSeparator__name Air separator Õhu eraldaja
AlphaStaticIslandMap__desc A balanced map, great for new or casual players. The starting location offers easy access to all resources and plenty of space to build a large factory. Later on, create ramps to the higher platforms to scale up industrial and mining operations.

This is the first and oldest map in Captain of Industry. It was first available in a closed-alpha build in October of 2021. Back then, it was the only playable map in the game.
Tasakaalustatud kaart, mis sobib suurepäraselt uutele või juhuslikele mängijatele. Alguskoht pakub lihtsat juurdepääsu kõigile ressurssidele ja palju ruumi suure tehase ehitamiseks. Hiljem looge kaldteed kõrgematele platvormidele, et laiendada tööstus- ja kaevandustegevust.

See on Captain of Industry esimene ja vanim kaart. See oli esmakordselt saadaval suletud alfaversioonina 2021. aasta oktoobris ainsa mängitava kaardina.
AlphaStaticIslandMap__name New Haven Uus Varjupaik
AmountOfPops {0} pop {0} asunik
AmountOfWorkers {0} worker {0} töötaja
AnaerobicDigester__desc Performs a process in which microorganisms break down biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen to produce fuels and fertilizer. Võimaldab madala kvaliteediga bensiini destilleerimist, kuid see on üsna ebaefektiivne ja tekitab palju jäätmeid.
AnaerobicDigester__name Anaerobic digester Anaeroobne kääriti
AnimalFarmMissingFood__name {entity}: Not enough food {entity}: Pole piisavalt toitu
AnimalFarmMissingWater__name {entity}: Not enough water {entity}: Pole piisavalt vett
AnimalFarm_AddAnimals_Tooltip Reallocates animals from other farms into this farm Paigutab teistest farmidest pärit loomi siia
AnimalFarm_PauseGrowth__Title Pause growth Peatada paljunemine
AnimalFarm_PauseGrowth__Tooltip Stops natural increase in number of animals in this farm. Peatab loomade loomuliku paljunemise selles farmis.
AnimalFarm_RemoveAllAnimals Remove all Eemalda kõik
AnimalFarm_RemoveAnimals_Tooltip Reallocates animals that are in this farm into other farms Paigutab selle farmi loomi teistesse farmidesse
AnimalFarm_Title Animals Kariloomad
AnimalFarm_TitleTooltip Animals housed in this farm. You can obtain new animals by trading with a world village. Once there are some animals they will start naturally increase in number. Animals need to be provided with food and water otherwise they can perish. Selles farmis asuvad loomad. Uusi isendeid saate maailmaga kaubeldes. Loomade olemasolul hakkavad need paljunema. Loomi tuleb varustada toidu ja veega, vastasel juhul võivad hukkuda.
AnimalSlaughtering__Title Enable slaughtering Tapamaja seadistamine
AnimalSlaughtering__Tooltip When enabled a red slider appears. If the total number of animals in this farm gets above the red slider, then the excess number will be slaughtered for products like meat. In case the slider is set to full capacity it will only slaughter the born excess that would not fit into the farm. If slaughtering is disabled, no meat gets produced. Aktiveerituna lisandub punane liugur. Kui selles farmis olevate loomade koguarv ületab punase liuguri näitu, siis läheb ületav osa lihatoodeteks. Kui liugur on täisvõimsusele seatud, tapetakse ainult paljunemisest sündinud ülejääk, mis farmi ei mahu. Kui tapmine on keelatud, siis liha ei toodeta.
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Msaa Multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) {0} Graafika tasandamine (MSAA) {0}
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__MsaaShort MSAA {0} MSAA {0}
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Name Anti-aliasing Tasandamine MSAA
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Smaa Subpixel morphological anti-aliasing (SMAA) Subpiksli morfoloogiline ühtlustamine (SMAA)
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__SmaaShort SMAA SMAA
ApplyChanges Apply changes Rakenda muudatused
ApplyChangesConflictPrompt Ignore conflicts and apply changes? Kas eirata konflikte ja rakendada muutused?
ApplySettingsFrom Apply settings from Rakenda samu seadeid
ArcFurnace2__desc This furnace has a cooling system to safely reach higher operating temperatures. This provides increased throughput and an opportunity to reuse some of the excess heat. Power requirements are increased as well. Sellel ahjul on jahutussüsteem, mis võimaldab ohutult saavutada kõrgemaid töötemperatuure. See tagab suurema tõhususe ja võimaluse osa jääksoojusest taaskasutada. Ühtlasi kasvab energiakulu.


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Captain of Industry / GameEstonian

2 years ago
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English Estonian
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String information

Source string comment
title of a button that enables to remove animals from a farm (by moving them into another farm, not killing) title of a button that enables to remove animals from a farm (by moving them into another farm, not killing)
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
et.po, string 44