
English name name
Context English Estonian
CopySettings__Tooltip Click on a structure to copy its configuration and then click again to apply it. You can also drag the cursor over multiple structures to apply the configuration at once. Klõpsake rajatisel, et kopeerida selle seadistus ja seejärel klõpsake uuesti, et seda rakendada. Saate ka kursorit mitme rajatise kohale lohistada, et rakendada seaded neile kõigile.
CopyString__Action Copy Kopeeri
CopyString__Success Copied to clipboard! Kopeeriti lõikelauale!
CopyString__Tooltip Click to copy the source string into the clipboard. Klõpsake lähtelausendi lõikelauale kopeerimiseks.
CopyTool Copy Kopeeri
CopyTool__NoCopyTooltip Hold the shortcut key to prevent copying original configuration while placing new structures Hoidke all kiirklahvi, et vältida originaalseadistuse kopeerimist uute rajatiste paigutamisel
CopyTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of structures to copy them. Klõpsake või lohistage üle rajatistega ala, et neid kopeerida.
Costs Costs Kulud
CraterStaticIslandMap__desc The remnants of a colossal meteorite impact have given rise to the Crater, unearthing a treasure trove of valuable natural resources. But beware: the ringing mountains are all that stands between your factory and a watery end. They’re a tempting target for excavation and expansion, though, so careful planning and preparation is advised. Hey, if we have any trouble with water, I volunteer Jimmy to build a levee – he’s been looking for something to take his mind off Insula Mortis.

This unique map is part of the Supporter’s edition, thanks for your generous support, Captain!
Ühe tohutu meteoriidi kukkumine on moodustanud kraatri ja paisanud pinnale ka palju väärtuslikke loodusvarasid. Kuid olge ettevaatlik: mägede kroon on ainus, mis päästab teie tehast üleujutuste eest. Kuid sinna ladestunud maagid teevad need mäed ahvatlevaks kaevandamise ja laienemise sihtmärgiks, seega on soovitatav hoolikalt planeerida ja ette valmistada. Noh, kui vesi on kitsas, lasen Jimmyl ehitada tammi - ta on otsinud midagi, mis teda kuradi saarestikust eemale viiks.

See ainulaadne kaart on lisatud Supporter Editioni lisavarustusse, aitäh teie lahke toetuse eest, kapten!
CraterStaticIslandMap__name The Crater Kraater
Credits Credits Tiitrid
Crop_Canola__name Canola Raps
Crop_Corn__name Corn Mais
Crop_DurationLeft Estimate: {0} in {1} Hinnanguliselt: {0} ühik {1} kuuga
Crop_DurationLeft__Tooltip Duration left to harvest this crop as long as there is enough water. Otherwise delays will occur. Selle põllukultuuri koristamiseni jäänud aeg piisava veega varustamisel. Vastasel juhul tekivad viivitused.
Crop_Flowers__name Flowers Lilled
Crop_Fruits__name Fruits Puuviljad
Crop_GreenManure__name Green manure Haljasväetis
Crop_NoCrop__name No crop Pole külvatud
Crop_Poppy__name Poppy Unimagun
Crop_Potato__name Potato Kartul
Crop_Soybeans__name Soybeans Sojaoad
Crop_SugarCane__name Sugar cane Suhkruroog
Crop_TreeSapling__name Tree sapling Puu istik
Crop_Vegetables__name Vegetables Juurviljad
Crop_Wheat__name Wheat Nisu
CropCouldNotBeStored__name Farm: Could not store all {0} after harvest Farm: Peale saagikoristust pole kogu {0} ladustatav
CropDiedNoFertility__name Farm: {0} lost due to lack of fertility Farm: {0} hävinud seoses nõrga viljakusega
CropDiedNoMaintenance__name Farm: {0} lost due to lack of workers Farm: {0} hävis töötajate puudusega seoses
CropDiedNoWater__name Farm: {0} lost due to lack of water Farm: {0} hävis veepuudusega seoses
CropHarvestNow__Action Harvest now Korista saak kohe
Context English Estonian
CropStats__DelayedDueToWater Was delayed by {0} due to lack of water Hilines {0} võrra seoses veepuudusega
CropStats__LessDueEarlyHarvest {0} less yield due to premature harvest {0} vähem saaki enneagse koristusega seoses
CropStats__LessDueToFertility {0} less due to lack of fertility {0} vähem seoses nõrga viljakusega
CropStats__LessDueToWater {0} less yield due to lack of water {0} vähem saaki seoses veepuudusega
CropStats__MonthsWithoutWater Was {0} without water Oli {0} ilma veeta
CropStats__MoreDueToBonus {0} more yield thanks to bonus such as edicts {0} suurem saagikus tänu sellistele boonustele nagu korraldused
CropStats__MoreDueToFertility {0} more yield thanks to fertility {0} rohkem saaki seoses viljakusega
CropWaiting__Fertility Waiting for better fertility Suurema viljakuse ootel
CropWaiting__NoReason Cannot start, waiting Ei saa alustada, ootel
CropWaiting__Water Waiting for water or rain Vee või vihma ootel
CropWillDrySoon__name Farm: {0} will dry out due to lack of water Farm: {0} kuivab veepuudusega seoses
Crop_Canola__name Canola Raps
Crop_Corn__name Corn Mais
Crop_DurationLeft Estimate: {0} in {1} Hinnanguliselt: {0} ühik {1} kuuga
Crop_DurationLeft__Tooltip Duration left to harvest this crop as long as there is enough water. Otherwise delays will occur. Selle põllukultuuri koristamiseni jäänud aeg piisava veega varustamisel. Vastasel juhul tekivad viivitused.
Crop_Flowers__name Flowers Lilled
Crop_Fruits__name Fruits Puuviljad
Crop_GreenManure__name Green manure Haljasväetis
Crop_NoCrop__name No crop Pole külvatud
Crop_Poppy__name Poppy Unimagun
Crop_Potato__name Potato Kartul
Crop_Soybeans__name Soybeans Sojaoad
Crop_SugarCane__name Sugar cane Suhkruroog
Crop_TreeSapling__name Tree sapling Puu istik
Crop_Vegetables__name Vegetables Juurviljad
Crop_Wheat__name Wheat Nisu
CrusherLarge__desc Large crusher for better efficiency and increased throughput. Suur purusti parema efektiivsuse ja suurema läbilaskevõime tagamiseks.
CrusherLarge__name Crusher (large) Purusti (suur)
Crusher__desc Crushes ores into more fine grained materials so they can be used in advanced processing. Purustab maake täiustatud töötlemiseks.
Crusher__name Crusher Purustaja
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Captain of Industry/Game
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Captain of Industry/Game


User avatar tlnf

New translation

Captain of Industry / GameEstonian

2 years ago
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English Estonian
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String information

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name name
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
et.po, string 375