
English button to assign a contract to a specific cargo depot button to assign a contract to a specific cargo depot
Context English Estonian
ConstructionState__InProgress Working Töötab
ConstructionState__Paused Paused Peatatud
ConstructionState__Ready Ready Valmis
ConstructionState__WaitingForDelivery Waiting for materials delivery Materjalide kohaletoimetamise ootel
ConstructionState__WaitingForRemoval Waiting for materials removal Materjalide eemaldamise ootel
ConsumedLastMonth Consumed last month Tarbitud eelmisel kuul
ConsumedThisMonth Consumed this month Tarbitud sel kuul
ConsumerElectronicsConsumptionIncrease__desc Consumer electronics consumption increased by {0}, unity given for it increased by {1} Tarbeelektroonika tarbimine suurenes {0}, selle eest saadud Ühtsus suurenes {1} võrra
ConsumerElectronicsConsumptionIncrease__name More consumer electronics Rohkem tarbeelektroonikat
ConsumerElectronicsNeed__name Consumer electronics Tarbeelektroonika
ConsumeSurplusPower__Toggle Use surplus power only Kasutage üksnes ülejäävat energiat
ConsumeSurplusPower__Tooltip When enabled, this consumer will become a surplus consumer and will only be using power made by generators that allow to supply surplus consumers (e.g. solar panels). Also, in case this is enabled, lack of power is not reported as an issue. Kui see tarbija on aktiveeritud, töötab see üksnes jääkenergial (ülejääki võib toota päikesepaneelide või spetsiaalsete generaatorite abil). Kui see on lubatud, ei teatata ka elektrienergia puudumisest.
Consumption Consumption Tarbimine
Continue Continue Jätka
ContinueDisabled__NeedsModConfig The selected save file requires mods that are not available. Go to the load menu and click the '{0}' button to learn more. Valitud salvestusfail nõuab moode, mis pole saadaval. Minge laadimismenüüsse ja klõpsake lisateabe saamiseks nuppu „{0}”.
Contract__Assign Assign Määra
Contract__Establish Establish Sõlmi
Contract__EstablishTooltip Will pay the Unity cost shown and establish this contract so it can be performed by your cargo ship. Maksab näidatud Ühtsuse kulud ja sõlmib selle lepingu, et meie kaubalaev seda täita saaks.
Contract__ExchangeCost Exchange cost Kauplemiskulu
Contract__MonthlyCost Monthly cost Kuukulu
Contract__Unassign Unassign Kehtetuks
ContractAssignCheck__IncompatibleProduct Some modules contain incompatible product - {0} Mõned moodulid sisaldavad sobimatut toodet - {0}
ContractAssignCheck__ModuleNotSupported Some modules are not supported - {0} Mõned moodulid pole toetatud - {0}
ContractAssigned__Title Assigned contract Sõlmitud leping
ContractAssigned__Tooltip Shows the currently assigned contract. Product on the left side is the one you are exporting (selling) and the one on the right side is being imported. The displayed traded volumes are calculated based on all the cargo depot's modules that are assigned with corresponding products. If there isn't any corresponding cargo depot module for both the products then the estimates will show a question mark. Näitab hetkel sõlmitud lepingut. Vasakpoolne toode on Teie eksporditav (mida hetkel müüte) ja paremal imporditav. Kuvatud kaubeldavad mahud arvutatakse kõigi kaubalao moodulite põhjal, mis on määratud vastavate toodetega. Kui mõlema toote jaoks pole ühtegi vastavat kaubalao moodulit, näitavad hinnangud küsimärki.
ContractCancelStatus__IsAssigned Cannot be canceled as it is currently assigned to at least one cargo depot Pole võimalik tühistada, kuna see on praegu määratud vähemalt ühele kaubalaole
ContractCancelStatus__ProductNotResearched Some of the traded products are not researched yet Mõned kaubeldavad tooted pole veel välja arendatud
Contracts__NoneEstablished There isn't any contract established. You can establish one and then assign it to one of your cargo depots. Lepingut pole sõlmitud. Saate ühe luua ja seejärel määrata selle ühele oma kaubaladustusele.
Contracts__ShipSize Ship size: Laeva suurus:
Contracts__ShipSizeModules {0} module {0} moodul
Contracts__Title Contracts Lepingud
Context English Estonian
ConsumeSurplusPower__Tooltip When enabled, this consumer will become a surplus consumer and will only be using power made by generators that allow to supply surplus consumers (e.g. solar panels). Also, in case this is enabled, lack of power is not reported as an issue. Kui see tarbija on aktiveeritud, töötab see üksnes jääkenergial (ülejääki võib toota päikesepaneelide või spetsiaalsete generaatorite abil). Kui see on lubatud, ei teatata ka elektrienergia puudumisest.
Consumption Consumption Tarbimine
Continue Continue Jätka
ContinueDisabled__NeedsModConfig The selected save file requires mods that are not available. Go to the load menu and click the '{0}' button to learn more. Valitud salvestusfail nõuab moode, mis pole saadaval. Minge laadimismenüüsse ja klõpsake lisateabe saamiseks nuppu „{0}”.
ContractAssignCheck__IncompatibleProduct Some modules contain incompatible product - {0} Mõned moodulid sisaldavad sobimatut toodet - {0}
ContractAssignCheck__ModuleNotSupported Some modules are not supported - {0} Mõned moodulid pole toetatud - {0}
ContractAssigned__Title Assigned contract Sõlmitud leping
ContractAssigned__Tooltip Shows the currently assigned contract. Product on the left side is the one you are exporting (selling) and the one on the right side is being imported. The displayed traded volumes are calculated based on all the cargo depot's modules that are assigned with corresponding products. If there isn't any corresponding cargo depot module for both the products then the estimates will show a question mark. Näitab hetkel sõlmitud lepingut. Vasakpoolne toode on Teie eksporditav (mida hetkel müüte) ja paremal imporditav. Kuvatud kaubeldavad mahud arvutatakse kõigi kaubalao moodulite põhjal, mis on määratud vastavate toodetega. Kui mõlema toote jaoks pole ühtegi vastavat kaubalao moodulit, näitavad hinnangud küsimärki.
ContractCancelStatus__IsAssigned Cannot be canceled as it is currently assigned to at least one cargo depot Pole võimalik tühistada, kuna see on praegu määratud vähemalt ühele kaubalaole
ContractCancelStatus__ProductNotResearched Some of the traded products are not researched yet Mõned kaubeldavad tooted pole veel välja arendatud
Contracts__NoneEstablished There isn't any contract established. You can establish one and then assign it to one of your cargo depots. Lepingut pole sõlmitud. Saate ühe luua ja seejärel määrata selle ühele oma kaubaladustusele.
Contracts__ShipSize Ship size: Laeva suurus:
Contracts__ShipSizeModules {0} module {0} moodul
Contracts__Title Contracts Lepingud
Contracts__Tooltip Lists all the contracts available. Product on the left side is the one you are exporting (selling) and the one on the right side is being imported. Contracts are meant to be used on a more permanent basis (when compared to quick trade). A contract has to be assigned to your cargo depot (not to a trading dock like in case of quick trade). In order to assign a contract, it has to be established first which has one-time Unity cost. Established contract also costs a smaller monthly Unity fee and you also pay a Unity fee for every cargo exchanged (depends on the amounts exchanged). To see the maximum amount of quantities that can be transferred in one ship journey, use the dropdown to select the size of a ship you are going to use. In case of more complex products, you can hover over the yellow 'diamond' icon to see their production value. Contracts are generally lucrative (especially when you're exporting complex products) but it highly depends on the efficiency of your factory - so they are generally recommended for advanced factories. Loetleb kõik saadaolevad lepingud. Vasakpoolne toode on eksporditav (müüte) ja paremal imporditav. Lepingud on mõeldud püsivaks kasutamiseks (võrreldes kiire kaubandusega). Leping tuleb määrata kaubalaole (mitte kauplemisdokis nagu kiirkaubanduse korral). Lepingu määramiseks tuleb kõigepealt kindlaks teha, millisel on ühekordne Ühtsuse kulu. Sõlmitud leping maksab ka väiksema igakuise Ühtsustasu, lisaks tasu iga vahetatud lasti eest (sõltub kaubeldud kogusest). Maksimaalse laevareisi kaubavahetuse koguse nägemiseks, valige rippmenüüst kasutatava laeva suurus. Keerukamate toodete korral saab tootmisväärtuse nägemiseks hõljuda kollase 'teemandi' ikooni kohal. Lepingud on üldiselt tulusad (eriti keerukate toodete eksportimisel), kuid see sõltub suuresti Teie tehase tõhususest - seega soovitatav edasiarenenud tehaste jaoks.
Contract__Assign Assign Määra
Contract__Establish Establish Sõlmi
Contract__EstablishTooltip Will pay the Unity cost shown and establish this contract so it can be performed by your cargo ship. Maksab näidatud Ühtsuse kulud ja sõlmib selle lepingu, et meie kaubalaev seda täita saaks.
Contract__ExchangeCost Exchange cost Kauplemiskulu
Contract__MonthlyCost Monthly cost Kuukulu
Contract__Unassign Unassign Kehtetuks
ControlsSettings_Title Controls Juhtseaded
CoolingTowerT1__desc Improves water efficiency of a power plant by recovering some steam back to water. Parandab elektrijaama veetõhusust, muutes osa auru tagasi veeks.
CoolingTowerT1__name Cooling tower Jahutustorn
CoolingTowerT2__name Cooling tower (large) Jahutustorn (suur)
CopperElectrolysis__desc Purifies copper by electrolytic refining to over 99.95% purity. Puhastab vase elektrolüütilise rafineerimisega tagades üle 99,95% puhtuse.
CopperElectrolysis__name Copper electrolysis Vase elektrolüüsija
CopySettings__Tooltip Click on a structure to copy its configuration and then click again to apply it. You can also drag the cursor over multiple structures to apply the configuration at once. Klõpsake rajatisel, et kopeerida selle seadistus ja seejärel klõpsake uuesti, et seda rakendada. Saate ka kursorit mitme rajatise kohale lohistada, et rakendada seaded neile kõigile.
CopyString__Action Copy Kopeeri
CopyString__Success Copied to clipboard! Kopeeriti lõikelauale!


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button to assign a contract to a specific cargo depot button to assign a contract to a specific cargo depot
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2 years ago
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2 years ago
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et.po, string 337