
English Label shown on the change history tab of the difficulty settings window when no changes have yet been made Label shown on the change history tab of the difficulty settings window when no changes have yet been made
Context English Estonian
CargoShipT1__desc The cargo ship departs automatically when there is enough cargo to collect on the world map. Each journey of the ship has a fixed cost of fuel that is based on the size of the ship. Larger ships are more efficient in fuel consumption (they get upgraded automatically with cargo depot upgrade). The ship doesn't need to be assigned to individual mines / oil rigs, it collects cargo automatically. It can transport multiple types of products at the same time and will make sure all of them are supplied (it will depart anytime any of its products need to be transported). Kaubalaev väljub automaatselt, kui maailmakaardil on kogumiseks piisavalt lasti. Igal laevareisil on kütuse püsikulu, mis sõltub laeva suurusest. Suured laevad on säästlikumad (neid uuendatakse automaatselt koos kaubalao uuendamisega). Laeva ei pea määrama üksikutele kaevandustele/naftapuurtornidele, sest see kogub lasti automaatselt. Suudab korraga transportida mitut tüüpi tooteid ja tagab, et need kõik saaks tarnitud (laev väljub kui kasvõi üht toodet on vaja teele saata).
CargoShipT1__name Cargo Ship Kaubalaev
CargoShipT2__name Cargo Ship Kaubalaev
CargoShipT3__name Cargo Ship Kaubalaev
CargoShipT4__name Cargo Ship Kaubalaev
CargoShipWreckCost1__name Damaged cargo ship Kahjustatud kaubalaev
CargoTitle Cargo Kaup
Caster__desc Casts molten materials into slabs. Valab sulamaterjale plaatideks.
Caster__name Metal caster Metallivalaja
CasterCooled__desc Casts molten materials into slabs. This one also utilizes water for cooling. Valab sulamaterjalid plaatideks. See kasutab jahutamiseks ka vett.
CasterCooled__name Cooled caster Jahutusega metallivalaja
CasterCooledT2__name Cooled caster II Jahutusega valumasin II
CasterT2__name Metal caster II Metalli valumasin II
ChangeHistory__ConfirmPrompt Once applied, you won't be able to change these options again for {0} (in-game): Pärast rakendamist ei saa te neid valikuid enam mängus sees {0} muuta:
ChangeHistory__ConfirmTitle Are you sure? Oled sa kindel?
ChangeHistory__EmptyLabel No difficulty setting changes found Seadete muudatusi ei leitud
ChangeHistory__Title Change history ({0}) Muudatuste ajalugu ({0})
CharactersCount {0} char {0} tärk
CharcoalMaker__desc Uses wood to create coal but it is quite inefficient. Kasutab söe valmistamiseks puitu, kuid on üsna ebaefektiivne.
CharcoalMaker__name Coal maker Söetootja
ChemicalPlant__desc Performs variety of chemical recipes including processing of fluids and their packaging. Rakendab erinevaid keemiliste protsesside retsepte, sh vedelike töötlemine ja nende pakendamine.
ChemicalPlant__name Chemical plant Keemiatehas
ChemicalPlant2__name Chemical plant II Keemiatehas II
ChickenFarm__desc Enables to raise chickens for eggs and meat. Chickens need to be provided with water and animal feed. To obtain some chickens you can trade with a village on the world map. Võimaldab kasvatada kanu munade ja liha tarbeks. Kanad tuleb varustada vee- ja loomasöödaga. Kanade hankimiseks on võimalik maailmakaardil mõne asumiga kaubelda.
ChickenFarm__name Chicken farm Kanafarm
ClearSurface__Title Remove surface Eemaldage pind
ClearSurface__Tooltip Designates an area of surface to be removed by trucks. Määrab veoautode poolt eemaldatava pinna.
ClickToLearnMore {0} to learn more {0} lisateabe saamiseks
CloneTool Copy settings Kopeeri seaded
Close Close Sulge
CloudyWeather__name Cloudy Pilvine
Context English Estonian
CargoShip_TripDuration__Tooltip Does not include the time needed to (un)load cargo on your island. Ei sisalda aega, mis on vajalik lasti saarele (maha-)laadimiseks.
CargoShip__NoModulesBuilt No cargo depot modules built. Kaubalao mooduleid pole ehitatud.
CargoShip__NotEnoughToPickUp Waiting until there is enough cargo to pick up. Ootame kuni pealelaadimiseks on piisavalt kaupa.
CargoShip__NothingToPickUp There is nothing to pick up. Pole midagi peale laadida.
CargoShip__ShipIsBeingUnloaded Ship is being unloaded. Laev on mahalaadimisel.
CargoTitle Cargo Kaup
Cargo__DiscardTooltip Instantly remove cargo from this truck (into any available storage or shipyard) Masina kohene mahalaadimine (kaup satub ladudesse või sadamasse)
CasterCooledT2__name Cooled caster II Jahutusega valumasin II
CasterCooled__desc Casts molten materials into slabs. This one also utilizes water for cooling. Valab sulamaterjalid plaatideks. See kasutab jahutamiseks ka vett.
CasterCooled__name Cooled caster Jahutusega metallivalaja
CasterT2__name Metal caster II Metalli valumasin II
Caster__desc Casts molten materials into slabs. Valab sulamaterjale plaatideks.
Caster__name Metal caster Metallivalaja
ChangeHistory__ConfirmPrompt Once applied, you won't be able to change these options again for {0} (in-game): Pärast rakendamist ei saa te neid valikuid enam mängus sees {0} muuta:
ChangeHistory__ConfirmTitle Are you sure? Oled sa kindel?
ChangeHistory__EmptyLabel No difficulty setting changes found Seadete muudatusi ei leitud
ChangeHistory__Title Change history ({0}) Muudatuste ajalugu ({0})
CharactersCount {0} char {0} tärk
CharcoalMaker__desc Uses wood to create coal but it is quite inefficient. Kasutab söe valmistamiseks puitu, kuid on üsna ebaefektiivne.
CharcoalMaker__name Coal maker Söetootja
ChemicalPlant2__name Chemical plant II Keemiatehas II
ChemicalPlant__desc Performs variety of chemical recipes including processing of fluids and their packaging. Rakendab erinevaid keemiliste protsesside retsepte, sh vedelike töötlemine ja nende pakendamine.
ChemicalPlant__name Chemical plant Keemiatehas
ChickenFarm__desc Enables to raise chickens for eggs and meat. Chickens need to be provided with water and animal feed. To obtain some chickens you can trade with a village on the world map. Võimaldab kasvatada kanu munade ja liha tarbeks. Kanad tuleb varustada vee- ja loomasöödaga. Kanade hankimiseks on võimalik maailmakaardil mõne asumiga kaubelda.
ChickenFarm__name Chicken farm Kanafarm
ClearSurface__Title Remove surface Eemaldage pind
ClearSurface__Tooltip Designates an area of surface to be removed by trucks. Määrab veoautode poolt eemaldatava pinna.
ClickToLearnMore {0} to learn more {0} lisateabe saamiseks
CloneTool Copy settings Kopeeri seaded
Close Close Sulge


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Captain of Industry / GameEstonian

5 months ago
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English Estonian
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Source string comment
Label shown on the change history tab of the difficulty settings window when no changes have yet been made Label shown on the change history tab of the difficulty settings window when no changes have yet been made
String age
6 months ago
Source string age
6 months ago
Translation file
et.po, string 273