
English building or machine building or machine
Context English Estonian
StatsTab__Chart Summary chart Kokkuvõttev diagramm
StatueOfMaintenance__desc Statue that not just demonstrates the wealth of your island but also serves as a celebration of your industrial success. It has such a positive effect on your population that it reduces your island's maintenance requirements by {0}. In order to get the bonus, the statue needs to be provided with '{1}' on a continuous basis. However, if you don't maintain your statue you will get a negative effect. Because nothing demotivates your workers from performing maintenance more than seeing a broken statue of maintenance. You can build this statue multiple times should your wealth allow it, but each additional statue's effect is reduced by half. Ausammas ei näita üksnes saare rikkust, vaid tähistab ka Teie tööstuslikku edu. Sellel on sedavõrd positiivne mõju Teie rahvastikule, et see vähendab Teie saare hooldusvajadust {0} võrra. Boonuse saamiseks tuleb sammast pidevalt '{1}'iga varustada. Kuju purunemisel on negatiivne mõju. Sest miski ei demotiveeri Teie töötajaid hooldustööde tegemisel rohkem kui katkise ausamba nägemine. Saate ausambaid ehitada mitu, kui teie rikkus seda võimaldab, kuid iga täiendava kuju mõju väheneb poole võrra.
StatueOfMaintenance__name The statue of maintenance Hoolduse ausammas
StatueOfMaintenanceGolden__name The statue of maintenance (golden) Kuldne hoolduse ausammas
Status Status Seisund
Status_LowReputation Requires reputation to be at least {0} Nõutav maine vähemalt {0}
Stone_TerrainSurface Stone surface Kivine pinnas
StorageAlert__BtnTitle Alerts Alarmid
StorageAlert__Empty Empty Tühi
StorageAlert__Full Full Täis
StorageAlert__Prefix Notify if Teata kui
StorageFluid__name Fluid storage Vedelikumahuti
StorageFluidFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a liquid or gas product. Salvestab kuni {0} ühikut vedelat või gaasilist toodet.
StorageFluidT2__name Fluid storage II Vedelikumahuti II
StorageFluidT3__name Fluid storage III Vedelikumahuti III
StorageFluidT4__name Fluid storage IV Vedelikumahuti IV
StorageLoose__name Loose storage Puistematerjali ladu
StorageLooseFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a loose product. Salvestab kuni {0} ühikut puistematerjali.
StorageLooseT2__name Loose storage II Puistematerjali ladu II
StorageLooseT3__name Loose storage III Puisteladu III
StorageLooseT4__name Loose storage IV Puisteladu IV
StoragePowerConsumptionSuffix Consumes power when sending or receiving products via its ports. Tarbib energiat, kui saadab või võtab vastu tooteid oma väravate kaudu.
storagesCategory__name Storage Ladustamine
StorageSolidFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a solid product. Salvestab kuni {0} ühikut tahket toodet.
StorageSupplyTooHigh__name Alert: {entity} has high supply of {0} Häire: {0} varustustihedus liiga kõrge
StorageSupplyTooLow__name Alert: {entity} has low supply of {0} Häire: {0} varustustihedus liiga madal
StorageUnit__name Unit storage Toodete ladu
StorageUnitT2__name Unit storage II Toodete ladu II
StorageUnitT3__name Unit storage III Toodete ladu III
StorageUnitT4__name Unit storage IV Toodete ladu IV
StoredHeat__NoProductSelected no product selected for heat transfer soojusülekandeks ei valitud ühtegi toodet
Context English Estonian
StatsTab__Chart Summary chart Kokkuvõttev diagramm
Stats_NoDataYet No data yet Pole veel andmeid
StatueOfMaintenanceGolden__name The statue of maintenance (golden) Kuldne hoolduse ausammas
StatueOfMaintenance__desc Statue that not just demonstrates the wealth of your island but also serves as a celebration of your industrial success. It has such a positive effect on your population that it reduces your island's maintenance requirements by {0}. In order to get the bonus, the statue needs to be provided with '{1}' on a continuous basis. However, if you don't maintain your statue you will get a negative effect. Because nothing demotivates your workers from performing maintenance more than seeing a broken statue of maintenance. You can build this statue multiple times should your wealth allow it, but each additional statue's effect is reduced by half. Ausammas ei näita üksnes saare rikkust, vaid tähistab ka Teie tööstuslikku edu. Sellel on sedavõrd positiivne mõju Teie rahvastikule, et see vähendab Teie saare hooldusvajadust {0} võrra. Boonuse saamiseks tuleb sammast pidevalt '{1}'iga varustada. Kuju purunemisel on negatiivne mõju. Sest miski ei demotiveeri Teie töötajaid hooldustööde tegemisel rohkem kui katkise ausamba nägemine. Saate ausambaid ehitada mitu, kui teie rikkus seda võimaldab, kuid iga täiendava kuju mõju väheneb poole võrra.
StatueOfMaintenance__name The statue of maintenance Hoolduse ausammas
Status Status Seisund
Status_LowReputation Requires reputation to be at least {0} Nõutav maine vähemalt {0}
Stone_TerrainSurface Stone surface Kivine pinnas
StorageAlert__BtnTitle Alerts Alarmid
StorageAlert__Empty Empty Tühi
StorageAlert__Full Full Täis
StorageAlert__Prefix Notify if Teata kui
StorageFluidFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a liquid or gas product. Salvestab kuni {0} ühikut vedelat või gaasilist toodet.
StorageFluidT2__name Fluid storage II Vedelikumahuti II
StorageFluidT3__name Fluid storage III Vedelikumahuti III
StorageFluidT4__name Fluid storage IV Vedelikumahuti IV
StorageFluid__name Fluid storage Vedelikumahuti
StorageLooseFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a loose product. Salvestab kuni {0} ühikut puistematerjali.
StorageLooseT2__name Loose storage II Puistematerjali ladu II
StorageLooseT3__name Loose storage III Puisteladu III
StorageLooseT4__name Loose storage IV Puisteladu IV
StorageLoose__name Loose storage Puistematerjali ladu
StoragePowerConsumptionSuffix Consumes power when sending or receiving products via its ports. Tarbib energiat, kui saadab või võtab vastu tooteid oma väravate kaudu.
storagesCategory__name Storage Ladustamine
StorageSolidFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a solid product. Salvestab kuni {0} ühikut tahket toodet.
StorageSupplyTooHigh__name Alert: {entity} has high supply of {0} Häire: {0} varustustihedus liiga kõrge
StorageSupplyTooLow__name Alert: {entity} has low supply of {0} Häire: {0} varustustihedus liiga madal
StorageUnitT2__name Unit storage II Toodete ladu II
StorageUnitT3__name Unit storage III Toodete ladu III
StorageUnitT4__name Unit storage IV Toodete ladu IV


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Captain of Industry / GameEstonian

2 years ago
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Captain of Industry / GameEstonian

2 years ago
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English Estonian
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String information

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building or machine building or machine
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
et.po, string 2399