
English used with a setting that requires restart. Example: 'Scale (restart required)' used with a setting that requires restart. Example: 'Scale (restart required)'
Context English Estonian
ResearchVehicleCapIncrease2__name Vehicles management II Sõidukite haldamine II
ResearchVehicleCapIncrease3__name Vehicles management III Sõidukite haldamine III
ResearchVehicleCapIncrease4__name Vehicles management IV Sõidukite haldamine IV
ResearchVehicleCapIncrease5__name Vehicles management V Sõidukite haldamine V
ResearchVehicleCapIncrease6__name Vehicles management VI Sõidukite haldamine VI
ResearchVehicleRamps__name Ramp for vehicles Kaldtee sõidukitele
ResearchWaterRecovery__name Water recovery Vee ringakasutus
ResearchWaterTreatment__name Wastewater treatment Reovee puhastamine
ResearchWaterTreatment2__desc A more efficient wastewater treatment process. Tõhusam reovee puhastusprotsess.
ResearchWaterTreatment2__name Wastewater treatment II Reoveepuhastus II
ResearchWheatCrop__name Wheat farming & processing Nisu kasvatamine
ReserveStatus Reserve status Varude seis
Resolution Resolution Ekraani eraldusvõime
ResourceIsLow__name {0} resource is getting low {0} hakkab otsa lõppema
Resources Resources Ressursid
RestartRequiredSuffix {0} (restart required) {0} (vajalik taaskäivitamine)
RestoreDefaults Restore defaults Taasta vaikimisi seaded
RetainingWallCorner__name Retaining wall (corner) Tugisein (nurk)
RetainingWallCross__name Retaining wall (cross) Tugisein (ristuv)
RetainingWallsTitle Retaining walls Tugiseinad
RetainingWallStraight1__desc Prevents terrain from collapsing. Walls can be placed below the surface to prevent terrain collapse during mining, or above terrain to aid with dumping operations. The placement elevation is adjustable. Walls will collapse if they hold more than {0} units of height or if they are overfilled. Hoiab ära maastiku varingud. Seinad võib asetada maapinnast allapoole, et vältida maastiku varisemist kaevandamisel või maapinnale parandamaks sellele ladustamist. Paigutuse kõrgus on reguleeritav. Seinad varisevad kokku, kui nende kõrgus ületab {0} ühikut või on ületäidetud.
RetainingWallStraight1__name Retaining wall (short) Tugisein (lühike)
RetainingWallStraight4__name Retaining wall (long) Tugisein (pikk)
RetainingWallTee__name Retaining wall (tee) Tugisein (T)
RetiredWaste__NextDisposal Next disposal in: {0} Järgmine utiliseerimine: {0}
RetiredWaste__Tooltip Product into which the current stored waste transforms after it is no longer radioactive. Only some waste can be retired this way (more information can be found in the recipe book). Toode, milleks praegused ladustatud jäätmed muunduvad pärast seda, kui need ei ole enam radioaktiivsed. Ainult mõned jäätmed saab sel viisil kõrvaldada (lisateavet saab retseptiraamatust).
RightClickToRemove Right click to remove Eemaldamine paremklõpsates
RocketAssemblyDepot__CannotDestroy The {0} is not parked inside. {0} pole sisse pargitud.
RocketAssemblyDepot__desc Constructs space rockets and delivers them to the nearest {0} using a specialized transporter. The transporter is a large vehicle and cannot drive over uneven ground so make sure that the {0} is on the same height level as this building. Ehitab kosmoserakette ja toimetab need lähimasse {0}ile, kasutades selleks spetsiaalset transpordivahendit. Transportija on suur sõiduk ja ei saa sõita üle ebatasase maapinna, seega veenduge, et {0} on selle hoonega samal kõrgusel.
RocketAssemblyDepot__name Rocket assembly depot Rakettide koostejaam
RocketLaunchPad__desc Enables launching rockets to space! After a rocket is delivered and securely attached to the tower, it will be filled with fuel based on the rocket type. This has to match with connected fuel to this tower. Fuel is never stored at the launch pad for safety reasons. Water also needs to be connected since the launch process requires a large amount of it for dampening of rocket exhaust shockwaves. Võimaldab rakettide kosmosesse saatmist! Kui rakett on kohale toimetatud ja kindlalt torni külge kinnitatud, täidetakse see raketi tüübile vastava kütusega. See peab sobima selle torniga ühendatud kütusega. Kütust ei ladustata ohutuse tagamiseks kunagi stardiplatsi läheduses. Samuti tuleb ühendada vesi, sest stardiprotsessi käigus on vaja seda suures koguses, et summutada raketi heitgaasi lööklaineid.
Context English Estonian
ResearchVehicleCapIncrease5__name Vehicles management V Sõidukite haldamine V
ResearchVehicleCapIncrease6__name Vehicles management VI Sõidukite haldamine VI
ResearchVehicleCapIncrease__desc Increases vehicle limit by {0}. Suurendab sõidukite piirarvu {0}. võrra.
ResearchVehicleCapIncrease__name Vehicles management Sõidukite haldamine
ResearchVehicleRamps__name Ramp for vehicles Kaldtee sõidukitele
ResearchWaterRecovery__name Water recovery Vee ringakasutus
ResearchWaterTreatment2__desc A more efficient wastewater treatment process. Tõhusam reovee puhastusprotsess.
ResearchWaterTreatment2__name Wastewater treatment II Reoveepuhastus II
ResearchWaterTreatment__name Wastewater treatment Reovee puhastamine
ResearchWheatCrop__name Wheat farming & processing Nisu kasvatamine
Research__Detail Research Arendus
ReserveStatus Reserve status Varude seis
Resolution Resolution Ekraani eraldusvõime
ResourceIsLow__name {0} resource is getting low {0} hakkab otsa lõppema
Resources Resources Ressursid
RestartRequiredSuffix {0} (restart required) {0} (vajalik taaskäivitamine)
RestoreDefaults Restore defaults Taasta vaikimisi seaded
RetainingWallCorner__name Retaining wall (corner) Tugisein (nurk)
RetainingWallCross__name Retaining wall (cross) Tugisein (ristuv)
RetainingWallsTitle Retaining walls Tugiseinad
RetainingWallStraight1__desc Prevents terrain from collapsing. Walls can be placed below the surface to prevent terrain collapse during mining, or above terrain to aid with dumping operations. The placement elevation is adjustable. Walls will collapse if they hold more than {0} units of height or if they are overfilled. Hoiab ära maastiku varingud. Seinad võib asetada maapinnast allapoole, et vältida maastiku varisemist kaevandamisel või maapinnale parandamaks sellele ladustamist. Paigutuse kõrgus on reguleeritav. Seinad varisevad kokku, kui nende kõrgus ületab {0} ühikut või on ületäidetud.
RetainingWallStraight1__name Retaining wall (short) Tugisein (lühike)
RetainingWallStraight4__name Retaining wall (long) Tugisein (pikk)
RetainingWallTee__name Retaining wall (tee) Tugisein (T)
RetiredWaste__NextDisposal Next disposal in: {0} Järgmine utiliseerimine: {0}
RetiredWaste__Tooltip Product into which the current stored waste transforms after it is no longer radioactive. Only some waste can be retired this way (more information can be found in the recipe book). Toode, milleks praegused ladustatud jäätmed muunduvad pärast seda, kui need ei ole enam radioaktiivsed. Ainult mõned jäätmed saab sel viisil kõrvaldada (lisateavet saab retseptiraamatust).
RightClickToRemove Right click to remove Eemaldamine paremklõpsates
RocketAssemblyDepot__CannotDestroy The {0} is not parked inside. {0} pole sisse pargitud.
RocketAssemblyDepot__desc Constructs space rockets and delivers them to the nearest {0} using a specialized transporter. The transporter is a large vehicle and cannot drive over uneven ground so make sure that the {0} is on the same height level as this building. Ehitab kosmoserakette ja toimetab need lähimasse {0}ile, kasutades selleks spetsiaalset transpordivahendit. Transportija on suur sõiduk ja ei saa sõita üle ebatasase maapinna, seega veenduge, et {0} on selle hoonega samal kõrgusel.
RocketAssemblyDepot__name Rocket assembly depot Rakettide koostejaam


a year ago
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English Estonian
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String information

Source string comment
used with a setting that requires restart. Example: 'Scale (restart required)' used with a setting that requires restart. Example: 'Scale (restart required)'
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
et.po, string 2135