
English a difficulty option where player gets only a partial refund when deconstructing something a difficulty option where player gets only a partial refund when deconstructing something
Context English Estonian
RainwaterHarvester__desc Harvests rain water during rain. Has built-in small water tank. Korjab vihma ajal vett sisseehitatud väiksesse veepaaki.
RainwaterHarvester__name Rainwater harvester Vihmaveekoguja
RainyWeather__name Rainy Vihmane
Recipes Recipes Retseptid
Recipes__New New recipes Uued retseptid
RecipesBook__OpenHint Tip: You can right click a product icon in any recipe in the game to jump to this overview Näpunäide: Selle ülevaate saamiseks võite paremklõpsata toote ikooni igas mängu retseptis
RecipesBook__Title Recipes Retseptid
RecoverVehicle__Action Recover Päästa
RecoverVehicle__Tooltip The vehicle will be disassembled and reassembled at the nearest depot. Sõiduk võetakse lahti ja pannakse uuesti kokku lähimas depoos.
RecyclingEfficiency__Title Recycling efficiency Taaskasutusmäär
RecyclingEfficiency__Tooltip This does not relate to efficiency of this sorting plant. Instead it defines how efficiently your island converts waste into recyclables in places like maintenance depots and settlement. So for instance 40% efficiency means that 40% of the iron used in maintenance ends up in recyclables. What is not converted into recyclables gets wasted. Note that postponing processing of recyclables due to expectations of future increase in efficiency won't help as the conversion is done when recyclables are created not when they are sorted. Efficiency can be increased via research and edicts. Pole seotud selle sorteerimistehase tõhususega. Määratleb, kui tõhusalt muudab teie saar jäätmed ringlussevõetavateks materjalideks kohtades nagu hooldusdepood ja asum. Näiteks 40% kasutegur tähendab, et 40% hoolduses kasutatavast rauast on saadud ringlussevõetud materjalidest. Mida ei muudeta ringlussevõetavaks, läheb raisku. Pange tähele, et ringlussevõetud materjalide töötlemise edasilükkamine, eeldades, et tõhusus suureneb tulevikus, pole kasulik, sest ümbertöötlemine toimub siis, kui taaskasutatavad materjalid tekitatakse, mitte siis, kui neid sorteeritakse. Tõhusust saab suurendada arendustegevuse ja korralduste kaudu.
RecyclingIncrease__desc Recycling efficiency increased by {0} Ringlussevõtu tõhusus suurenes {0}
RecyclingIncrease__name Recycling increase Ringlussevõtu suurendus
RecyclingRatioIncrease +{0}% RECYCLING INCREASE +{0}% TAASKASUTUST
RefundOption__Full Full refund Täielik tagastus
RefundOption__Partial Partial refund Osaline tagastus
RelativeTime_Days {0} day ago {0} päev tagasi
RelativeTime_Hours {0} hour ago {0} tund tagasi
RelativeTime_Minutes {0} minute ago {0} minut tagasi
RelativeTime_Seconds {0} second ago {0} sekund tagasi
RemovalError__CannotRemove Cannot be removed Ei saa eemaldada
RemovalError__DepotMovingCargo Cargo is being transferred Last on liikvel
RemovalError__FarmHasAnimals Farm has animals Farmis on loomad
RemovalError__HasProductsStored Stored product needs to be emptied first Kaup tuleb esmalt ära viia
RemovalError__HasShipAssigned Cannot be removed - has a ship assigned Ei saa eemaldada - on määratud laeva külge
RemovalError__HousingHasModuleAttached Cannot remove a part of settlement that has some service buildings attached. Ei saa eemaldada osa asumist, mille küljes on teenindushooned.
RemovalError__NotContiguous Settlement must remain contiguous Asum peab jääma ühendatuks
RemovalError__RemoveModulesFirst Modules need to be removed first Moodulid tuleb kõigepealt eemaldada
RemovalError__ScrapItFirst Needs to be scrapped Tuleb lammutada
RemovalError__ShipHasCargo Ship has cargo Laeval on last
RemoveProducts Clear Eemalda
Context English Estonian
RainwaterHarvester__desc Harvests rain water during rain. Has built-in small water tank. Korjab vihma ajal vett sisseehitatud väiksesse veepaaki.
RainwaterHarvester__name Rainwater harvester Vihmaveekoguja
RainyWeather__name Rainy Vihmane
Recipes Recipes Retseptid
RecipesBook__OpenHint Tip: You can right click a product icon in any recipe in the game to jump to this overview Näpunäide: Selle ülevaate saamiseks võite paremklõpsata toote ikooni igas mängu retseptis
RecipesBook__Title Recipes Retseptid
Recipes__New New recipes Uued retseptid
RecoverVehicle__Action Recover Päästa
RecoverVehicle__Tooltip The vehicle will be disassembled and reassembled at the nearest depot. Sõiduk võetakse lahti ja pannakse uuesti kokku lähimas depoos.
RecyclingEfficiency__Title Recycling efficiency Taaskasutusmäär
RecyclingEfficiency__Tooltip This does not relate to efficiency of this sorting plant. Instead it defines how efficiently your island converts waste into recyclables in places like maintenance depots and settlement. So for instance 40% efficiency means that 40% of the iron used in maintenance ends up in recyclables. What is not converted into recyclables gets wasted. Note that postponing processing of recyclables due to expectations of future increase in efficiency won't help as the conversion is done when recyclables are created not when they are sorted. Efficiency can be increased via research and edicts. Pole seotud selle sorteerimistehase tõhususega. Määratleb, kui tõhusalt muudab teie saar jäätmed ringlussevõetavateks materjalideks kohtades nagu hooldusdepood ja asum. Näiteks 40% kasutegur tähendab, et 40% hoolduses kasutatavast rauast on saadud ringlussevõetud materjalidest. Mida ei muudeta ringlussevõetavaks, läheb raisku. Pange tähele, et ringlussevõetud materjalide töötlemise edasilükkamine, eeldades, et tõhusus suureneb tulevikus, pole kasulik, sest ümbertöötlemine toimub siis, kui taaskasutatavad materjalid tekitatakse, mitte siis, kui neid sorteeritakse. Tõhusust saab suurendada arendustegevuse ja korralduste kaudu.
RecyclingIncrease__desc Recycling efficiency increased by {0} Ringlussevõtu tõhusus suurenes {0}
RecyclingIncrease__name Recycling increase Ringlussevõtu suurendus
RecyclingRatioIncrease +{0}% RECYCLING INCREASE +{0}% TAASKASUTUST
RefundOption__Full Full refund Täielik tagastus
RefundOption__Partial Partial refund Osaline tagastus
RelativeTime_Days {0} day ago {0} päev tagasi
RelativeTime_Hours {0} hour ago {0} tund tagasi
RelativeTime_Minutes {0} minute ago {0} minut tagasi
RelativeTime_Seconds {0} second ago {0} sekund tagasi
RemovalError__CannotRemove Cannot be removed Ei saa eemaldada
RemovalError__DepotMovingCargo Cargo is being transferred Last on liikvel
RemovalError__FarmHasAnimals Farm has animals Farmis on loomad
RemovalError__HasProductsStored Stored product needs to be emptied first Kaup tuleb esmalt ära viia
RemovalError__HasShipAssigned Cannot be removed - has a ship assigned Ei saa eemaldada - on määratud laeva külge
RemovalError__HousingHasModuleAttached Cannot remove a part of settlement that has some service buildings attached. Ei saa eemaldada osa asumist, mille küljes on teenindushooned.
RemovalError__NotContiguous Settlement must remain contiguous Asum peab jääma ühendatuks
RemovalError__RemoveModulesFirst Modules need to be removed first Moodulid tuleb kõigepealt eemaldada
RemovalError__ScrapItFirst Needs to be scrapped Tuleb lammutada
RemovalError__ShipHasCargo Ship has cargo Laeval on last


User avatar tlnf

Translation changed

Captain of Industry / GameEstonian

5 months ago
User avatar tlnf

Translation uploaded

Captain of Industry / GameEstonian

5 months ago
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English Estonian
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String information

Source string comment
a difficulty option where player gets only a partial refund when deconstructing something a difficulty option where player gets only a partial refund when deconstructing something
String age
6 months ago
Source string age
6 months ago
Translation file
et.po, string 1845