
English title for window that shows overlays like resources, designations. title for window that shows overlays like resources, designations.
Context English Estonian
OreSorter_InputTitle Unsorted input Sorteerimata sisend
OreSorter_LimitReached A single facility cannot sort more than {0} different products Üks üksus ei saa sortida rohkem kui {0} erinevat toodet
OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Toggle Reject single-product loads Ühe toote laadimisest keeldumine
OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Tooltip Trucks carrying only one type of product will be rejected. Ainult ühte tüüpi tooteid vedavad veokid ei saa siin maha laadida.
OreSorter_ProductBlocked__Tooltip The sorter is not accepting more of this product because there is already too much of it. Sorteerija ei võta seda toodet enam vastu, sest seda on juba liiga palju.
OreSorter_SelectProducts Select products to sort Valige sortimiseks tooted
OreSortingPlantT1__desc This facility handles sorting of mixed materials loaded onto your trucks by excavators. This is required as trucks can't directly deliver mixed loads to storage units or buildings. See seade tegeleb teie veoautodele ekskavaatorite poolt laaditud segamaterjalide sorteerimisega. See on vajalik, kuna veokid ei saa segakoormat otse laoüksustesse või rajatistesse toimetada.
OreSortingPlantT1__name Ore sorting plant Maagi sorteerimise tehas
OutputPort__Tooltip ID of the port that outputs this product Seda toodet väljastava värava ID
OutputsTitle Outputs Väljundid
OutputThisProductOnly Output this product only Väljasta ainult seda toodet
OutputThisProductOnly__Tooltip If enabled, the output port of this storage will output only this product. Kui see on lubatud, väljastab selle lao väljundvärav ainult seda toodet.
Overlays__Designations Mining & dumping Kaevandamine & pinnakujundus
Overlays__Grid Terrain grid Maastiku ruudustik
Overlays__Resources Resources Ressursid
Overlays__Title Overlays Vaated
Overlays__Trees Tree harvesting Puidu varumine
OverwriteSave__Action Overwrite Kirjuta üle
OverwriteSave__ConfirmPrompt Are you sure you want to overwrite {0}? Kas olete kindel, et soovite {0} üle kirjutada?
OwnedVehicles Owned Olemas
OxygenFurnace__desc Creates steel by blowing pure oxygen under high-pressure into molten iron, lowering its carbon content. Toodab terast, puhudes kõrgsurvega hapnikku valurauda ja vähendades selle süsinikusisaldust.
OxygenFurnace__name Oxygen furnace Rauasulatusahi
OxygenFurnaceT2__name Oxygen furnace II Rauasulatusahi II
PalmTree__desc Palm tree Palmipuu
PartialTrucksToggle Allow partially loaded trucks Luba osalise koormatusega veokeid
PartialTrucksToggle__Tooltip If this is enabled and there are no jobs in the queue, trucks can be assigned delivery jobs that don’t necessarily utilize their cargo capacity fully (e.g. 50% cargo utilization). This makes logistics more responsive in the early phases of your island. However, later on, it is reasonable to disable this to save on fuel costs. Kui see on lubatud ja järjekorras töökäske pole, võib veoautodele määrata tarnetööd, mis ei pruugi oma lastimahtu täielikult ära kasutada (nt 50%-ne koormatus). See muudab logistika saare arengu varases etapis kiiremaks. Hiljem on mõistlik see kütusekulude kokkuhoiuks ära keelata.
ParticlesRenderingQuality Particles quality Osakeste kvaliteet
PasteString__Action Paste Kleebi
PasteString__Tooltip Click to paste a string from the clipboard. Klõpsake, et kleepida lõikelauast sõne.
PatchNotes Patch notes Muudatused
PatchNotes__New New changes since you last played Uued muudatused pärast viimast mängimist
Context English Estonian
OreSorter_InputTitle Unsorted input Sorteerimata sisend
OreSorter_LimitReached A single facility cannot sort more than {0} different products Üks üksus ei saa sortida rohkem kui {0} erinevat toodet
OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Toggle Reject single-product loads Ühe toote laadimisest keeldumine
OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Tooltip Trucks carrying only one type of product will be rejected. Ainult ühte tüüpi tooteid vedavad veokid ei saa siin maha laadida.
OreSorter_ProductBlocked__Tooltip The sorter is not accepting more of this product because there is already too much of it. Sorteerija ei võta seda toodet enam vastu, sest seda on juba liiga palju.
OreSorter_SelectProducts Select products to sort Valige sortimiseks tooted
OreSortingPlantT1__desc This facility handles sorting of mixed materials loaded onto your trucks by excavators. This is required as trucks can't directly deliver mixed loads to storage units or buildings. See seade tegeleb teie veoautodele ekskavaatorite poolt laaditud segamaterjalide sorteerimisega. See on vajalik, kuna veokid ei saa segakoormat otse laoüksustesse või rajatistesse toimetada.
OreSortingPlantT1__name Ore sorting plant Maagi sorteerimise tehas
OutputPort__Tooltip ID of the port that outputs this product Seda toodet väljastava värava ID
OutputsTitle Outputs Väljundid
OutputThisProductOnly Output this product only Väljasta ainult seda toodet
OutputThisProductOnly__Tooltip If enabled, the output port of this storage will output only this product. Kui see on lubatud, väljastab selle lao väljundvärav ainult seda toodet.
Overlays__Designations Mining & dumping Kaevandamine & pinnakujundus
Overlays__Grid Terrain grid Maastiku ruudustik
Overlays__Resources Resources Ressursid
Overlays__Title Overlays Vaated
Overlays__Trees Tree harvesting Puidu varumine
OverwriteSave__Action Overwrite Kirjuta üle
OverwriteSave__ConfirmPrompt Are you sure you want to overwrite {0}? Kas olete kindel, et soovite {0} üle kirjutada?
OwnedVehicles Owned Olemas
OxygenFurnaceT2__name Oxygen furnace II Rauasulatusahi II
OxygenFurnace__desc Creates steel by blowing pure oxygen under high-pressure into molten iron, lowering its carbon content. Toodab terast, puhudes kõrgsurvega hapnikku valurauda ja vähendades selle süsinikusisaldust.
OxygenFurnace__name Oxygen furnace Rauasulatusahi
PalmTree__desc Palm tree Palmipuu
PartialTrucksToggle Allow partially loaded trucks Luba osalise koormatusega veokeid
PartialTrucksToggle__Tooltip If this is enabled and there are no jobs in the queue, trucks can be assigned delivery jobs that don’t necessarily utilize their cargo capacity fully (e.g. 50% cargo utilization). This makes logistics more responsive in the early phases of your island. However, later on, it is reasonable to disable this to save on fuel costs. Kui see on lubatud ja järjekorras töökäske pole, võib veoautodele määrata tarnetööd, mis ei pruugi oma lastimahtu täielikult ära kasutada (nt 50%-ne koormatus). See muudab logistika saare arengu varases etapis kiiremaks. Hiljem on mõistlik see kütusekulude kokkuhoiuks ära keelata.
ParticlesRenderingQuality Particles quality Osakeste kvaliteet
PasteString__Action Paste Kleebi
PasteString__Tooltip Click to paste a string from the clipboard. Klõpsake, et kleepida lõikelauast sõne.
PatchNotes Patch notes Muudatused


User avatar tlnf

Translation changed

Captain of Industry / GameEstonian

3 years ago
User avatar tlnf

Translation uploaded

Captain of Industry / GameEstonian

3 years ago
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English Estonian
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String information

Source string comment
title for window that shows overlays like resources, designations. title for window that shows overlays like resources, designations.
String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
et.po, string 1542