
English Title of a panel showing the option to take a new loan. Title of a panel showing the option to take a new loan.
Context English Estonian
Loan_CreditScore Credit score Krediidiskoor
Loan_CreditScore__Tooltip Shows how well you keep up with payments. A higher score means you can get better loan deals. Paying on time boosts your score, but missing payments lowers it, making it trickier to get new loans later on. Näitab, kui hästi hoiate end maksetega kursis. Kõrgem skoor tähendab, et saate paremaid laenupakkumisi. Õigeaegne maksmine suurendab teie skoori, kuid maksete puudumine vähendab seda, muutes hiljem uute laenude saamise keerulisemaks.
Loan_Debt Debt Võlg
Loan_DurationTooltip The loan duration sets your minimum annual payment. You can always repay your loan earlier. Laenu kestus määrab teie minimaalse aastase makse. Laenu saad alati varem tagasi maksta.
Loan_Fee Fee Tasu
Loan_Fee__Tooltip A one-time fee applied to each new loan. Igale uuele laenule rakendub ühekordne tasu.
Loan_InterestRate Interest rate Intress
Loan_InterestRate__Tooltip Annual interest rate applied to new loans. The rate varies with your credit score. Uute laenude aastane intressimäär. See määr sõltub teie krediidiskoorist.
Loan_InterestSoFar Interest accumulated so far Seni kogunenud intressid
Loan_LifetimeInterest Lifetime interest Koguintress
Loan_MaxLoans Max. loans Max laenud
Loan_MaxLoans__Tooltip Determines the number of active loans you can have simultaneously. Määrab aktiivsete laenude arvu, mida saate korraga võtta.
Loan_MaxToBorrowTooltip The maximum you can borrow is based on your past production performance and credit score. Maksimaalne laenatav summa põhineb teie varasematel tootmistulemustel ja krediidiskooril.
Loan_Multiplier Volume multiplier Mahu kordaja
Loan_Multiplier__Tooltip Affects the quantity you can borrow, adjusted based on your credit score. Mõjutab teie krediidireitingule kohandatud laenusummat.
Loan_NewLoan New loan Uus laen
Loan_NextPayment Next payment Järgmine makse
Loan_NextPayment__Tooltip Payments are automatically taken from your trade dock. Ensure sufficient quantity is available. Maksed võetakse automaatselt teie kaubandusdokist. Veenduge, et saadaval on piisav kogus.
Loan_NextPaymentIn in sisse
Loan_NotAvailable__LowProduction Your production history doesn't meet the minimum criteria to borrow this product. Teie tootmisajalugu ei vasta selle toote laenamise miinimumnõuetele.
Loan_NotAvailable__MaxLoans You've reached the limit for loans you can have at once. Olete saavutanud laenulimiidi, mida saate korraga võtta.
Loan_NotAvailable__QuantityHigh You can't borrow more than {0} Te ei saa laenata rohkem kui {0}
Loan_NotAvailable__QuantityLow You can't borrow less than {0} Te ei saa laenata vähem kui {0}
Loan_Overdue Overdue! Tähtaeg hilinenud!
Loan_PaymentBuffer__Closed Buffer closed Puhver suletud
Loan_PaymentBuffer__ClosedTooltip Repayment buffer opens {0} before each payment. This one opens in {1}. Tagasimaksepuhver avaneb {0} enne iga makset. Avanemiseni {1}.
Loan_PaymentBuffer__PriorityToggle Sets the priority for vehicles to deliver products to this buffer. A lower number indicates higher priority. Määrab sõidukite prioriteedi toodete sellesse puhvrisse tarnimisel. Väiksem arv näitab kõrgemat prioriteeti.
Loan_PaymentBuffers__Title Loan payments Laenumaksed
Loan_PaymentBuffers__Tooltip For every active loan, there's a product buffer in this dock. When a loan payment is due, products are deducted from the buffer to cover the payment. Trucks should regularly deliver payment products to the dock. Access for these deliveries opens up a few months before each due date. Rebuilding the dock won't affect payment capabilities. Iga aktiivse laenu jaoks on selles dokis tootepuhver. Kui laenumakse tähtaeg on käes, arvatakse tooted makse katteks puhvrist maha. Veokid peaksid regulaarselt maksetooteid dokki tarnima. Juurdepääs nendele tarnetele avaneb paar kuud enne iga tähtpäeva. Doki ümberehitamine ei mõjuta maksevõimalusi.
Loan_PayPerYear__part1 Pay Maksma
Loan_PayPerYear__part2 each year for the duration of: igal aastal ajavahemikul:
Context English Estonian
Loan_CreditScore Credit score Krediidiskoor
Loan_CreditScore__Tooltip Shows how well you keep up with payments. A higher score means you can get better loan deals. Paying on time boosts your score, but missing payments lowers it, making it trickier to get new loans later on. Näitab, kui hästi hoiate end maksetega kursis. Kõrgem skoor tähendab, et saate paremaid laenupakkumisi. Õigeaegne maksmine suurendab teie skoori, kuid maksete puudumine vähendab seda, muutes hiljem uute laenude saamise keerulisemaks.
Loan_Debt Debt Võlg
Loan_DurationTooltip The loan duration sets your minimum annual payment. You can always repay your loan earlier. Laenu kestus määrab teie minimaalse aastase makse. Laenu saad alati varem tagasi maksta.
Loan_Fee Fee Tasu
Loan_Fee__Tooltip A one-time fee applied to each new loan. Igale uuele laenule rakendub ühekordne tasu.
Loan_InterestRate Interest rate Intress
Loan_InterestRate__Tooltip Annual interest rate applied to new loans. The rate varies with your credit score. Uute laenude aastane intressimäär. See määr sõltub teie krediidiskoorist.
Loan_InterestSoFar Interest accumulated so far Seni kogunenud intressid
Loan_LifetimeInterest Lifetime interest Koguintress
Loan_MaxLoans Max. loans Max laenud
Loan_MaxLoans__Tooltip Determines the number of active loans you can have simultaneously. Määrab aktiivsete laenude arvu, mida saate korraga võtta.
Loan_MaxToBorrowTooltip The maximum you can borrow is based on your past production performance and credit score. Maksimaalne laenatav summa põhineb teie varasematel tootmistulemustel ja krediidiskooril.
Loan_Multiplier Volume multiplier Mahu kordaja
Loan_Multiplier__Tooltip Affects the quantity you can borrow, adjusted based on your credit score. Mõjutab teie krediidireitingule kohandatud laenusummat.
Loan_NewLoan New loan Uus laen
Loan_NextPayment Next payment Järgmine makse
Loan_NextPaymentIn in sisse
Loan_NextPayment__Tooltip Payments are automatically taken from your trade dock. Ensure sufficient quantity is available. Maksed võetakse automaatselt teie kaubandusdokist. Veenduge, et saadaval on piisav kogus.
Loan_NotAvailable__LowProduction Your production history doesn't meet the minimum criteria to borrow this product. Teie tootmisajalugu ei vasta selle toote laenamise miinimumnõuetele.
Loan_NotAvailable__MaxLoans You've reached the limit for loans you can have at once. Olete saavutanud laenulimiidi, mida saate korraga võtta.
Loan_NotAvailable__QuantityHigh You can't borrow more than {0} Te ei saa laenata rohkem kui {0}
Loan_NotAvailable__QuantityLow You can't borrow less than {0} Te ei saa laenata vähem kui {0}
Loan_Overdue Overdue! Tähtaeg hilinenud!
Loan_PaymentBuffers__Title Loan payments Laenumaksed
Loan_PaymentBuffers__Tooltip For every active loan, there's a product buffer in this dock. When a loan payment is due, products are deducted from the buffer to cover the payment. Trucks should regularly deliver payment products to the dock. Access for these deliveries opens up a few months before each due date. Rebuilding the dock won't affect payment capabilities. Iga aktiivse laenu jaoks on selles dokis tootepuhver. Kui laenumakse tähtaeg on käes, arvatakse tooted makse katteks puhvrist maha. Veokid peaksid regulaarselt maksetooteid dokki tarnima. Juurdepääs nendele tarnetele avaneb paar kuud enne iga tähtpäeva. Doki ümberehitamine ei mõjuta maksevõimalusi.
Loan_PaymentBuffer__Closed Buffer closed Puhver suletud
Loan_PaymentBuffer__ClosedTooltip Repayment buffer opens {0} before each payment. This one opens in {1}. Tagasimaksepuhver avaneb {0} enne iga makset. Avanemiseni {1}.
Loan_PaymentBuffer__PriorityToggle Sets the priority for vehicles to deliver products to this buffer. A lower number indicates higher priority. Määrab sõidukite prioriteedi toodete sellesse puhvrisse tarnimisel. Väiksem arv näitab kõrgemat prioriteeti.
Loan_PayPerYear__part1 Pay Maksma


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Captain of Industry / GameEstonian

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Captain of Industry / GameEstonian

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English Estonian
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Title of a panel showing the option to take a new loan. Title of a panel showing the option to take a new loan.
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6 months ago
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6 months ago
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et.po, string 1212