
English player can't trade an animal (e.g. chicken) as they have no farm where they could place it into, note: players confuse regular farm with animal farm, try to make it clear player can't trade an animal (e.g. chicken) as they have no farm where they could place it into
Context English Spanish
TrAdditionError__TypesNoMatch Incompatible type Formato incompatible
Trade__Action Trade Comercio
Trade__SoldOut Sold out Vendido
TradeDock__desc Allows trading of various goods with villages on the world map. All the products you trade are delivered into a trading dock. Also, trading can be a lifesaver if you run into a shortage of critical products, so it is advised to always have a trading dock available. Permite el comercio de diversos bienes con pueblos del mapa del mundo. Todos los productos que se comercializan se entregarán en un muelle de comercio. Además, el comercio puede salvarle la vida si te encuentras con una escasez de productos críticos, por lo que se recomienda tener siempre un muelle de comercio disponible.
TradeDock__name Trading dock Muelle de comercio
TradeDockCargo__Tooltip All the products acquired from trading get delivered here. Todos los productos adquiridos a través del comercio se entregan aquí.
TradeOfferDelivered Products were delivered to your trading dock! ¡Los productos se entregaron en su muelle comercial!
TradeOfferDelivered__Animal Animals were delivered to your farm! ¡Los animales fueron entregados a tu granja!
TradeOfferDelivered__CargoShip You new cargo ship is ready to use! ¡Tu nuevo carguero está listo para usar!
TradeOffers Quick trade offers Ofertas comerciales rápidas
TradeOffers__Tooltip Trade offers require a Trading dock. These trades are performed instantly - products to export are removed from your storage and imported ones will appear in your Trading dock. Product on the left side is the one you are exporting (selling) and the one on the right side is being imported. These trades get expensive with higher volumes and are typically less profitable when compared to contracts. Las ofertas de comercio requieren un muelle de comercio. Estos intercambios se realizan de forma instantánea: los productos a exportar se retiran de su almacén y los importados aparecerán en su muelle de comercio. El producto de la izquierda es el que está exportando (vendiendo) y el de la derecha está siendo importado. Estas operaciones se encarecen con volúmenes más altos y suelen ser menos rentables en comparación con los contratos.
TradeStatus__CantAfford You don't have enough products to trade with No tiene suficientes productos para comerciar
TradeStatus__Info Products will be delivered to your trading dock immediately Los productos se entregarán en su muelle comercial de inmediato.
TradeStatus__Info_Animal Animals will be transported to your farm immediately Los animales serán transportados a su granja inmediatamente
TradeStatus__Info_CargoShip The ship will be immediately available after the purchase El barco estará disponible inmediatamente después de la compra
TradeStatus__NoSpaceInFarm Not enough space in animal farm or no animal farm built No hay suficiente espacio en la granja de animales o no se ha construido una granja de animales
TradeStatus__NoTradeDock You need to build a trading dock first Primero necesitas construir un muelle de comercio
TradeStatus__NoUnity Not enough Unity No hay suficiente Unidad
TradeStatus__SoldOut Sold out - come back later Agotado - vuelve más tarde
TradeStatus__TradeDockNotOperational Trade dock is not in operational state or ship access is blocked El muelle comercial no está en estado operativo o el acceso del barco está bloqueado
TradeTitle Trade Comercio
TradeWithVillage Trade with a village Comercio con otro asentamiento vecino
TransportedProducts Transported products Productos transportados
TransportHeightTooltip Height: {0} Altura: {0}
TransportMode Transport build Construcción de transporte
transportsCategory__name Transports Transportes
TransportSnappingOff__Title Belts & pipes snapping is off
TransportSnappingOff__Tooltip You have disabled snapping of belts & pipes. This is useful when trying to stack them on top of each other. But it is not suitable for regular building. You can disable this by pressing the {0} key.
TransportsPillar__desc Pillar that supports transports. Pilar que soporta transportes.
TransportsPillar__name Pillar Pilar
TransportTool__NoTurnTooltip Hold the shortcut key to enforce straight belt / pipe without any turns. Mantenga presionada la tecla de método abreviado para hacer que la cinta / tubería sea recta sin giros.
Context English Spanish
TrAdditionError__TerrainCollision Collision with terrain Colisión con el terreno
TrAdditionError__TooCloseToOtherMiniZipper Too close to other {0} Demasiado cerca de otro {0}
TrAdditionError__TypesNoMatch Incompatible type Formato incompatible
TradeDockCargo__Tooltip All the products acquired from trading get delivered here. Todos los productos adquiridos a través del comercio se entregan aquí.
TradeDock__desc Allows trading of various goods with villages on the world map. All the products you trade are delivered into a trading dock. Also, trading can be a lifesaver if you run into a shortage of critical products, so it is advised to always have a trading dock available. Permite el comercio de diversos bienes con pueblos del mapa del mundo. Todos los productos que se comercializan se entregarán en un muelle de comercio. Además, el comercio puede salvarle la vida si te encuentras con una escasez de productos críticos, por lo que se recomienda tener siempre un muelle de comercio disponible.
TradeDock__name Trading dock Muelle de comercio
TradeOfferDelivered Products were delivered to your trading dock! ¡Los productos se entregaron en su muelle comercial!
TradeOfferDelivered__Animal Animals were delivered to your farm! ¡Los animales fueron entregados a tu granja!
TradeOfferDelivered__CargoShip You new cargo ship is ready to use! ¡Tu nuevo carguero está listo para usar!
TradeOffers Quick trade offers Ofertas comerciales rápidas
TradeOffers__Tooltip Trade offers require a Trading dock. These trades are performed instantly - products to export are removed from your storage and imported ones will appear in your Trading dock. Product on the left side is the one you are exporting (selling) and the one on the right side is being imported. These trades get expensive with higher volumes and are typically less profitable when compared to contracts. Las ofertas de comercio requieren un muelle de comercio. Estos intercambios se realizan de forma instantánea: los productos a exportar se retiran de su almacén y los importados aparecerán en su muelle de comercio. El producto de la izquierda es el que está exportando (vendiendo) y el de la derecha está siendo importado. Estas operaciones se encarecen con volúmenes más altos y suelen ser menos rentables en comparación con los contratos.
TradeStatus__CantAfford You don't have enough products to trade with No tiene suficientes productos para comerciar
TradeStatus__Info Products will be delivered to your trading dock immediately Los productos se entregarán en su muelle comercial de inmediato.
TradeStatus__Info_Animal Animals will be transported to your farm immediately Los animales serán transportados a su granja inmediatamente
TradeStatus__Info_CargoShip The ship will be immediately available after the purchase El barco estará disponible inmediatamente después de la compra
TradeStatus__NoSpaceInFarm Not enough space in animal farm or no animal farm built No hay suficiente espacio en la granja de animales o no se ha construido una granja de animales
TradeStatus__NoTradeDock You need to build a trading dock first Primero necesitas construir un muelle de comercio
TradeStatus__NoUnity Not enough Unity No hay suficiente Unidad
TradeStatus__SoldOut Sold out - come back later Agotado - vuelve más tarde
TradeStatus__TradeDockNotOperational Trade dock is not in operational state or ship access is blocked El muelle comercial no está en estado operativo o el acceso del barco está bloqueado
TradeTitle Trade Comercio
TradeWithVillage Trade with a village Comercio con otro asentamiento vecino
Trade__Action Trade Comercio
Trade__SoldOut Sold out Vendido
TransportedProducts Transported products Productos transportados
TransportHeightTooltip Height: {0} Altura: {0}
TransportMode Transport build Construcción de transporte
transportsCategory__name Transports Transportes
TransportSnappingOff__Title Belts & pipes snapping is off
TransportSnappingOff__Tooltip You have disabled snapping of belts & pipes. This is useful when trying to stack them on top of each other. But it is not suitable for regular building. You can disable this by pressing the {0} key.


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Captain of Industry / GameSpanish

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Captain of Industry / GameSpanish

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Captain of Industry / GameSpanish

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Captain of Industry / GameSpanish

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There are 9 variants of this string.



English Spanish
or ó Glossary

String information

Source string comment
player can't trade an animal (e.g. chicken) as they have no farm where they could place it into, note: players confuse regular farm with animal farm, try to make it clear player can't trade an animal (e.g. chicken) as they have no farm where they could place it into
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
es.po, string 2534