
English notification
Context English Czech
NewGameWizard__GameName__InUse This game name is already in use
NewGameWizard__GameName__InvalidChars The provided game name contains invalid characters
NewGameWizard__Launch Launch game Začít novou hru
NewGameWizard__MapSelection Map selection Výběr mapy
NewGameWizard__Mechanics Mechanics
NewGameWizard__Title New game Nová hra
NewRefugees Population increased! Počet obyvatel se zvýšil!
NewRefugees__Beacon Refugees joined our island! Good job, beacon! Uprchlíci se připojili k našemu ostrovu! Dobrá práce, majáku!
NoAvailableMineDesignInTowerArea__name {entity} has no available designations to be mined in its area {entity} nemá ve své oblasti dostupné žádné označení pro těžbu
NoCropToGrow__name Farm has no crop assigned Farma nemá přidělenou žádnou plodinu
NoForestryDesignInTowerArea__name {entity} has no forestry designations in its area
NoLabAvailable No lab available Laboratoř není k dispozici
NoMineDesignInTowerArea__name {entity} has no mining designations in its area {entity} nemá žádné označení těžby ve své oblasti
None None Žádné
NoOptions No options found
NoProductAssignedToEntity__name {entity} has no product assigned
NoRecipeSelected__name {entity} has no recipe selected {entity} nemá vybraný žádný recept
NoResearchSelected No research Výzkum není vybrán
NoResourceToExtract__name {entity} has no resource to extract {entity} nemá žádný zdroj k vytěžení
NotEnoughFuelToRefuel__name Not enough fuel to refuel a vehicle Nedostatek paliva k natankování vozidla
NotEnoughMaintenance__name Not enough {0} Nedostatek {0}
NotEnoughPower__name Not enough electricity Nedostatek elektřiny
NotEnoughUpoints__name Not enough Unity Nedostatek Soudržnosti
NotEnoughUpointsForEntity__name {entity} has not enough Unity {entity} nemá dost jednotek
NotEnoughWorkers__name Not enough workers Nedostatek pracovníků
NothingFound Nothing found
NothingFoundFor Nothing found for '{0}' Pro '{0}' nebylo nic nalezeno
Notification__NewRefugees New refugees Noví uprchlíci
Notification__ResearchComplete FINISHED: {0} DOKONČENO: {0}
Notification__ShipInBattle SHIP IN BATTLE LOĎ V BITVĚ
Context English Czech
NewGameWizard__GameName__InUse This game name is already in use
NewGameWizard__GameName__InvalidChars The provided game name contains invalid characters
NewGameWizard__Launch Launch game Začít novou hru
NewGameWizard__MapSelection Map selection Výběr mapy
NewGameWizard__Mechanics Mechanics
NewGameWizard__Title New game Nová hra
NewRefugees Population increased! Počet obyvatel se zvýšil!
NewRefugees__Beacon Refugees joined our island! Good job, beacon! Uprchlíci se připojili k našemu ostrovu! Dobrá práce, majáku!
NoAvailableMineDesignInTowerArea__name {entity} has no available designations to be mined in its area {entity} nemá ve své oblasti dostupné žádné označení pro těžbu
NoCropToGrow__name Farm has no crop assigned Farma nemá přidělenou žádnou plodinu
NoForestryDesignInTowerArea__name {entity} has no forestry designations in its area
NoLabAvailable No lab available Laboratoř není k dispozici
NoMineDesignInTowerArea__name {entity} has no mining designations in its area {entity} nemá žádné označení těžby ve své oblasti
None None Žádné
NoOptions No options found
NoProductAssignedToEntity__name {entity} has no product assigned
NoRecipeSelected__name {entity} has no recipe selected {entity} nemá vybraný žádný recept
NoResearchSelected No research Výzkum není vybrán
NoResourceToExtract__name {entity} has no resource to extract {entity} nemá žádný zdroj k vytěžení
NotEnoughFuelToRefuel__name Not enough fuel to refuel a vehicle Nedostatek paliva k natankování vozidla
NotEnoughMaintenance__name Not enough {0} Nedostatek {0}
NotEnoughPower__name Not enough electricity Nedostatek elektřiny
NotEnoughUpointsForEntity__name {entity} has not enough Unity {entity} nemá dost jednotek
NotEnoughUpoints__name Not enough Unity Nedostatek Soudržnosti
NotEnoughWorkers__name Not enough workers Nedostatek pracovníků
NothingFound Nothing found
NothingFoundFor Nothing found for '{0}' Pro '{0}' nebylo nic nalezeno
Notifications__Mute Mute notifications
Notifications__NoNew No new notifications
Notifications__Unmute Unmute notifications


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English Czech
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string comment
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
cs.po, string 1434