
English name: unit product name: unit product
Context English Catalan
Product_MicrochipsStage3A__name Microchips stage 3 a Microxips etapa 3 a
Product_MicrochipsStage3B__name Microchips stage 3 b Microxips etapa 3 b
Product_MicrochipsStage3C__name Microchips stage 3 c Microxips etapa 3 c
Product_MicrochipsStage4A__name Microchips stage 4 a Microxips etapa 4 a
Product_MicrochipsStage4B__name Microchips stage 4 b Microxips etapa 4 b
Product_MoltenCopper__name Molten copper Coure fos
Product_MoltenGlass__name Molten glass Vidre fos
Product_MoltenIron__name Molten iron Ferro fos
Product_MoltenSilicon__name Molten silicon Silici fos
Product_MoltenSteel__name Molten steel Acer fos
Product_Morphine__name Morphine Morfina
Product_MoxRod__name MOX rod Barra MOX
Product_Naphtha__name Naphtha Nafta
Product_Nitrogen__name Nitrogen Nitrogen (gas)
Product_Oxygen__name Oxygen Oxigen
Product_Paper__name Paper Paper
Product_PCB__name PCB PCB
Product_Plastic__name Plastic Plàstic
Product_Plutonium__name Plutonium Plutoni
Product_PolySilicon__name Silicon (poly) Silici (poli)
Product_Poppy__name Poppy Rosella
Product_Potato__name Potato Patata
Product_Quartz__name Quartz Quars
Product_QuartzCrushed__name Quartz crushed Quars triturat
Product_Recyclables__name Recyclables Reciclables
Product_RecyclablesPressed__name Recyclables pressed Reciclables premsats
Product_RetiredWaste__name Retired waste Residus nuclears retirats
Product_Rock__name Rock Pedra
Product_Rubber__name Rubber Cautxú
Product_Salt__name Salt Sal
Product_Sand__name Sand Sorra


a year ago
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English Catalan
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name: unit product name: unit product
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a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
ca.po, string 1733