A balanced map, great for new or casual players. The starting location offers easy access to all resources and plenty of space to build a large factory. Later on, create ramps to the higher platforms to scale up industrial and mining operations. This is the first and oldest map in Captain of Industry. It was first available in a closed-alpha build in October of 2021. Back then, it was the only playable map in the game.
Eine Karte aus der Alpha, die besonders für Einsteiger und Gelegenheitsspieler geeignet ist. Man startet auf der unteren Ebene der Insel und findet hier alle benötigten Resourcen sowie genug Platz für die Frachthäfen. Später kann man Rampen zu den höheren Ebenen bauen um weitere Resourcen zu erschließen sowie die Fabrik zu vergrößern.
Trucks will be allowed to collect a product. But once the product is successfully dispatched via a conveyor / pipe, trucks will no longer be allowed to collect it. If the conveyor / pipe gets disconnected afterwards, truck collections get restored.
Lastwagen dürfen ein Produkt nur abholen, wenn kein Förderband / keine Rohrleitung angeschlossen ist.
This is the first and oldest map in Captain of Industry. It was first available in a closed-alpha build in October of 2021. Back then, it was the only playable map in the game.