From time to time diseases appear in your settlement. Some diseases occur as a consequence of lack of facilities in your settlement. Some are just seasonal diseases that can't be affected much. When your ship goes for explorations, her crew can bring more severe versions of seasonal diseases back to the island.
S vremena na vreme bolesti se pojavljuju u vašem naselju. Neke bolesti se dešavaju kao posledica nedostatka određenih ustanova u vašem naselju. Neke su jednostavno sezonske koje se ne mogu sprečiti. Kada vaš brod krene na ekspediciju, njegova posada može doneti nazad komplikovanije sezonske bolesti nazad na ostrvo.
Welcome to Curland, the slender and elongated island bursting with space and natural riches. Its curly shape adds a delightful challenge to constructing sizable factories – prepare to make a robust logistics network capable of traversing the lengthy distances along its elegant curl. For the adventurous, consider connecting the ends to establish a circular logistics loop, turning the island's weakness into a strategic advantage. Rumors of a substantial crude oil deposit circulate, but it has yet to be found.
Prelepo ostrvo koje je bogato prirodnim resursima ali zaobljeni oblik čini ga ne pristupačnim za izgradnju velikih postrojenja. Možete čak i pokušati da spojite dva kraja kako bi napravili krug!
Each farm can be set up with a crop rotation schedule up to 4 seasons long. Crops will be grown in order from left to right, any missing crops will be automatically skipped. For example, to set up a two crop rotation select two crops in the schedule and leave everything else blank. Crop rotation can be important for farm’s fertility.
Na svakoj farmi može biti podesen raspored useva do 4 sezone. Usevi će biti uzgajani u redosledu sa leve na desno, gde će se svaki usev kojeg neam sutomatski biti preskočen. Na primer, da bi odabrali dva useva za rotaciju, odaberite prva dva polja koje useve želite a ostale ostavite praznim. Redosled useva može biti veoma važno za plodnost farme.