Shipyard will not unload cargo from the ship unless some of its cargo gets removed first. That can be done by building external storages for the products stored here.
LaevatehasSadam ei lae laevalt lasti maha enne, kui osa sellest on eelnevalt mujale ladustatud. See on võimalik siin ladustatavate toodete jaoks väliste hoidlate ehitamisega.
Move the left green slider to the right to make this building transfer the stored fuel into the ship. This building will also request trucks to keep its storage filled up to the green marker.
Liigutage vasakut rohelist liugurit paremale, et laevatehassadam saadaks kütust laevale. LaevatehasSadam tellib ka veokeid kütusehoidla täitmiseks kuni rohelise tähiseni.